This deck is incomplete. It is not listed in the decks section and does not count towards the total decks count. A complete WoW deck contains between 61 and 70 cards, and includes a hero card.

releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 126 cards, 125 distinct
Name  Type Classes Edition
Ally (126)
1 "Chillhands" Spigotgulp Ally - Gnome Mage Blood of Gladiators
2 "Cracklehands" Spigotgulp Ally - Gnome Warlock Blood of Gladiators
1 Alador Stonebrew Ally - Dwarf Paladin Worldbreaker
1 Andrews the Just Ally - Human Priest Crown of the Heavens
1 Anduros Silversong Ally - Night Elf Priest Scourgewar
1 Anguar Frostbeard Ally - Dwarf Hunter Drums of War
1 Anika Berlyn Ally - Human Paladin Heroes of Azeroth
1 Archduke Franklin Pearce Ally - Human Death Knight Scourgewar
1 Arvos Jadestone Ally - Dwarf Shaman War of the Elements
1 Axar Ally - Draenei Mage War of the Elements
1 Barnathrum, Lord of Pain Ally - Human Warlock Through the Dark Portal
1 Bishop Ketodo Ally - Human Priest Tomb of the Forgotten
1 Bizzik Sparkcog Ally - Gnome Warlock Heroes of Azeroth
1 Braxiss the Sleeper Ally - Night Elf Druid Heroes of Azeroth
1 Bretander of the Claw Ally - Night Elf Druid Through the Dark Portal
1 Brimi Tinkerblade Ally - Gnome Rogue War of the Elements
1 Christopher the Devout Instant Ally - Human Warrior Fires of Outland
1 Dagin Bootzap Ally - Dwarf Hunter War of the Elements
1 Daniel Soortan Ally - Human Priest Drums of War
1 Darktwister Kern Ally - Human Priest Icecrown
1 Darnassus Sentinels Ally - Night Elf Warrior Through the Dark Portal
1 Darynus Ally - Draenei Warrior March of The Legion
1 Dominic Kandor Ally - Worgen Death Knight War of the Elements
1 Dorric the Martyr Ally - Dwarf Paladin Heroes of Azeroth
1 Durgrin Ironedge Ally - Dwarf Rogue Drums of War
1 Elder Tomas Ally - Draenei Shaman Blood of Gladiators
1 Elder Valdar of the Exodar Ally - Draenei Warrior Blood of Gladiators
1 Elder Zeez Ally - Draenei Hunter Blood of Gladiators
1 Elementalist Psyrin Ally - Draenei Shaman Drums of War
1 Erama Ally - Draenei Paladin War of the Elements
1 Errzig Cogflicker Ally - Gnome Mage Drums of War
1 Falcore Ally - Night Elf Hunter Drums of War
1 Fenton Guardmont Ally - Worgen Warrior Worldbreaker
1 Field Commander Foggo Ally - Gnome Warlock Scourgewar
1 Freya Lightsworn Ally - Dwarf Priest Heroes of Azeroth
1 Gabble Ally - Gnome Mage March of The Legion
1 Galahandra, Keeper of the Silent Grove Ally - Night Elf Druid Heroes of Azeroth
1 Gerana Sparkfist Ally - Dwarf Mage Worldbreaker
1 Gladiator Kinivus Arena Ally - Draenei Shaman Blood of Gladiators
1 Gladiator Lanthus Arena Ally - Night Elf Druid Blood of Gladiators
1 Gladiator Loraala Arena Ally - Draenei Mage Blood of Gladiators
1 Gladiator Magnus Arena Ally - Dwarf Hunter Blood of Gladiators
1 Gladiator Meganna Arena Ally - Human Rogue Blood of Gladiators
1 Gladiator Ryno Arena Ally - Gnome Warlock Blood of Gladiators
1 Gladiator Zophos Arena Ally - Draenei Paladin Blood of Gladiators
1 Grint Sundershot Ally - Dwarf Hunter Heroes of Azeroth
1 Gully Rustinax Ally - Gnome Warrior War of the Elements
1 Hannah the Unstoppable Ally - Human Rogue Heroes of Azeroth
1 High Magus Euli Ally - Draenei Mage Scourgewar
1 Huntress Xenia Ally - Draenei Hunter Blood of Gladiators
1 Ironforge Guards Ally - Dwarf Warrior Heroes of Azeroth
1 Izza Spindleflame Ally - Gnome Warlock Fires of Outland
1 Jeniva Prescott Ally - Worgen Priest War of the Elements
1 Jinie Swizzleshade Ally - Gnome Priest Worldbreaker
1 Josiah King Ally - Human Mage Fires of Outland
1 Justicar Nordar Stonegrave Ally - Dwarf Death Knight Icecrown
1 Kaale Ally - Draenei Shaman Scourgewar
1 Kalam Blacksteel Ally - Worgen Death Knight Crown of the Heavens
1 Kavai the Wanderer Ally - Night Elf Warrior Through the Dark Portal
1 Kelsa Wildfire Ally - Worgen Mage Twilight of the Dragons
1 Knight Karia Ally - Human Warrior Twilight of the Dragons
1 Koeus Ally - Draenei Shaman Worldbreaker
1 Kor Cindervein Ally - Dwarf Paladin Heroes of Azeroth
1 Krenig Soulguard Ally - Dwarf Priest Fires of Outland
1 Kristina Soulcinder Ally - Human Warlock Blood of Gladiators
1 Kurdoc Greybeard Ally - Dwarf Paladin Blood of Gladiators
1 Lady Courtney Noel Ally - Human Priest Heroes of Azeroth
1 Lafiel Ally - Night Elf Priest Heroes of Azeroth
1 Latro Abiectus Ally - Night Elf Rogue Heroes of Azeroth
1 Liba Wobblebonk Ally - Gnome Mage Heroes of Azeroth
1 Lilnas the Calm Ally - Draenei Priest Through the Dark Portal
1 Lynda Steele Ally - Human Warrior Through the Dark Portal
1 Magdeline Prideheart Ally - Human Paladin March of The Legion
1 Mollie Brightheart Ally - Human Mage Drums of War
1 Muradin Bronzebeard Ally - Dwarf Warrior Assault on Icecrown Citadel
1 Mya, Dragonling Wrangler Ally - Gnome Mage Through the Dark Portal
1 Myrodan Silversong Ally - Night Elf Rogue Scourgewar
1 Naasi Ally - Draenei Paladin Tomb of the Forgotten
1 Nalkas Ally - Night Elf Priest Fires of Outland
1 Neeka Ally - Night Elf Druid Fires of Outland
1 Neophyte Morandi Ally - Draenei Paladin March of The Legion
1 Nessera Gildenrose Ally - Night Elf Warrior War of the Elements
1 Norrund Grovewalker Ally - Night Elf Druid Fires of Outland
1 Olaf Steelbreaker Ally - Dwarf Warrior Scourgewar
1 Overseer Oilfist Ally - Dwarf Warrior Through the Dark Portal
1 Patricia Potter Ally - Human Warlock War of the Elements
1 Petreus Roffe Ally - Human Paladin Scourgewar
1 Porto Ally - Draenei Shaman Fires of Outland
1 Rahn Grimstaff Ally - Human Warlock March of The Legion
1 Reverend Tobias Ally - Human Priest Through the Dark Portal
1 Rodrigo Ally - Human Paladin Fires of Outland
1 Routeen Ally - Draenei Mage March of The Legion
1 Rufus Claybourne Instant Ally - Worgen Druid War of the Elements
1 Sal Grimstalker Ally - Dwarf Rogue Fires of Outland
1 Savina Greysky Ally - Night Elf Druid Fires of Outland
1 Savis Cindur Ally - Worgen Warlock Worldbreaker
1 Scaramanga Ally - Human Warlock Through the Dark Portal
1 Sha'lin Nightwind Ally - Night Elf Druid Heroes of Azeroth
1 Shanis Bladefall Ally - Night Elf Death Knight Worldbreaker
1 Soulseeker Huulo Ally - Draenei Priest Scourgewar
1 Stargazer Ronal Ally - Worgen Druid Twilight of the Dragons
1 Starli Ally - Gnome Warlock Scourgewar
1 Stylean Silversteel Ally - Human Priest Heroes of Azeroth
1 Terina Calin Ally - Human Rogue Worldbreaker
1 Tinker Burnfizzle Ally - Gnome Warlock Drums of War
1 Tinker Casey Springlock Ally - Gnome Warrior Drums of War
1 Tonks the Tenacious Ally - Gnome Mage Drums of War
1 Tracker Gallen Ally - Night Elf Hunter Heroes of Azeroth
1 Trakas Ally - Draenei Warrior Blood of Gladiators
1 Tristan Rapidstrike Instant Ally - Night Elf Warrior Heroes of Azeroth
1 Trixie Boltclunker Ally - Gnome Warrior Scourgewar
1 Tyrus Lionheart Ally - Human Paladin Blood of Gladiators
1 Unen Rataan Ally - Draenei Shaman Fires of Outland
1 Varandas Silverleaf Ally - Night Elf Druid Worldbreaker
1 Vazu'jin Ally - Troll Rogue Crown of the Heavens
1 Vestia Abiectus Ally - Night Elf Priest Through the Dark Portal
1 Vincent Brayden Ally - Human Paladin War of the Elements
1 Vindicator Enkallus Ally - Draenei Shaman Through the Dark Portal
1 Vindicator Trytan Ally - Draenei Warrior March of The Legion
1 Vishala Ally - Draenei Shaman Icecrown
1 Warden Tonarin Ally - Night Elf Warrior Heroes of Azeroth
1 Wazix Blonktop Ally - Gnome Priest Worldbreaker
1 Xeris Ally - Draenei Death Knight War of the Elements
1 Zaistor the Vigilant Ally - Draenei Paladin March of The Legion
1 Zuur Ally - Draenei Shaman Worldbreaker
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

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