- MTG DECKS (1048)
0 Archive
dra Abzan Ramp
sta Angelic Army
oth Braids Anvil +
sta Critter Corps
sta Obliterator FIGHT!
sta Selesnya Conclave
oth Servant of the Secret Fire
sta Strength in Numbers
sta Walk the Plank
sta β«π’ Ramp+
his π Budget Dimir Rogues
his π Budget Rakdos Sacrifice
his π Budget Simic Merfolk
oth π Neon Arcade Control
sta π On the Edge UR Delver
sta π΄π’ Dinos
sta Boros Mouse Aggro by Yoman5
sta MWM OTE Budget Humans
sta Rakdos Aggro by karlovmanor
sta Rakdos Fling by Highwalker
oth Thunder Junction Prerelease
sta βͺβ« Phyrexian Tribal
his βͺοΈπ’ Lifegain
sta π Budget π΅ Tempo
sta π΅ Delver
sta π π΅ Tempo On the Edge
1 As built
pio 3-8 Shark
sta Ace Enchantments +
sta Altheriax Budget Rakdos Anvil
sta Boros Heroic +
sta Boros Mice as built
sta Custom Desert Burn
sta Custom Glarb
pio Custom Soldiers
sta Foundation Deck: Standard Dinosaurs
mod Goblins!!!
mod GW Renown
com Jinnie Fay & Friends
sta Mardu Aristocrats as built
sta Matthew's Anvil
pio Mizzet Phoenix
mod Morbid goblins
sta My Phyrst Phyrexians π€π€
sta My βͺπ΅ Soldiers
pau my β« aggro
sta My π΄ Aggro
sta My π΅ Tempo
pau my π΅ tempo
sta Rabbits
sta Rakdos Fling as built
oth Soul Bros
mod Stompy
sta UR Eldrazi
sta WR Weapons Trainer
sta Yargle and Multani Combo
pio βͺβ« Humans
sta π Budget Simic Ramp
sta π΅βͺ Knights (MOM Only)
sta π’βͺ Toxic
sta π’β« Incubate
pio π΅π΄ Prowess
2 Ready to Build
sta Altheriax Budget Boros Heroic
sta Altheriax Budget β« Aggro
oth Amass
sta Azorius Artifact Aggro by Hamuda
sta Azorius Artifacts by Hamuda
com Balmor Tokens (No Rares/Mythics)
pio Basically Tokens
sta Bohe Gruul Aggro
sta Boros Convoke - Standard 2024 by Bohe
sta Brokers Humans
sta Brokers Ramp
sta Budget Azorius Mentor by Darren Magnotti
pio Budget Boros Heroic by Darren Magnotti
sta Budget Orzhov Aggro - OTJ Standard by Bohe
sta Budget Simic Cookies - BLB Standard Bo1 by Bohe
sta Cabaretti Stompy
pio Dimir Control by Reid Duke
pau Dimir Zombies by Maffi
sta Discard Ninjas by RookerKdag
sta Green-White Multicolor Citizens
sta Gruul Fling Ghalta by yoman5
sta Gruul Prowess β Budget OTJ Standard Bo1 by Bohe
sta Gruul Prowess by hastyy
sta Gruul Prowess by L1X0
sta Invade the City
sta Izzet Burn Bright
sta Izzet Drakes
sta Izzet Saheeli
pio Izzet Scissors
sta Jeskai Convoke Bo3 by Strickles
sta Jinnie Fay Tokens
sta Jund Aggro Bo1 by Strickles
his LuCaparroz Defenders
sta Maestros Reanimator
sta MWM Brawl Budget
pau mwm hp βͺ aggro
pau mwm hp β« creatures
pau mwm hp π΄ spells
sta Non-Budget Izzet Balmor
sta Orzhov Sacrifice by yoman5
sta Post-Rotation Artifacts by Darren Magnotti
sta Riveteers Blitz (SNC Only) by SaffronOlive
pio Skura βͺ Humans Budget
pau walls combo
sta βͺ Prison
sta π΄ Aggro
pio π Budget Boros Heroic
sta π Budget Dimir Control
sta π Budget Dimir Ninjas
sta π Budget Gruul Aggro
sta π Budget Izzet Spells
sta π Budget π’ Stompy
sta π Dimir Control
pau π dimir control
pau π gruul aggro
pau π izzet spells
pau π Orzhov Value
sta π΅ OTJ Standard Bo1 by Bohe
pau π rakdos madness
sta π π΄ Aggro On the Edge
sta π π΄ Burn
pau π π΄ burn
pau π π’ stompy
sta π’βͺοΈ Tokens
sta π’βͺοΈ Tokens
sta π΄β« Artifact Sacrifice
sta π΅π΄ "Second Card" Spells
mod π΄π΅ Eldrazi
sta π΅π΄ Prowess
sta π΅π΄ Saheeli
3 Artisan FR
sta Budget Red Deck Wins - BLB Standard Bo1 by Bohe
sta Budget Selesnya Toxic - BLB standard by Bohe
sta Budget Simic Artifacts - OTJ Standard by Bohe
pau mwm hp ninjas
pau mwm hp selesnya auras
sta Simic Terror by MorbidMind
pio Turbo Serpents (No Rares/Mythics)
his Turbo Serpents by RookerKdag
sta π π’βͺοΈ Enchantments
3 For real tho
sta +1/+1 Counters by Brian Kibler
com $15 John Benton by BudgetCommander
com $25 Vadrik CEDH by BudgetCommander
pio 5C Aggro
sta Ancient Imperiosaur Combo by SaffronOlive
sta Azorius Enchantments by Sapoa
sta Boros Auras by yoman5
sta Budget Orzhov Fae Blade by Darren Magnotti
sta Budget Orzhov Soul Sisters by Darren Magnotti
pio Budget Third Path Ascendancy by Darren Magnotti
sta Caves by Matsukasa10
sta Caves by SaffronOlive
sta Eerie Auras by SaffronOlive
pio Ensoul Artifact
sta Golgari Insidious Roots by yoman5
com Goreclaw $5 deck by Clean Fair Magic!
sta Izzet Tempo by Hax
sta Jeskai Aggro by guiyote
sta Jeskai Convoke by Viola
pio Jeskai Tokens by dunglebungus
sta Mardu Aggro
sta Mardu Aggro by wcl
sta Mardu Aristocrats by yoman5
sta Max Speed Aristocrats by SaffronOlive
sta Naya Mounts by Strickles
sta Obscura Connive (SNC Only) by SaffronOlive
sta Orzhov Vampires by Anumberix
sta Phyrexian Aristocrats by SaffronOlive
pio Rakdos Aggro by Hamuda
sta Rakdos Aggro by Hamuda
sta Selesnya Woodland Aggro by Yoman5
sta Simic Crabs by medvedev
sta Simic Greenshell by Darren Magnotti
sta Simic Tempo by badgods
sta Tyvar Roots by LegenVD
pio Ultra-Budget Sultai Emerge
sta βͺ Knights
pio π΄ Aggro by esmyth (2)
his π Budget Selesnya Lifegain
sta π΄ Prowess by manalacaio
sta π΄ Prowess by yoman5
sta π’π΅ Transform by SaffronOlive
4 Considering
sta Azorius Aggro by Hayato Igura
sta Azorius Convoke by _Cygnus
sta Azorius Convoke by Hamuda
pio Budget Mono-Red Convoke by Darren Magnotti
pio Budget Rakdos Sacrifice by Darren Magnotti
sta Budget π΅ Tempo - BLB Standard by Bohe
sta DSK Fae Blade by Ashlizzlle
sta Flamewake Delirium by yoman5
sta Golgari Insidious Roots (2) by yoman5
sta Golgari Midrange by Okrim140
pio Gruul Aggro by manalacaio
pio Gruul Prowess - Dookietrousermd MTGO challenge 1st place
pio Izzet Ensoul by yoman5
sta Izzet Pirates (3) by Yoman5
sta Izzet Tokens by yoman5
sta Post-Rotation Insidious Roots by Darren Magnotti
sta Prototype Blink by Strickles
sta Selesnya Auras by yoman5
sta Selesnya Rabbits Bo1 by Strickles
sta Simic Butts by yoman5
sta Simic Terror by MrCrocodile
sta Sultai Self-Mill by Yoman5
sta Temur Stormsplitter Combo by yoman5
sta Temur Tempo by CoffeeIsMyCopilot
sta Temur Vesuvan Duplimancy Combo by Yoman5
sta π’ Aggro by Levi Gaines
sta π΅ Flash by SaffronOlive
sta π’ Stompy by yoman5 (2)
sta π΅π΄ Pirates - OTJ Day 1
pau boros synth pauper
pau boros synthesizer by Andrea Mengucci
pau dimir rat lock
pau Glintblade by _a.c.a.i_2007_
pau Goblin Combo
pau goblins
pau goblins by Hamuda
pau goblins by Jacopo Biagi
pau Goblins Combo Deck, by Andrea Mengucci
pau historic pauper izzet tempo
pau hot dogs by Gaahei1
pau madness burn by Niederschatten
pau Original Caw Gates by Zoohn
pau rakdos combo by Pedrothedead
pau rakdos sacrifice by Flavio Ausilio
pau Selesnya Gates by Alex Ullman
pau stompy by Jake Stiles
pau turbofog
pau βͺ heroic by Casanova_13
pau β«π΄ Madness
pau π’ aggro by lujo86
pau π azorius affinity
pau π azorius blink
pau π΅ delver by Brivenix
pau π dimir control
pau π golgari midrange
pau π orzhov reanimator
pau π rakdos sacrifice
pau π simic ramp
pau π΄ synthesizer
pau π΅ tempo
pau π΅ terror
pau π β« midrange
pau π β« midrange
pau π β« zombies
pau π π’ ramp
pau π π’ ramp
pau π π΄ Spells
pau π π΅ tempo
pau π π΅ tempo
pau π΅β«π΄
pau π΅π΄ Hot Dogs
sta Altheriax Budget βͺ Humans
sta Altheriax Budget π’ Stompy
sta Artifact Beatdown by Darren Magnotti
sta Artisan Boros Equipment
his Artisan Burn
his Artisan Golgari Elves
sta Artisan Sacrifice
sta Azorius Auras
his Bant Gates
pio Bohe Boros Heroic Budget
sta Boros Artifacts
sta Budget Orzhov Fae Blade (Arena) by Darren Magnotti
sta Budget Selesnya Toxic by Altheriax
sta Budget β« Rack - BLB Standard Bo1 by Bohe
sta Budget π’βͺ Toxic
his Izzet Drakes by Dafore
his Izzet Wizards by Maffi
sta Mono-Blue by Darren Magnotti
sta MWM MOM Budget Knights
sta Skura Azorius Toxic Budget
sta Skura Boros Heroic Budget
his Squirrel Storm
his Ultra-Budget βͺβ« Tokens
his π (H) Budget π΅ Tempo
sta π 2022 Budget Golgari Pests
sta π 2022 Budget Simic Ramp
sta π΄ Artifacts by Scott the Murloc
sta π artisan delver
his π Azorius Blink
sta π Azorius Heroic
his π Budget Boros Cycling
sta π Budget Dimir Toxic Control
sta π Budget Golgari Pests
pio π Budget Gruul Aggro
sta π Budget Orzhov Sacrifice
sta π Budget Rakdos Anvil
pio π Budget Rakdos Sacrifice
sta π Budget Selesnya Enchantments
pio π Budget βͺ Aggro
sta π Budget βͺ Aggro
sta π Budget βͺπ΅ Midrange
sta π Budget β« Aggro
sta π Budget β« Midrange
sta π Budget π΄βͺ Artifacts
sta π Izzet Tempo
sin π One for All Budget βͺ Aggro
sta π Orzhov Reanimator
sta π Rakdos Anvil
sta π π΅ Tempo
his π π’βͺ Enchantments
sta π’β« Poison
sta π΄β« Sacrifice
sta π π« $22 Burn
sta π΅π΄ Prowess Budget
mod π΅π΄ Wizards by SaffronOlive
sta Adeline, Resplendent Cathar
com Adeline, Resplendent Cathar
com Aristocats
com Book Tribal
bra Brawl Deck: Adeliz the Cinder Wind
sta Brawl Deck: Chatterfang, Squirrel General
sta Brawl Deck: Emiel, the Blessed
sta Brawl Deck: Florian, Voldaren Scion
sta Brawl Deck: Grolnok, the Omnivore
com Budget Balmor
com Budget Frog
com Corrupting Influence
sta Jinnie Fay, Jetmir's Second - Turf Wars
sta Kylox, Visionary Inventor
com Minn, Wily Illusionist
com More Than You Yargle'd For
com MWM Artisan Brawl Anax
sta MWM Brawl Adeline
sta MWM Budget Anax
sta MWM Geralf Brawl
com My Adeliz, the Cinder Wind
com Pauper Cormela Combo Queen
sta Queen Allenal of Ruadach
com Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver by Drew Knapp
com π Adeline Budget Historic Brawl
Darren Magnotti
sta Budget Azorius Enchantress by Darren Magnotti
pio Budget Burn by Darren Magnotti
pio Budget Domain Ramp by Darren Magnotti
sta Budget Grixis Crimes by Darren Magnotti
pio Budget Izzet Ensoul by Darren Magnotti
mod Budget Modern Burn by Darren Magnotti
pio Budget Pioneer Atarka Red by Darren Magnotti
pio Budget Pioneer Humans by Darren Magnotti
pio Budget Rakdos Midrange (Barebones) by Darren Magnotti
pio Budget Sligh by Darren Magnotti
sta Budget Standard Orzhov Aristocrats by Darren Magnotti
pio Budget π΄ Control by Darren Magnotti
sta Golgari Say Its Name by Darren Magnotti
sta Izzet Crab Prowess by Darren Magnotti
sta Post-Rotation Make Your Own Luck by Darren Magnotti
oth βͺ Lifegain by Darren Magnotti
oth β« Reanimate by Darren Magnotti
oth π’ Big by Darren Magnotti
oth π΄ Burn by Darren Magnotti
pio π΄ Control
oth π΅ Tempo by Darren Magnotti
Jump In!
sta Arcane Mischief
oth Beast Territory
sta Brood 2
sta Buff 1
sta Buff 2
oth Coalition Corps
oth Corruption 1
oth Corruption 2
oth Courageous 1
oth Dinosaurs
oth Discarding
oth Doctor
oth Dragons
oth Elves
oth Expendable 1
oth Goblins
oth Goblins
oth Goblins
oth Inferno
oth Inventive (3)
oth Inventive (4)
oth Liliana
oth Milling
oth Mite-y
oth Mystic Mischief
oth Overachiever 1
oth Powerstones 2
oth Predatory
oth Primal
oth Progress
oth Rebellious 1
oth Reinforcement 1
oth Seismic
oth Spellcasting
oth Spirits
oth Spooky
oth Titanic
oth Totally Merciless
oth Totally Ruthless
oth Toxic 1
oth Toxic 2
oth Tricksy 1
oth Undead
oth Vampires
oth Welded
com $25 John Benton by BudgetCommander
com $25 Ognis, the Dragon's Lash
com $25 Three Dog, Galaxy News DJ
com $25 Zada
com $25 Zada (2024)
com $25 Zimone and Dina
com $50 Braids Aristocrats by BudgetCommander
com $50 Demonlord Belzenlok 1-Card Combo
com $50 Eluge
com $50 Inti
com $50 Ob Nix Pings
com $50 Vadrik CEDH by BudgetCommander
com $50 Venser Poison Proliferate
com $50* Tinybones by BudgetCommander
oth Admiral Brass $50 Adds (Ahoy Mateys)
oth Veloci-Ramp-Tor $50 Upgrade (Wayta Enrage)
RookerKdag Artisan
Saffron Olive
30 under $20
sta Brilliant Restoration
sta Cabaretti Citizens (SNC Only) by SaffronOlive
sta Cabaretti Tokens
sta Devilish One-Shot
sta Dimir Draw Two
sta Draw Two Dimir
sta Gleeful Goblins
sta Goblins
sta Inga and Esika Creature Ramp
sta Maestros Vampires
sta Obscura Spirits
sta Proliferate Mill
sta Riveteer Dollhouse
sta RW Equipment
sta Shrines
sta Sultai Graveyard
sta Unctus Convoke
sta WB Clerics (ONE)
his βͺοΈπ’ Enchantress (Runes)
sta βͺοΈπ’ Enchantress (Runes)
mod βͺπ΄ Knights
sta π΄ Cavalcade
sta π΅ Delver
mod π΄ Elemental Shaman by SaffronOlive
mod π΄ Goblins
mod π΅ Wizards by SaffronOlive
sta π’βͺ +1/+1 Counters
sta π΅βͺοΈ Artifacts
sta π΅βͺοΈ Artifacts
sta π΄βͺ Burn by SaffronOlive
mod π΅βͺ Spirits by SaffronOlive
sta π΅βͺ Voltron by SaffronOlive
mod π’β« Gorgons by SaffronOlive
sta π΅β« Ninjas by SaffronOlive
mod π΄β« Pirates by SaffronOlive
sta π΅π΄ Extra Turns
sta π΅π’ Ivy by SaffronOlive
mod π’π΄ Werewolves by SaffronOlive
8 Whack
mod 12 Whack
pio 8 Whack
mod 8 Whack (Goblins)
sta Budget Dino Whack
mod Gleeful 8 Whack
mod Rundvelt Whack
mod Ultra-Budget 12 Whack
mod Ultra-Budget 8 Whack
mod Ultra-Budget Rundvelt Whack
Soul Sisters
mod 2022 Stompy
mod 2022 Stompy ultra-budget
mod Non-Budget 2022 Stompy
mod Non-Budget Red-Green Aggro
mod OG Stompy
mod OG Stompy ultra-budget
pio $1 β« Devotion
sta $35 βͺ Soldiers
pio $88 Ensoul Artifact
pio $99 Soldiers
sta 4 Rare Virtue Burn
sta Abzan Midrange (No Rares/Mythics)
sta Bant Turtle-amonicon by SaffronOlive
sta Battle Burn
sta BLB Budget Big Red by SaffronOlive
pio Blue Skies by SaffronOlive
mod Bogles by SaffronOlive
sta Boros Burn by SaffronOlive
sta Build-a-Bogle by SaffronOlive
pio Butts and Taxes
sta DoppelCaves by SaffronOlive
sta Doppelgang by SaffronOlive
sta Draw Two Dimir
sta Enchant-amonicon
sta Exploding Yargle by SaffronOlive
his Goblin Bombardment Goblins
sta Graveyard Beans
sta Izzet Artifacts by SaffronOlive
sta Non-Budget Izzet Saheeli
sta Obliterator Surprise!
sta Orzhov Roles
sta QuasidupliDrake
pio Rakdos Prowess by Krukke
sta Rise of the Varmints
sta Simic Desert Burn by SaffronOlive
sta Standard 8 Rack by SaffronOlive
his Storm Herald
sta Sultai Desert Burn by SaffronOlive
pio Sultai Emerge by SaffronOlive
pio Surveil Surprise by okawa kohei
sta Two Tix Red by SaffronOlive
sta Ultra Budget Standard Scales
sta Ultra-Budget Izzet Artifacts by SaffronOlive
sta Ultra-Budget Izzet Saheeli
pio Ultra-Budget Soldiers
sta Ultra-Budget Solphim Burn
pio Ultra-Budget π’ Stompy
sta Ultra-Budget π΅π΄ Prowess
sta Venerated Rotpriest Combo
com Yargle Meme Dream
mod βͺ Soldiers by Saffron Olive
pio βͺ Sram Auras
his βͺβ« Tokens
pio β« Devotion (Midprice Upgrade)
pio π’ Stompy
pio π΄π’ by medvedev
pio π΅π΄ Prowess
sta Insidious Vines by TheAsianAvenger
sta Naya Tokens by TheAsianAvenger
pio The Fecund Desert by PredatorStyle
mod π΄β« Minotaurs by Mothin'
sta π’π΄ Werewolves by SaffronOlive
Old Standard
sta "Mono-Red" Prowess by yoman5
sta Altheriax Rakdos Anvil
sta Boros Heroic by Ashlizzlle
sta Gruul Aggro - OTJ Day 1 by Bohe
sta Gruul Disguise by yoman5
sta Gruul Prowess - OTJ Standard Bo3 by Bohe
sta Izzet Pirates - OTJ Standard Bo3
sta Izzet Pirates by yoman5
sta Izzet Pirates by yoman5 (2)
sta Mono-Red Aggro by Yoman5
sta Naya Heroic by yoman5
sta Orzhov Clerics by Skura
sta P-M Grixis Crimes
sta P-M Gruul Aggro
sta P-M Gruul Aggro
sta P-M Lifegain
sta P-M βͺοΈ Humans
sta P-M π΄ Aggro
sta PVDDR Mono Blue
sta Rakdos Anvil by Ashlizzlle
sta Rakdos Anvil by MTGA - Brewlab
sta Rakdos Krenko Anvil by yoman5
sta Skura Azorius Soldiers Best of One
sta Skura Boros Aggro
sta Skura Selesnya Enchantments
sta Sultai Insidious Roots by yoman5
sta Sultai Rutstein Roots by yoman5
sta π’ Aggro by yoman5
sta π΄ All-In by yoman5
sta π Grixis Lier
sta Altheriax π΄ Aggro
sta Altheriax π΄ Burn
sta Azorius Helping Hand by yoman5 (2)
sta Azorius Mentor - OTJ Standard Bo3 by Bohe
sta Azorius Mentor by Casey Miller
sta Azorius Soldiers by Dologenius
sta Azorius Soliders
sta Boros Convoke by GianHunter
sta Dimir 8 Shark
sta Dimir Control
sta Golgari Magecraft by Uebelst4r
sta Grixis Anvil by Ashlizzlle_
sta Grixis Geardrake Anvil
sta Gruul Aggro
sta Gruul Prowess by yoman5
sta Mono-Red Aggro by Mogged
sta New π΄β« Anvil by Ashlizzlle
sta Orzhov Sacrifice
sta P-M Gruul Aggro
sta PVDDR π΄ Aggro
sta Rakdos Epiphany by Shinichi Ooki
sta Rakdos Sacrifice by Benton Madsen
sta Selesnya Counters
sta Selesnya Enchantments
sta Selesnya Toxic
sta Simon Nielsen Azorius Soldiers
sta Skura Azorius Soldiers
sta Skura Gruul Aggro
sta Skura π΄ Aggro
sta Tempered Steel by Severin7
sta βͺπ΅ Monument
sta β«π΄ Anvil by ilDelmo
sta π΄ Aggro
sta π΄ Aggro
sta π΄ Aggro by Tron Young
sta π Azorius Soldiers
sta π Grixis Anvil
sta π’ Stompy
sta π π’ Aggro
sta π π΅ Tempo
sta π π΅ Tempo
sta π π’βͺοΈ Enchantments 2023
over $100
his (H) Izzet Wizards
sta Boros Convoke - OTJ Day 1 by Bohe
pio Budget Lotus Field Combo
pio CGB π΅β« Sharks
sta Delney Lifegain
sta Glarbing All Over the Ladder by Ashlizzlle
mod Gruul Prowess by Brian Boss
pio Izzet 8-Pyromancer
mod Izzet Gifts Storm (Budget - 2022)
pio Izzet Tempo (Explorer) by Compulsion
pio Naya Auras by yoman5
sta Simic Frogs by Yoman5
pio Skura Jeskai Spells
sta Standard Orzhov Aristocrats by Darren Magnotti
sta Sultai Squirming Emergence by yoman5
sta Yargle One Turn Kill by yoman5
over $50
sta Amorous Soldiers by Autumn Burchett
pio Atarka Red by Frank Karsten (2022)
pio Atarka Red by Frank Karsten (2023)
sta Boros Heroic - OTJ Standard Bo3 by Bohe
oth Budget β« NazgΓ»l
pau cawgate by Nathan Steuer
sta Dimir Control - Standard 2024 by Bohe
sta Dimir Djinn by yoman5
pio Gruul Stompy
his Izzet Phoenix Budget
sta Izzet Prowess by yoman5
mod Izzet Twiddle Storm (Budget - 2022)
sta Jeskai Convoke by Yoman5
pio Pioneer Dimir Witch
sta Skura Bant Toxic
sta Skura Boros Heroic
pio Skura βͺ Humans
mod Soul Sisters w/ Righteous Valkyrie (Budget)
sta Sultai Roots by Yoman5
sta UwU Mentor
sta Zoraline Value by Strickles
pio βͺοΈ Humans by Arne Huschenbeth
pio π (E) π΄ Aggro
sta π΄ Aggro
pio π΄ Aggro
sta π Bo1 Azorius Soldiers
pio π Bo1 π΄ Aggro
pio π Bo1 π΄ Goblins
pio π Bo1 π΅ Spirits
pio π Boros Heroic
sta π Kamigawa Selesnya Enchantments
mod π΄ Prowess (Budget - 2022)
sta π Selesnya Enchantments
sta π’ Stompy by Yoman5
sta π’βͺ Dream Enchantments
sta Angelic Accountants - Starter Deck 2023
sta Balancing Act - Starter Deck 2023
com Brawl Deck: Eriette of the Charmed Apple
com Brawl Deck: Raiyuu, Storm's Edge
com Brawl Deck: Zada, Hedron Grinder
sta Champion Deck: Standard Toxic
sta Forest's Might
sta Forest's Might 2
sta Saddle Up - Starter Deck 2024
sta Saddle Up!
sta Sneak Squad
Not owned
pio Azorius Spirits
sta Elspeth, Undaunted Hero
sta Lotus Field Combo
pio Orzhov Auras
sta Pioneer Challenger 2021 π΄ Burn
sta Strength of Selesnya
sta Wild Wizardry
com Ahoy Mateys
sta Ajani, Inspiring Leader
sta Allied Fires
mod Ancient Arsenal
com Arm for Battle
sta Azorius Control
sta Basri, Devoted Paladin
oth Blessed
mod Brotherhood Agents
com Cabaretti Cacophony
com Cavalry Charge
sta Chandra, Flame's Catalyst
sta Chandra, Flame's Fury
com Chaos Incarnate
oth Cunning
sta Death's Encroach
sta Dimir Control Challenger Deck
sta Dimir Rogue
com Draconic Destruction
sta Earth Shakers
com Exquisite Invention
com First Flight
sta Garruk, Savage Herald
oth Goblins
mod Gondor
com Grave Danger
sta Gruul Stompy Challenger Deck
sta Hare Raising
pio Izzet Phoenix - Challenger Deck
sta Jace, Arcane Strategist
sta Liliana, Death Mage
oth Merfolk
sta Mono Green Stompy
sta Mono Red Aggro
sta Mono White Aggro (Challenger Decks 2022)
mod Mordor
com Necron Dynasties
pio Orzhov Humans - Challenger Deck
sta Otter Limits
com Painbow
pio Pioneer Dimir Control - Challenger Deck
pio Pioneer Gruul Stompy - Challenger Deck
com Primal Genesis
com Quantum Quandrix
sta Rakdos Vampires Challenger Deck
sta Ral, Caller of Storms
sta Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage
oth Speed
com Token Triumph
com Undead Unleashed
sta United Assault Challenger Deck
sta Up and Away
com Veloci-Ramp-Tor
sta Vraska, Regal Gorgon
sta β«οΈ 2021 Arena Starter Kit
sta π’ 2021 Arena Starter
Tournament Pioneer
pio Boros Convoke by Gekyume
pio Boros Heroic - Jonathan Dolor top rank showdown 2nd place
pio Boros Heroic by Simon Nielsen
pio Dimir Control by Gabriel Nassif
pio Izzet Phoenix - Aryeh Zax RCQ Brooklyn 1st place
pio Non-Budget π΅π΄ Prowess
pio Orzhov Humans by MichaelangeloPira
pio Pioneer Izzet Midrange by Jesse Robkin
pio Rakdos Sacrifice by Duncan Malone
pio Skura Dimir Control
pio Skura Izzet Phoenix
pio π Bo3 Explorer π΅ Spirits
pio π΅βͺ Spirits - Emman Gozon top rank showdown 3rd place
com $10 Borb by BudgetCommander
com $10 Hofri Deck by Clean Fair Magic!
sta $20 π’β« Butts
sta $20 π΄π’ Werewolves
com $50 Ghalta Stompy by BudgetCommander
com $50 Torens Human Tokens by BudgetCommander
com $50 Zada Storm by BudgetCommander
sta 4C Mimeoplasm Lands by yoman5
sta Abzan Roots (2) by yoman5
sta Abzan Roots by yoman5
sta Azorius Affinity Aggro by yoman5
sta Azorius Aggro by CptWaffles
sta Azorius Aggro by Zhao Li
sta Azorius Artifact Aggro (2) by Hamuda
sta Azorius Bunnicorn by Matias Leveratto
sta Azorius Enchantments Bo1 by Strickles
sta Azorius Enchantments by CGB
sta Azorius Helping Hand by yoman5
pio Azorius Humans by Cygnus
sta Azorius Mentor by azureu09
sta Azorius Soldiers by eswaff
pio Azorius Spirits by Frank Karsten
sta Bant Toxic by Matthew Yakobina
sta Big Red by Yoman5
pau bogles by hockeybro26
pau bogles by LasVegasChaos
pio Bohe Budget Boros Convoke
pio Boros Aggro by Suechtler
sta Boros Auras (2) by yoman5
sta Boros Auras (3) by yoman5
sta Boros Burn (2) by yoman5
sta Boros Burn by yoman5
pio Boros Combo by Woozy
sta Boros Convoke by yoman5
oth Boros Heroic - Ravnica Constructed by j2sjosh
pio Boros Heroic by Hamuda
sta Boros Heroic by yoman5
sta Boros Meme Convoke by yoman5
sta Boros Mice by Lennny
sta Boros Mice by Numberonenoob
sta Boros Mice by Perret
sta Boros Mice by Strickles
sta Boros Prowess by Ghost11157
sta Budget MWM BLB Cheap Bunnies by j2sjosh
pio budget storm herald
pio Budget Waste Not (Paper) by Darren Magnotti
pau burn by Bong0411
sta Caves (2) by Matsukasa10
sta CGB Delirium
sta CGB Raise the Past
sta Custom Dimir Control
sta Custom Eerie Enchantments
sta Dimir Enchantments by Scott McNamara
sta Dimir Midrange by Arne Huschenbeth
his Dimir Ninjas is Broken by Ashlizzlle
pio Dimir Self-Mill by yoman5
oth Dinosaur Aggro OTE
sta Drake Hatcher Auras by yoman5
pio Dredgeless Dredge by ellaone
sta Esper Enchantments by Nicole Tipple
sta Esper Pixie by yoman5
sta Esper Sacrifice by yoman5
sta FDN Rakdos Sacrifice by Ashlizzlle
com Felix Five-Boots AKA The Shoes of Exodia
sta Fight Club by TheAsianAvenger
sta Flaming Wizard Burn by SaffronOlive
pio Gates Full and Budget
pau goblins by Jake Stiles
sta Golgari Beanyard by yoman5
sta Golgari Graveyard by Zevin Faust
sta Golgari Lands by yoman5
dra Golgari Midrange
sta Golgari Midrange by Applechips
sta Golgari Midrange by Reid Duke
sta Golgari Mill by monoredleon
sta Golgari Obliterator by Christoffer Larsen
sta Golgari Self-Mill by Fransvetspek
sta Golgari Stompy by yoman5
sta Grim Captain "Reanimator" by yoman5
sta Gruul Aggro by Hamuda
pio Gruul Aggro by Hamuda
sta Gruul Aggro by Keisuke Sato
pio Gruul Aggro by moon11
sta Gruul Aggro by Nicholas Odenheimer
sta Gruul Aggro by Seth Manfield
sta Gruul Dinos by Strickles
sta Gruul Dinosaurs (2) by yoman5
sta Gruul Exhaust Delirium by yoman5
sta Gruul Ghalta Aggro by yoman5
sta Gruul Mice by Yuchen Liu
sta Gruul Midrange by Daisuke Iwabuchi
sta Gruul Monsters by yoman5
sta Gruul Prowess - Standard 2024 by Bohe
sta Gruul Prowess by Hirataz
sta Gruul Prowess by L1X0 (2)
sta Gruul Prowess by Mogged
sta Gruul Prowess by rastaf
pau gruul ramp by AoFTW
pau gruul ramp by Ignotus97
sta Guzzlin Aristocrats by TheAsianAvenger
sta Innistrad Lifegain
sta Izzet Discard Pirates by yoman5
pio Izzet Drakes by Narvuntien
sta Izzet Otter Invasion by yoman5
pio Izzet Phoenix by Frank Karsten
sta Izzet Pirates (4) by yoman5
sta Jeskai Control by jumperredux
sta Jeskai Convoke by Forrest Wang
sta Jeskai Convoke by Simon Nielsen
sta Jeskai Convoke by terlollo04
sta Jeskai Flash by Yoman5
sta Jund Aggro by yoman5
sta Jund Exhaust Roots by yoman5
sta Knights by yoman5
sta Leyline Duplimancy by yoman5
pio Mardu Heroic by yoman5
mod Modern Bogles by Nammersquats
mod Modern Budget Bogles by Riley Knight
pio Mono-Blue Spirits by HEROtsukai
sta MWM BLB Frogs by j2sjosh
oth MWM BLB Is It Easter? by j2sjosh
oth MWM BLB Lizards by j2sjosh
oth MWM BLB Squirrels by j2sjosh
oth MWM Budget Izzet Spells
pio MWM Explorer Izzet Phoenix
pio MWM Explorer Rakdos
pio MWM Explorer Red
pio MWM Explorer Selesnya Company
sta MWM FDN Azorius Control by j2sjosh
sta MWM FDN Cats by j2sjosh
oth MWM Izzet Spells
oth MWM OTE Soldiers
sta Naya Tokens by Strickles
sta Obstinate Baloth is Funny by TheAsianAvenger
com Odric, Lunarch Marshal by Clean Fair Magic!
sta Orzhov Bats by yoman5
sta Orzhov Knight Viper by yoman5
sta Orzhov Lifegain by Lesbeon
sta Orzhov Phyrexian Aristocrats by yoman5
sta Orzhov Raise the Past by yoman5
sta Orzhov Sacrifice (2) by yoman5
sta OTJ Prowess
sta Picnic Aggro by Strickles
pio Pioneer Orzhov Humans (Upgraded) by Emma Partlow
pau Purgatory_01 by Andrea Mengucci
sta Rakdos Aggro by Hamuda (2)
sta Rakdos Aggro by L1X0
pio Rakdos Anvil by Compulsion
sta Rakdos Legends by yoman5
pio Rakdos Lizards (2) by Yoman5
sta Rakdos Lizards (3) by yoman5
sta Rakdos Lizards by yoman5
pio Rakdos Prowess
sta Rakdos Sacrifice Aggro by yoman5
sta Rakdos Sacrifice by Mrcrocodile
sta Rakdos Undead by yoman5
sta Rakdos Viper by yoman5
oth Ravnica Festival by j2sjosh
oth Ravnica Festival Red by j2sjosh
sta Red Deck Wins - Kensuke Kato
pio Red Deck Wins - Marolanzi MTGO challenge 4th place
sta Redline by yoman5
sta Riveteers Treasures (SNC Only) by SaffronOlive
sta Selesnya Auras
pio Selesnya Auras by yoman5
sta Selesnya Bogles by Strickles
pio Selesnya Company by Taichi Morikawa
sta Selesnya Cookies by 4B8
sta Selesnya Midrange by Brian Kibler
sta Selesnya Reconstruction Tokens by yoman5
sta Selesnya Toxic - Standard 2024 by Bohe
sta Simic Kicker by SaffronOlive
sta Simic Ramp by Philip Chung
sta Simic Terror
sta Sultai Lean Roots by yoman5
sta Sultai Roots (3) by yoman5
sta Sultai Roots by yoman5 (2)
sta Sultai Self-Mill by munkeemanometal
sta Sultai Self-Mill by munkeemanometal (2)
sta Sultai Tempo by badgods
com Sythis Enchantments Base by Drew Knapp
sta Temur Floodcaller Combo by justAlice
sta Temur Otters by Jacopo Bartollini
sta Temur Prowess by cftsoc3
sta Temur Prowess Combo Bo3 by Strickles
sta Temur Varmint Combo by yoman5
com Teysa Karlov by Drew Knapp
com The Swarmweaver by Clean Fair Magic!
pau tron by WA19
sta Viper Sacrifice by Ashlizzlle
sta WB Aristocrats by SaffronOlive
com Zada by SaffronOlive
mod Zada goblins
com Zada, Hedron Grinder by Alejandro Fuentes
sta Zombie Hunt by SaffronOlive
pau βͺ aggro by dragtar
sta βͺ Blink by Strickles
sta βͺ Cats (Foundations only) by yoman5
sta βͺ Cats by yoman5
pau βͺ heroic by VoiceOfDefiance
sta βͺβ« Sacrifice by Ashlizzlle
sta βͺπ΅ Aggro by Okai Toshiki
pau β« sacrifice by medvedev
pio π (E) Budget π΅ Tempo
pio π (E) βͺ Aggro
pio π (E) π΄ Burn
his π (H) Budget Azorius Auras
his π (H) Budget Simic Flash
sta π΄ Aggro - Standard 2024 by Bohe
sta π΄ Aggro (2) by yoman5
sta π΄ Aggro (Foundations Only) by yoman5
pio π΄ Aggro by esmyth
pio π΄ Budget
his π Budget Azorius Auras
pio π Budget Dimir Rogues
pio π΄ Burn by yoman5
pau π΄ by GiuxGobbo
oth π΄ Cavalcade - Ravnica Constructed by j2sjosh
sta π’ Control by SaffronOlive
pau π΅ delver by jundilion
sta π’ Elves (Foundations only) by yoman5
pio π΄ Embercleave by Frank Karsten
dra π’ Foundations Draft
sta π΄ Goblins (2) by yoman5
sta π΄ Goblins by yoman5
oth π Kamigawa Rakdos Anvil
pio π΄ Leyline by SaffronOlive
sta π΄ Modify by Dafore
sin π One for All βͺ Aggro
sin π One for All β« Aggro
sta π’ Ramp by Strickles
mod π’ Stompy
mod π’ Stompy (Budget)
pio π’ Stompy (Budget)
sta π’ Stompy by SaffronOlive
sta π’ Stompy by yoman5 (3)
pau π΄ synthesizer by MikeMas88
sta π΅ Tempo (2) by yoman5
sta π΅ Tempo (2) by yoman5
sta π΅ Tempo (Foundations only) by yoman5
sta π΅ Tempo by Uncledrew1992
sta π΅ Tempo by Yoman5
sta π΅ terror by Luminati
sta π΄ w/ Thundering Raiju by yoman5
pio π΄ Wizards by Reid Duke
oth π π΄π’ Werewolves
pio π΄βͺ Heroic Budget by darthjacen
sta π΅βͺ Spirits by SaffronOlive
sta π΄π’ Day/Night Werewolves by SaffronOlive
mod π΅π΄ Delver on a Budget
sta π΄π’ Exhaust by Corey Baumeister
pio π΅π΄ Wizards
Avg. CMC 3.12 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

![]() |
Name ![]() |
Edition | $ | Type | Cost | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rarity | Color | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Creature (24) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Aragorn and Arwen, Wed
![]() |
$6.24 | Legendary Creature - Human Elf Noble | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Bag End Porter
![]() |
$0.05 | Creature - Dwarf | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Butterbur, Bree Innkeeper
![]() |
$0.03 | Legendary Creature - Human Peasant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
East-Mark Cavalier
![]() |
$0.03 | Creature - Human Knight | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Eastfarthing Farmer
![]() |
$0.04 | Creature - Halfling Peasant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Frodo, Determined Hero
![]() |
$0.38 | Legendary Creature - Halfling Warrior | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Galadriel, Gift-Giver
![]() |
$3.56 | Legendary Creature - Elf Noble | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Gandalf, White Rider
![]() |
$0.71 | Legendary Creature - Avatar Wizard | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Generous Ent
![]() |
$0.41 | Creature - Treefolk | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 |
Knight of the Keep
![]() |
$0.03 | Creature - Human Knight | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Landroval, Horizon Witness
![]() |
$0.03 | Legendary Creature - Bird Noble | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Meriadoc Brandybuck
![]() |
$0.08 | Legendary Creature - Halfling Citizen | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Mushroom Watchdogs
![]() |
$0.02 | Creature - Dog | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Peregrin Took
![]() |
$0.55 | Legendary Creature - Halfling Citizen | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Protector of Gondor
![]() |
$0.03 | Creature - Human Soldier | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Rosie Cotton of South Lane
![]() |
$0.17 | Legendary Creature - Halfling Peasant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Westfold Rider
![]() |
$0.07 | Creature - Human Knight | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Wose Pathfinder
![]() |
$0.03 | Creature - Human Shaman | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Instant (3) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Second Breakfast
![]() |
$0.03 | Instant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Stew the Coneys
![]() |
$0.06 | Instant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
You Cannot Pass!
![]() |
$0.07 | Instant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sorcery (2) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Many Partings
![]() |
$0.17 | Sorcery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Artifact (3) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Bilbo's Ring
![]() |
$8.95 | Legendary Artifact - Equipment | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
DΓΊnedain Blade
![]() |
$0.03 | Artifact - Equipment | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Galadhrim Bow
![]() |
$0.03 | Artifact - Equipment | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enchantment (2) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Banishing Light
![]() |
$0.05 | Enchantment | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Land (26) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 |
![]() |
$0.13 | Basic Land - Forest | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Graypelt Refuge
![]() |
$0.12 | Land | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 |
![]() |
$0.06 | Basic Land - Plains | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Shire Terrace
![]() |
$0.13 | Land |
Sideboard - 2 cards, 2 distinct
![]() |
Name ![]() |
Edition | $ | Type | Cost | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rarity | Color | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Token (2) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Food // Human Soldier
![]() |
N/A | Token | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Food // Treasure
![]() |
N/A | Token |
Matthew Proctor | 26-Dec-2024 01:32https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/the-lord-of-the-rings-tales-of-middle-earth-starter-kit-decklists
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