08TONGUE's profile
- MTG DECKS (32)
The Commander Project
vin #1: The Greatest (Distortion)
mod +1 GW Standard
mod Artifacts
vin Bant Morph EDH
mod BGBytts
leg Birthing Pod Casual
leg Bushi EDH
leg casualmyr
sta Dark Deal
mod Dark Deal Devotion
vin Derevi EDH
leg doranEDH
vin Grixis Faeries
vin Inalla EDH
vin Jund Dragon EDH
vin Karador's Spirits
leg KaronaEDH
vin Khemba EDH
vin Legend(s) of RIku
vin Maelstrom Wanderer All-ternate Art
leg Mardu EDH
mod Mono-U Devotion
leg Pretty Pretty Princess
mod Rogue Aggro Casual
vin RUG Zada
vin Selesnya Dragons
vin Simic Manifest
vin Star Trek: TNG
mod The Farmer
mod UB Mill
vin Waste Not Casual
mod WG Hummuns
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
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