Sideboard - 1 cards, 1 distinct
ivanthehungrier | 09-Jun-2015 02:41Lovin the inclusion of Null Profusion! Whats the deal with Parallel Lives?
xwaynestaticx03 | Edited 09-Jun-2015 02:45I originally planned to go zombie tribal for some reason and have since scrapped that idea. I think I will remake my Karador into a zombie tribal and go another direction with this. Parallel Lives was intended to increase my zombie token output. I need to research some more to figure out my direction,
ivanthehungrier | 09-Jun-2015 03:30Just make it how you want to. Damia draws cards for you so cards that normally wouldnt net you cards like Careful Study or Contagion would with your general.
xwaynestaticx03 | 11-Jun-2015 16:21Ha, check out Recycle , does the exact same thing as Null Profusion.
ivanthehungrier | 12-Jun-2015 06:21Nice!! Yeah, let me know how you think those 2 are. Null has been a great card in any deck I have put it into.
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