Type: Built Deck
Format (legal 👍)
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Avg. CMC 2.33
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 83 cards, 22 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (26)
4 Fanatical Firebrand
$0.10 Creature - Goblin Pirate
4 Ghitu Lavarunner
$0.08 Creature - Human Wizard
4 Goblin Chainwhirler
$0.71 Creature - Goblin Warrior
2 Rekindling Phoenix
$0.73 Creature - Phoenix
4 Runaway Steam-Kin
$0.88 Creature - Elemental
4 Vexing Devil
$3.43 Creature - Devil
4 Viashino Pyromancer
$0.09 Creature - Viashino Wizard
Instant (12)
4 Lightning Strike
$0.21 Instant
4 Shock
$0.04 Instant
4 Wizard's Lightning
$0.17 Instant
Sorcery (10)
4 Fight with Fire
$0.05 Sorcery
4 Light Up the Stage
$0.20 Sorcery
2 Skewer the Critics
$0.16 Sorcery
Artifact (1)
1 Chandra's Regulator
$0.24 Legendary Artifact
Enchantment (2)
2 Experimental Frenzy
$0.16 Enchantment
Planeswalker (5)
2 Chandra, Bold Pyromancer
$3.14 Legendary Planeswalker - Chandra
2 Chandra, Fire Artisan
$0.31 Legendary Planeswalker - Chandra
1 Chandra, Torch of Defiance
$1.66 Legendary Planeswalker - Chandra
Land (20)
20 Mountain
$0.10 Basic Land - Mountain
Token (5)
2 Devil
N/A Token Creature - Devil
3 Elemental
N/A Token Creature - Elemental
Emblem (2)
2 Emblem: Chandra, Torch of Defiance
$0.44 Emblem - Chandra
Sideboard - 31 cards, 17 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (11)
1 Arclight Phoenix
$2.10 Creature - Phoenix
4 Diamond Mare
$0.23 Artifact Creature - Horse
1 Electrostatic Field
$1.21 Creature - Wall
4 Lightning Mare
$0.10 Creature - Elemental Horse
1 Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion
$0.45 Legendary Creature - Zombie Minotaur Warrior
Instant (8)
2 Chandra's Triumph
$0.08 Instant
3 Fiery Cannonade
$0.14 Instant
2 Infuriate
$0.04 Instant
1 Risk Factor
$0.57 Instant
Sorcery (3)
1 Banefire
$0.63 Sorcery
2 Lava Coil
$0.06 Sorcery
Planeswalker (7)
1 Chandra, Acolyte of Flame
$0.90 Legendary Planeswalker - Chandra
1 Chandra, Fire Artisan
$0.31 Legendary Planeswalker - Chandra
1 Chandra, Novice Pyromancer
$0.19 Legendary Planeswalker - Chandra
1 Jaya, Venerated Firemage
$0.20 Legendary Planeswalker - Jaya
3 Tibalt, Rakish Instigator
$0.18 Legendary Planeswalker - Tibalt
Land (2)
2 Mountain
$0.10 Basic Land - Mountain
Scratchpad - 0 cards, 0 distinct
Cards in the scratchpad represent cards that you are considering for this deck, but are not actually in the built deck. They do not count towards the in built decks count shown in your inventory. If you are using the Auto Trade feature, they will be still be marked for trade although cards in your main deck and sideboard will not.
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