Sideboard - 30 cards, 30 distinct
Commander: Nekusar
This is my ongoing development on a Grixis goodstuff deck. It originated from a casual 60-cards Sphinx-deck in Grixis colors which mainly featured early sweepers (Pyroclasm, Damnation) and pinpoint-removal (Terminate), mana-fix and card-draw (Courier's Capsule), into mid-game Sphinxes (and more card-draw) into the late-game Cruel Ultimatums and Nicol Bolas Planeswalkers, Comet Storms etc.
Building it EDH-style enables more mana-intensive sweepers like Decree of Pain, powerful card-draw in Recurring Insight and other fun spells.
The deck plays surprisingly well, with random react-spells like Sudden Spoiling, some counters in Undermine Suffocating Blast and Time Stop.
With all the Sorceries and Instants, Mnemonic Wall and Charmbreaker Devils are quite nice. Make some extra copies with Tempt with Reflections (or Rite of Replication) to return the copy-spell itself and some extra Sorceries to your hand. Also, the Primordials, Titans and Bogarden Hellkites make enough copy/clone targets.
Also, the copy-mages Nivix Guildmage and Echo Mage can do some crazy stuff. Imagine double or triple Cruel Ultimatums. Please note, that these don't work when copied:
All mass removal (duh)
- Time Stop (stack is emptied)
- Psychic Spiral (graveyard is empty after the first)
And these work less good because:
- Comet storm -> You can just multi-kicker it, exept when you already multikickered it enough that it's more mana-efficient to use a Mage (Echo Mage full-leveled)
- Diabolic Revelation -> Just pump more mana into X
- Profane Command -> You can't choose new modes
Nice endgame killer: Wild Ricochet -> recently I was targeted with a lethal damage-X-spell and reflected it with a copy to it's caster. Nice Game.
This is my ongoing development on a Grixis goodstuff deck. It originated from a casual 60-cards Sphinx-deck in Grixis colors which mainly featured early sweepers (Pyroclasm, Damnation) and pinpoint-removal (Terminate), mana-fix and card-draw (Courier's Capsule), into mid-game Sphinxes (and more card-draw) into the late-game Cruel Ultimatums and Nicol Bolas Planeswalkers, Comet Storms etc.
Building it EDH-style enables more mana-intensive sweepers like Decree of Pain, powerful card-draw in Recurring Insight and other fun spells.
The deck plays surprisingly well, with random react-spells like Sudden Spoiling, some counters in Undermine Suffocating Blast and Time Stop.
With all the Sorceries and Instants, Mnemonic Wall and Charmbreaker Devils are quite nice. Make some extra copies with Tempt with Reflections (or Rite of Replication) to return the copy-spell itself and some extra Sorceries to your hand. Also, the Primordials, Titans and Bogarden Hellkites make enough copy/clone targets.
Also, the copy-mages Nivix Guildmage and Echo Mage can do some crazy stuff. Imagine double or triple Cruel Ultimatums. Please note, that these don't work when copied:
All mass removal (duh)
- Time Stop (stack is emptied)
- Psychic Spiral (graveyard is empty after the first)
And these work less good because:
- Comet storm -> You can just multi-kicker it, exept when you already multikickered it enough that it's more mana-efficient to use a Mage (Echo Mage full-leveled)
- Diabolic Revelation -> Just pump more mana into X
- Profane Command -> You can't choose new modes
Nice endgame killer: Wild Ricochet -> recently I was targeted with a lethal damage-X-spell and reflected it with a copy to it's caster. Nice Game.
Extract from Darkness
Supplant Form
Polymorphist's Jest
Consecrated Sphinx
Conundrum Sphinx
Goblin Electromancer
Hypersonic Dragon
Jhoira of the Ghitu
Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur
Kaervek the Merciless
Keiga, the Tide Star
Lighthouse Chronologist
Mercurial Chemister
Nightscape Familiar
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind
Black Sun's Zenith
Killing Wave
Mizzium Mortars
Archmage Ascension
Bloodchief Ascension
Druidic Satchel
Ral Zarek
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
Izzet Guildgate
Rakdos Guildgate
Transguild Promenade
Added:CounterfluxEvil TwinMystic RemoraBrainstormAetherspoutPhyrexian MetamorphSensei's Divining TopNykthos, Shrine to NyxBarren MoorSwiftwater CliffsForgotten CaveDismal BackwaterBloodfell CavesWorst FearsExtract from DarknessCurse of the SwineAcquireWord of SeizingSpell CrumpleReiterateMystical TutorLim-Dul's VaultHero's DownfallDack's DuplicantHumble DefectorGlen Elendra Archmage
Prince of Thralls
Jhoira of the Ghitu
Bloodchief Ascension
Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur
Diabolic Tutor
Ral Zarek
Chandra, the Firebrand
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
Sphinx of Uthuun
Cast Through Time
Crypt Ghast
Killing Wave
Rise of the Dark Realms
Rhystic Study
Future Sight
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
Aeon Chronicler
Disciple of Bolas
Jace's Archivist
Nekusar, the Mindrazer
Crypt Ghast
Breaking // Entering
Windreader Sphinx
Jace's Mindseeker
Wayfarer's Bauble
Leyline of the Anticipation
Coalition Relic
- Oona, Queen of the Fae: I rarely had mana to use her
- Opportunity: Moderate card-draw which I rarely had mana for
- Aeon Chronicler: Delivers continuous moderate card-draw
- Future Sight: Same, but in a different way, also enables land-drops and keeps Terrain Generator active
Removed Praetor's Grasp for Hypersonic Dragon
Removed Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius for Mercurial Chemister
Removed Diabolic Revelation for Dominus of Fealty
- Obelisk of Grixis for Burnished Hart Adds more stable mana
- Doom Blade for Go for the Throat Targetting black / multicolor tends to be better than artifact removal
- Scourge of Kher Ridges for Mizzium Mortars because it hits only opponents and Scourge costs mana upfront
- Diluvian Primordial for Sphinx of Uthuun because Diluvian didn't hit anything good.
- Arcane Melee for Goblin Electromancer Goblin costs less and does almost the same, but only for me
- Inferno Titan for Niv-Mizzet, Dragonius Same cc, but Niv-Mizzet can also draw cards
- Evil Twin for Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver Planeswalkers do more stuff, although I wasnt really impressed with Ashiok yet. Might switch these two back later
- Brainstorm for Jace's Mindseeker Mindseeker seems an interesting card and Brainstorm didn't do too much
- Solemn Simulacrum for Mirari Most sorceries don't really scale in multiples, Solemn ramps extra stable mana
- Courier's Capsule for Redirect Capsule doesn't do anything late-game while Redirect is another trick / counter
- Prophetic bolt for Teleportal Bolt didn't do that much and Teleportal is an alpha-strike ender
- Slave of Bolas for Diabolic Tutor Enough creature destruction already and tutors are always welcome
- Nevinyrral's Disk for Tempt with Immortality Just discard creatures to reanimate, disk just kills all my stuff
Chain Reaction for Doom blade: I noticed my deck has quite enough sweepers, but could use some more instant pinpoint removal
Removed Visions of Beyond for Cyclonic Rift: Cyclonic Rift is a 7 mana end-game card, an instant AND a catch-all card against even Sigarda, Avacyn combo. Visions mostly only cycled, except in the end-game in which I had plenty of card-draw.
Removed Tempt with Reflection, because when I copied the Nightscape Familiar, nobody wanted a copy, even when they were in-color. There's not much else I would really want to copy.
Added Gem of Becoming for more mana-fetch. Curious to how many discards at end of turn I'm gonna get with this.
Changed Commander from Jeleva to Nekuasr, because I almost never played her, and when I did, I hardly hit anything nice. Also, there's a lot of X-spells in there, which don't work when casting with Jeleva.
Removed Molten Disaster for a Black Sun's Zenith, which is more effective against about anything (except when countered).
Added Disciple of Bolas for removing Jeleva.
Removed Isochron Scepter because it had just 3 targets
I'm in much doubt about Uyo, Silent Prophet , because I rarely miss a landdrop when going. The bottleneck is having enough mana in play, despite all the landdrops. I can almost always use up my mana and still have too many cards in hand.
Addded Terrain Generator to get more land-drops. Curious how it will work out with 16-ish basics.I don't have much trouble controlling the board of creatures, so removed Shriekmaw ,Chandra Nalaar and Vile Requiem . Sometimes I have to choose to either blow the board and kill my own creatures or keep a moderately good creature position.Added Consecrated Sphinx , because it's just a power-card. I had one in another deck, so I swapped that out. Added Recurring Insight for the same reasonAdded Praetor's Grasp to steal Consecrated Sphinx , Decree of Pain , Rhystic Study or some Mana acceleration in Gilded Lotus or Sol Ring . Any other power-cards could always hit for fun.Added Time Stop as a counter / catch-all
Other options to add:
Thada Adel, Acquisitor : Because of the many board-sweepers, she may be not that good. Then again, hitting a Sol Ring or Gilded Lotus early will speed up enough to warent a hit or 2. Hitting Swords or other equipment is power.Black Sun's Zenith : Recurring sweepers are frkn awesome. Having the ability to kill anything, including indestructables and non-targetables may push him into the deck.Disciple of Bolas : I have so much card-draw, it's insane. A little lifegain though wouldn't hurt.Devastation Tide : This thing is Sorcery, better get Cyclonic Rift as it doesn't bounce my own stuff