- EVOEYG's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (240)
Tribal decks
- Arahbo Cats
- Arcades Defenders
- Arixmethes Sea Monsters
- Artificers
- Assassins Ramses
- Ayula Bears
- Bards
- Bats
- Be'lakor Demons
- Beasts Migloz
- Berserkers
- Boars
- Brenard GolemCookies
- Breya Thopters
- Cats Jetmir
- Centaurs
- Clerics Shadowheart
- Crabs
- Depala Dwarves
- Devils Raphael
- Dinos Gishath
- Dogs Sophia
- Dragons Miirym
- Drakes
- Druids Seton
- Eldrazi Spawns
- Eldrazi Zhulodok
- Elementals
- Elephants
- Elrond Elves
- Elves Dionus
- Faeries Alela
- Foxes
- Frogs
- Fungi Saprolings
- Giada Angels
- Giants Aegar
- Gorgons
- Griffins
- Horses
- Illusions
- Inalla Wizards
- Insect Zask
- Jirina Kudro Humans
- Karumonix Rats
- Kenrith Royalty
- Kibo Monkeys
- Krenko, Artifact Sac
- Lathril Elves
- Lizards
- Merfolk Hakbal
- Merfolk Kumena
- Mice
- Millicent Spirits
- Minotaurs
- Moonfolk
- Mounts
- N'gathrod
- Nalia Party
- Nightmares
- Octopus
- Ogres
- Ooze Umori
- Orcs
- Otters
- Outlaws Olivia
- Oxen
- Phoenixes
- Pirates Admiral Beckett
- Pirates Brass Unsinkable
- Plants
- Rabbits
- Racoons
- Raffine Sphinxes
- Rats Grixis
- Rhinos
- Rogues
- Saskia Humans
- Satyrs
- Scarecrows
- Scouts
- Shelob spiders
- Shilgengar
- Sidar Jabari Knights
- Skeletons Myrkul
- Slivers
- Snakes Xyris
- Soldiers Akim
- Spectres
- Spirits WBG
- Squirrels
- Strefan Vampires
- Treefolk
- Trolls
- Turtles
- Ur-Dragon
- Urtet Myrs
- Vampires Clavileno
- Warlocks
- Warriors Maarika
- Werewolves Tovolar
- Wilhelt Zombies
- Wort Goblins
- Wurms
- Yorion Birds
- Yuriko Ninjas
- Zacama Dinos
- Zaxara Hydras
Universes Beyond
- Dr. Who: Blast from the Past
- Dr. Who: Masters of Evil
- Dr. Who: Paradox Power
- Dr. Who: Timey Wimey
- Fallout Hail Caesar
- Fallout Mutant Menace
- Fallout Science!
- Fallout Scrappy Survivors
- Warhammer 40K Forces of the Imperium
- Warhammer 40K Necron Dynasties
- Warhammer 40K Ruinous Powers
- Warhammer 40K Tyranid Swarm
- 4C-Omnath
- 5c Niv-Mizzet
- Adventure Beluna
- Agatha Cauldron
- Aminatou Enchantments
- Ancient One Descend
- Anikthea Enchantments
- Anzrag Mole God
- Arabella 2-power
- Aragorn
- Assassins Creed
- Atraxa
- Auras Gylwain
- Baba Lysaga
- Black Panther
- Blink Abuelo
- Bombadil Sagas
- Brago Blink
- Breena Politics
- Bruvac Mill
- Captain America
- Chatterfang
- Cleopatra
- Clues Tawnos
- Deserts Yuma
- Dihada Legends
- Drana and Linvala Stax
- Eggemannen
- Ellie og Allan
- Energy Jeskai
- Energy Yidris
- Equipment Ardenn/Rograkh
- Eriette Bad Auras
- Ezuri Proliferate
- Feather
- Gandalf
- Gates Nine-Fingers
- Ghalta/Mavren Tokens
- Ghave CounterTokens
- Gimbal Artifact Tokens
- Goading Boros
- Gonti Theft
- Goreclaw Mono-G
- Greta Candy
- Henry Wu Exploitiments
- Henzie
- Hylda Ice Queen
- Ian Malcolm Chaos
- Imodane Burn
- Ironman
- Isshin Combat Triggers
- Izzet Spells
- Jaheira Clues
- Jenson 5-Color
- Jeskai Spells
- Jon Irenicus
- Jorn Snow
- Jund Boomer-Goyf
- Juri Sacrifice
- Kambal's Talents
- Karlov Lifegain
- Kasla Convoke
- Kellan the Kid
- Kwain
- Lathiel Lifegain
- Maelstrom Wanderer
- Marina Rooms
- Minsc & Boo
- Mishra Artifacts
- Mishra Meld
- Morph Naya
- Mr. Foxglove Bigones
- Muldrotha
- Neerdiv Mill
- Nekusar
- Nymris Instants
- Obeka Turnender
- Obeka Upkeeper
- Octavia Mono-U
- Otrimi Mutate
- Planeswalkers Guff
- Poison Vishgraz
- Prosper
- Prossh
- Queen Marchesa
- Rafiq Voltron
- Rielle Discard
- Riku Modal
- Rip Survivors
- Rockekokken
- Rowan Pain
- Sam & Frodo
- Sauron
- Sefris Dungeons
- Shalai/Halar Counters
- Shorikai Vehicles
- Shrines Go-Shintai
- Sidisi Reanimator
- Sokrates
- Starscream
- Storm
- Storm Stella
- Surveil Mirko
- Tali Wakeen
- Tetzin
- Thraximundar
- Tinybones
- Titania Meld
- Tivit Politics
- Torbran Mono-R
- Urza Meld-Proliferate
- Urza, Chief Artificer
- Valgavoth Pain
- Will, Scion of Peace
- Winter Delirium
- Wolverine
- Wyll Dice
- Yawgmoth Mono-B
- Yusri Coinflips
- Zimone Manifest
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |
Main Deck - 0 cards, 0 distinct
There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
Scratchpad - 0 cards, 0 distinct
Cards in the scratchpad represent cards that you are considering for this deck, but are not
actually in the built deck. They do not count towards the in built decks count
shown in your inventory. If you are using the Auto Trade feature, they will be
still be marked for trade although cards in your main deck and sideboard will not.
No cards here. :(
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