Type: Deck Idea
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Innistrad Remastered
releases on January 24, 2025!

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Innistrad Remastered
releases on January 24, 2025!

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Main Deck - 0 cards, 0 distinct
There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

$16.28, 32% of list price!
Another DeckBox rip-off seller, AlmightySenator.
4 Pariah's Shield

AlmightySenator backed out of the sale (of Pariah's Shield) with the excuse "Hey, the cards spiked and Deckbox didn't update their pricing. I canceled the order and gave you a refund" and "Sorry for the inconvenience"!

The price did not "spike", that card had been higher than his listed price for several days while I was contemplating buying them from him. If I were buying it just because of some price spike, I would've purchased all 6 he had instead of just a playset. It is not an "inconvenience", it's opportunism! "May the odds be ever in [AlmightySenator's] favor", right?
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