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Remember that losing is never due to your deck, nor any play errors by you, and also not your opponents' skills. Your opponents got lucky and you got crappy draws. Here are some handy phrases to deploy after a lost game:
This is the glue that holds the rest of D.O.U.C.H.E.B.A.G. together. Sure, every EDH player might accidentally stumble into one or the other of the above faults from time to time, but even if you manage to be a D.O.U.C.H.E.B.A., you'll never be a true doucheBAG without an aggressive, hostile attitude, especially when losing.
i am showing this to everybody hahahaha god i cant stop laughing you need to read this again and do some reserch sir maybe change ALL your commanders lol
hahaha this applies to you as much as it applies to me hahahaha all my generals are barely use at all in commpetive formats while your are top pick hahahahah
PRO TIP: DO NOT offer to let them take the attack back.
this is what andrew did to me on my tribal lol I though it was clever lol
Thats the article i was talking about