Tom OKeefe (MisterAWasTaken)
- Location:
Australia - Victoria - Melbourne
- Score:
25 (100%) -
25 1 0
0 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 19-May-2024 05:55
- Will trade cards:
- Worldwide
- Ships sold cards to:
- Australia, International
- Member of:
- Foil Traders

User Bio
Hey, I'm Tom. Finally re-uploaded my collection during July 2020.
I've played magic since mid 2014, and was a semi-serious collector until 2018 when I sort of fell out of Magic. Not looking for full sets, but I still play commander and I'm on the lookout for good EDH cards. I also have a pauper cube of just over 500 cards, so foil commons that are decent are always good ways to make up trade value.
Note about interests:
- I'll take M/NM cards, anything after that affects price.
- I collect foils, but often only to add value to a trade.
- If I'm trading down one/a few cards into bulk I expect extra value, again same for the reverse.
- I particularly look for EDH staples, Top-end staple lands and price speculation cards.
I've played magic since mid 2014, and was a semi-serious collector until 2018 when I sort of fell out of Magic. Not looking for full sets, but I still play commander and I'm on the lookout for good EDH cards. I also have a pauper cube of just over 500 cards, so foil commons that are decent are always good ways to make up trade value.
Note about interests:
- I'll take M/NM cards, anything after that affects price.
- I collect foils, but often only to add value to a trade.
- If I'm trading down one/a few cards into bulk I expect extra value, again same for the reverse.
- I particularly look for EDH staples, Top-end staple lands and price speculation cards.