HATTO's profile
- MTG DECKS (124)
Commander Decks I Own/Am Building
com Aboshan EDH: Budget Cephalid Tribal!
com Gonti EDH: (Hidden Volrath, Crouching Steal-Your-Stuff)
com Ishkanah EDH: Spider Tribal/Bad Tribal
com Jaya Ballard (formerly Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh) EDH | Chandra Tribal
com Rafiq of the Many EDH: Budget Reborn!
com Sethron, Hurloon General EDH: Minotaur/Bad Tribal
Commander Decks I Used To Own
com 1.1 Tatyova EDH #WALUE
vin Akiri & Tymna Aggro EDH (Dismantled, a lot of pieces going into D&T and Samut)
com Araumi of the Dead Tide EDH (Scrapped)
com Ayula, Queen Amongst Bears EDH: Loam Control
com Chulane, Teller of Tales EDH | Cast Creatures, Cast Big Stuff, EZ (Dismantled)
com Cycling Precon - TO BE UPGRADED (scrapped)
com Derevi, Wizard Stax (dismantled)
com Emiel, the Blessed EDH: Flickery Bois (Dismantled & combined)
vin Firesong and Sunspeaker EDH (dismantled)
com Ghired, Conclave Exile Precon EDH
com God-Eternal Oketra EDH: Mono-White Never Been Soo Goood (Dismantled)
com Gonti EDH: I Hope Your Cards Are Good (Dismantled)
vin Ishkanah, Grafwidow EDH (Reworked into Ikra Shidiqi)
com Karn, Silver Golem EDH - Karn's Drag Race
vin Locust God EDH (dismantled, had the deck for 2 years)
com Magda EDH: Dwarves & Dragons (Dismantled)
com Niv-Mizzet Reborn EDH- Kaiju Incorporated (Dismantled)
com Osgir, the Reconstructer Precon EDH (Scrapped for parts)
com Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded EDH: The Sneakiest Volcanic Mountain Boi (dismantled)
vin Rafiq Bantchantress EDH (dismantled)
com Ragavan EDH (dismantled)
com Rankle, Master of Prankles EDH (Dismantled)
com Rasputin Dreamweaver EDH: The Big-Mana Fun Deck (Dismantled after 2 years)
vin Riku of the Many, Many Reflections (Dismantled)
com Samut, Voice of Dissent EDH | Play Creatures, Attack, EZ (After a long, hard choice, Dismantled)
com Sedris, the Traitor King EDH: Reanimator and Stuff (Dismantled)
com Shalai, Voice of Many Elves EDH
vin Taigam, Ojutai Master EDH (Dismantled)
com Thrasios & Emiel Combination EDH
com Thrasios EDH: Just Simic Stuff (Dismanteled & combined)
com Thrasios/Vial Smasher EDH: Pros Bloom and Other Fun Stuff
vin Tuvasa the Sunlit Enchantress EDH (Dismantled)
com Zirda EDH: BOROS LANDFALL BABYYYY (Dismantled)
Decks for Friends/Family
Draft Decks I've Loved
dra 5-Color Chaos Draft August 18th, 2019
dra Gruul Stompy 6/27/22 - Final Gaming Till Dawn Chaos Draft
dra Kaldheim Draft 3/12/21: Sultai Snow!
dra Kaldheim Draft: BANT SNOW (and Vorinclex)
oth Kaldhiem: ESPER WARRIORS Prerelease 1/29/21
dra Mardu Beatdowns: Mystery Booster - March 13, 2020
dra Mystery Booster Draft - 6/19/20 - 4 Color Control
oth SNC Gruul Aggro - Prerelease
Legacy & Vintage
pau Pauper Familiars
pre UG Madness
pau v1.1 Blitz
pau v1.2 Blitz
pio 1.2 BW Eldrazi
pio 1.3 Bant Spirits
Scrapped EDH Decks
com $50 Zur Cycling EDH (Scrapped)
com Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor EDH: Yes, Cephalids (Scrapped)
com Akiri & Thrasios: Artifacts, Stax, Etc.
vin Atraxa, Praetors' Voice: Because Everyone Has One (Dismantled)
com Ayula, Queen Among Bears EDH: Exactly What It Sounds Like
com Breya EDH: Artifact Cycling?
com Brokkos EDH: Spacegodzilla Voltron!
com Glenn, the Voice of Calm EDH: Combat & Control (Scrapped)
com Golos EDH: Powered-Down Tatyova (scrapped)
com Golos Spellslinging Ultimatums (5C Niv) EDH
com Hama Pashar, Ruin Seeker EDH: The Ben Wheeler Special
com Illuna EDH: O H B O Y
com Katilda EDH: Human Tribal/Bad Shalai
com Kumano EDH: Ghostbuster!
com Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero EDH: Rebel Control
com Ludevic & Ravos: Upgraded Cycling Precon (scrapped)
com Maelstrom Wanderer Goblins! EDH (scrapped)
com Morophon EDH: King of Kaiju (scrapped) [being revived] {converted into Niv-Mizzet Reborn}
com Nethroi EDH: Umori & Nethroi's Creature Factory
com Othelm & Wernog EDH: Aristocrats
com Rafiq of the Many EDH: Reborn!
com Rielle the Everwise EDH: Discard (Scrapped)
com Rodan EDH: Recursive Storm Stuff? (Scrapped)
com Sakashima/Vial Smasher EDH
com Shelob EDH: Another Spider Deck!?
vin Silas Renn / Thrasios EDH | Artifacts and Recursion (scrapped)
com Snapdax EDH: Mutant Cats!
com Sygg, River Cutthroat EDH: Equipments and Dimir Beats
vin Tatyova cEDH Attempt (Editing)
com Thalia, Guardian of Thraben EDH: Reliving Death & Taxes
vin Triad of Fates EDH (scrapped)
com Tymaret, the Murder King EDH: Rakdos Sacdos (Scrapped)
com Tymna/Thrasios EDH: Actually Fun Version
com Tymna/Thrasios EDH: This Time For Real!
com Tymna/Thrasios EDH: Tribal Tribal (Scrapped)
com Vadrok EDH: Rodan's Hideous Laughter
com Volrath Voltron EDH
com Yidris EDH: Pros Bloom! (scrapped)
Scrapped Non-EDH Decks
sta (1.1)Standard Simic Stompy
sta 1.5 Mono-Blue Delver (SNC)
pio Golgari Elves - Pioneer (Dismantled)
pio Izzet Control
mod Jund (Dismantled)
leg Legacy 12-Post!
mod MH2 Affinity Ver. 1.3 (Dismantled)
mod Modern Lantern Control
pio New Bant Spirits
pio Pioneer Gruul Crimes!
pio Pioneer Mardu GPGearhulks (with shocks)
sta Standard Elfball (dismantled)
pau v1.1 Soul Sister Weenie
sta v1.4 Simic Storm the Festival (SNC)
com Glacien & Kesket ED: Budget Artifacts!
com Gonti EDH (Budget)
cub Hatto's Cube
com Jaya Ballard EDH: Chandra Tribal 1.1
com Jegantha's Jurassic Mutations EDH
com Keskit & Livio EDH: In-Cu-Ba-Tion!
com Tatyova EDH: Simic Lifegain!
com Wort, the Raidmother EDH: Budget Spells!

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Hypnox | |
2 | Protection Racket | |
3 | Keen Duelist | |
4 | Swamp | |
5 | Soul of Innistrad | |
6 | Scion of Darkness |