Type: Deck Idea
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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Sideboard and Matchup Guide
RUG Delver
While Snoko’s primary game plan can make things difficult for Delver (specifically because Uro is so potent in the matchup), RUG still has game in the matchup. Post-board, Klothys can completely take over the game, especially against this version of Snow which is so reliant on Uro. I don’t like leaving in Force of Will, even if you expect Klothys because your cards can essentially answer everything else. Sylvan Library and Plague Engineer seem like they’re about as good as one another, but I don’t like going overboard on any one of those effects. Sylvan doesn’t impact the board, so drawing multiples can be pretty bad and the Engineer doesn’t really answer their threats, but it can definitely create a speed bump for them.

RUG Delver
Out: 4 Force of Will, 2 Force of Negation, 1-2 Sylvan Library

In: 2 Carpet of Flowers, 3 Pyroblast, 1 Red Elemental Blast, 1-2 Plague Engineer

Since they only need to resolve a single card this can be a tough matchup. Casting Meddling Mage on Doomsday will essentially force them to answer it, which is why it’s a key to the matchup. The cards you bring out essentially have no targets, but if you see Divining Witch you could leave in some Swords to Plowshares.

Out: 3 Swords to Plowshares, 3 Assassin’s Trophy, 2 Dead of Winter

In: 2 Meddling Mage, 3 Pyroblast, 1 Red Elemental Blast, 1 Veil of Summer, 1 Sylvan Library

The Mirror
I am positive there are a lot of ways to approach this matchup, but I don’t think drawing removal spells in the mid-game is the answer. I know that Swords answers Uro somewhat cleanly but overall it is pretty impactful. There are a lot of scary cards that get played in the mirror, but I think the matchup is grindy enough where you should try to trim on Forces where you can. I think because this deck does have 1 for 1 answers for every card they play and the ability to pull way ahead on cards with Sylvan Library, just leaning into tha slow, grindy game plan is the way to go.

Out: 1 Force of Will, 2 Force of Negation, 2 Dead of Winter, 3 Swords to Plowshares

In: 3 Pyroblast, 1 Red Elemental Blast, 1 Veil of Summer, 2 Nihil Spellbomb, 1 Sylvan Library

RB Reanimator
The name of the game is survival, and it definitely gets easier post-board. Once you can make it through the first turn it gets a lot easier to survive and Oko gives you a nice answer to their threats once it sticks. Swords to Plowshares is far more efficient than Trophy even if the life gain is relevant.

RB Reanimator
Out: -3 Assassin’s Trophy, -2 Dead of Winter

In: +2 Nihil Spellbomb, +2 Meddling Mage, +1 Veil of Summer

Death and Taxes
There aren’t a lot of cards to bring in here and this can definitely be a tricky matchup. Spirit of the Labyrinth makes Uro very ineffective and Apparition gives them a clean answer to Oko and Engineer. I don’t like Force of Will here, but even if there were more cards to bring in out of the board I would still want a few copies to answer Armageddon, Cataclysm and Gideon. The most important thing is to develop your mana, then answer their cards. If you can make it through the early game your late game is pretty potent so Uro can start to generate a decent advantage, even in the face of Karakas.

Death & Taxes
Out: 1 Force of Will, 2 Force of Negation

In: 3 Plague Engineer
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