releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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35 total results       Page 1 of 2 Next
Name  Type Classes Edition
2 Ahul Moonspeaker Ally - Tauren Druid War of the Ancients
3 Apprentice Teep Ally - Gnome Mage Heroes of Azeroth
7 Archival Purposes Quest War of the Ancients
2 Arrowstorm Instant Ability - Marksmanship   War of the Ancients
2 Axe of the Tauren Chieftains Two - Handed Weapon - Axe     War of the Ancients
2 Bestial Instinct Ability Dungeon Decks
3 Bhenn Checks-the-Sky Instant Ally - Tauren Druid Through the Dark Portal
2 Blood and Thunder! Basic Ability War of the Ancients
2 Bloodsoul Ally - Orc Warlock March of The Legion
2 Cerwyn Ally - Night Elf Druid Through the Dark Portal
2 Child of Agamaggan Monster Ally - Boar Beast War of the Ancients
3 Child of Tortolla Monster Ally - Turtle Beast War of the Ancients
6 Child of Ursoc Monster Ally - Bear Beast War of the Ancients
2 Crankston Deathspark Ally - Gnome Death Knight Tomb of the Forgotten
3 Crimson Shocker Weapon - Wand     March of The Legion
2 Darkshire Deathsworn Ally - Human Death Knight War of the Ancients
2 Darnassus Mooncaller Ally - Night Elf Priest War of the Ancients
2 Darnassus Tabard Equipment - Item            War of the Ancients
2 Darnassus Warrior Ally - Night Elf Warrior War of the Ancients
5 Documenting the Timeways Quest War of the Ancients
3 Durotar Flamecaster Ally - Orc Mage War of the Ancients
2 Durotar Frostblade Ally - Orc Death Knight War of the Ancients
4 Eldre'Thalas Sorceress Ally - Night Elf Mage War of the Ancients
1 Eye of the Legion Monster Ally - Demon War of the Ancients
2 Fear Ability - Affliction   Heroes of Azeroth
2 Force of Earth Ability - Enhancement   Tomb of the Forgotten
3 Frizzlight Monster Ally - Murloc Priest Tomb of the Forgotten
2 Furbolg Firecaller Monster Ally - Furbolg Shaman War of the Ancients
3 Gnomebliteration Quest Tomb of the Forgotten
4 Holy Ground Basic Ability - Holy   War of the Ancients
35 total results       Page 1 of 2 Next