Bram (bramp)
- Location:
Netherlands - Limburg - Weert
- Score:
2 (100%) -
2 0 0
0 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 19-May-2020 21:16
- Will trade cards:
- Worldwide
- Ships sold cards to:
- Netherlands, European Union, International
- Member of:
- The European MTG League, European Traders, Foil Traders

User Bio
I DO down-trade (even duals), but I use low-prices of Magiccardmarket.eu. So you better bring a large stack of my wants ;-)
I only send duals after receiving payment / trades, or preferably in person.
Age: 36
IT professional
Played Magic since 4th edition (1996 or something)
I only send duals after receiving payment / trades, or preferably in person.
Age: 36
IT professional
Played Magic since 4th edition (1996 or something)