Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
tuna1694 | 30-May-2013 21:12so...it has begun.
Daniel Brooks | 30-May-2013 21:14What is that supposed to mean? We played against it on Tuesday and it was pretty decent, but Emmara herself was irrelevant.
tuna1694 | 30-May-2013 21:16it was supposed to be a joke because everyone be trollin on emmara
Daniel Brooks | 30-May-2013 21:29I don't really think it's a joke. He traded for an Academy Rector.
tuna1694 | 30-May-2013 21:29the deck's not, but emmara is.
Trevor | 30-May-2013 21:52People, people. Neither the deck nor the general is a joke. As Daniel can vouch, this deck has the capacity to do some ridiculous stuff. Emmara Tandris is a key facet in making Lightmine Field worthwhile so I don't want to hear that she is irrelevant. Lastly, yes Tuna. It has begun. Prepare thineself to die at the hands of a 21/23 Emmara Tandris
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