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Main Deck - 64 cards, 27 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (40)
3 Banna Thief Orc Unit 2 + The Iron Rock
3 Clan Moulder's Elite Neutral Unit 2 Tooth and Claw
3 Crooked Teef Goblins Orc Unit 1 + Core Set
3 Fickle Sellswords Neutral Unit 1 Cataclysm
3 Forest Goblins Orc Unit 2 + March of the Damned
3 Gobbo Big Boss Orc Unit 3 + Faith and Steel
3 Goblin Raiders Orc Unit 1 + Oaths of Vengeance
1 Mushroom Hunters Orc Unit 2 + Realm of the Phoenix King
3 Redface Zappa Orc Unit 1 + Cataclysm
3 Snotling Pump Wagon Orc Unit 2 + Warpstone Chronicles
3 Spider Riders Orc Unit 1 + The Skavenblight Threat
3 Spirit Speaka Orc Unit 3 + Cataclysm
3 Swarm of Bats Neutral Unit 2 Legends
3 Veteran Sellswords Neutral Unit 0 Path of the Zealot
Tactic (11)
3 Get 'Em Ladz! Orc Tactic 2 + Glory of Days Past
2 Waaagh! Orc Tactic 3 + Core Set
3 Warpstone Experiments Neutral Tactic 1 Legends
3 We'z Bigga! Orc Tactic 0 + Core Set
Quest (2)
1 Da Great Waaagh! Orc Quest 0 + Battle for the Old World
1 Snotling Invasion Orc Quest 0 + Fragments of Power
Support (11)
1 Big Guns Orc Support 2 + Cataclysm
1 Boar Pen Orc Support 2 + Omens of Ruin
3 Choppa Orc Support 1 + Core Set
1 Morglor the Mangler Orc Support 1 + Vessel of the Winds
1 Spoils of War Neutral Support 0 Realm of the Phoenix King
3 Tribal Tattoos Orc Support 0 + The Twin Tailed Comet
1 Warpstone Excavation Neutral Support 0 Core Set
Sideboard - 2 cards, 1 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Support (2)
2 Warpstone Excavation Neutral Support 0 Core Set

Ajouter Night Goblin Fanatic
  • Philos | Edited 11-Aug-2011 11:49
    Interesting build! A lot of units are essential in a rush deck.
    Does just one Greyseer with only four other skaven units work out for you? Maybe you should enforce your skaven part or abandon it.

    I would think about including Warpstone Experiments for even more power and a third Waaagh!
    Troll Vomit should help as an emergency exit in case your opponent is impregnable. You will recover from the sweep much easier than most of the opponents.
    • Lilian | 11-Aug-2011 20:26
      I use one Greyseer because any card in your hand you can't play is a dead card. The power of Greyseer is to attack in any zone so I like to put it in Kingdom or quest.
      I think Warpstone Experiment is a good card to put in but I don't like Troll Vomit in this deck because I don't develop my kingdom and my quest so I don't think this reset is a good card when I draw only one card by turn.

      It's a test deck for my other decks.
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