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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Name User Color Format Updated 
Tinker Time Jason Winters Commander 0 2 0 17-Feb-2025 18:29
Animated Army Jason Winters Commander 0 2 0 17-Feb-2025 18:19
Mishra's Burnished Banner Franz Sturm Commander 0 3 0 17-Feb-2025 06:00
Glissa, the Traitor - Theme: Artifacts Steve Douthat  Commander 0 3 0 17-Feb-2025 03:03
Oriss, Samite Guardian - Theme: Pillowfort Steve Douthat  Commander 0 2 0 17-Feb-2025 02:00
Animated Army Chedda127 Commander 0 2 0 17-Feb-2025 00:01
Salamander Tribal Emperor_Palpatine Commander 0 3 0 16-Feb-2025 23:56
Daretti Matatron  Commander 0 2 0 16-Feb-2025 20:40
Memnarch sleepis4daweak  Commander 0 4 0 16-Feb-2025 20:06
Feldon's Junkyard (Feldon) Steven Dahdah  Commander 0 3 0 16-Feb-2025 19:07
Arcum Dagsson Daniel Eppacher Commander 0 2 0 16-Feb-2025 14:13
Arcum's tricks iccamba23 Vintage 0 3 0 16-Feb-2025 10:10
Temur Commander - Temur Artifacts Boonstra Commander 0 2 0 16-Feb-2025 06:17
Jhoira, AI [U][R] EDH Finagles Commander 0 6 0 16-Feb-2025 03:16
Bello precon Anarlome Commander 0 2 0 16-Feb-2025 00:11
Karn You Feel Fredzilla Commander 0 3 0 15-Feb-2025 22:02
Sydri's Self Driving Emporium Jariot  Commander 0 4 0 15-Feb-2025 20:46
[4****-3] 8UR Saheeli Vim Nizzet Commander 0 2 0 15-Feb-2025 18:30
Donal, Herald of Wings megalomania666  Commander 0 2 0 15-Feb-2025 17:06
_Ezuri, Renegade Leader, slow Methuzalas108426066 Vintage 0 2 0 15-Feb-2025 16:52
[EDH] Armée Animée BeetleRoon  Commander 0 2 0 15-Feb-2025 10:45
Staples fadamous  Other 0 8 0 15-Feb-2025 10:38
Red treasures jason owens Commander 0 2 0 15-Feb-2025 03:07
Bellos 🔴🟢 Infinitetomato Commander 0 3 0 14-Feb-2025 22:54
Esper Oloro Life/Control Ryan Hallows Commander 0 3 0 14-Feb-2025 15:52
04 Mishra's Burnished Banner dipakun Commander 0 5 0 14-Feb-2025 15:23
Per Ethan SteffHeff Commander 0 2 0 14-Feb-2025 11:47
BLC - Animated Army Nareog  Commander 0 2 0 14-Feb-2025 07:15
Brago, King Eternal Abbanation Commander 0 3 0 14-Feb-2025 01:29
Bello DScollect Commander 0 6 0 13-Feb-2025 17:28
Animated Army (Em's Upgrade) CaptEm Commander 0 2 0 13-Feb-2025 16:31
Jan Jansen WBR Kore 9 Commander 4 2 0 13-Feb-2025 15:35
Emry UU Artifacts Kore 9 Commander 5 7 0 13-Feb-2025 14:47
Mishra-Oldstyle (1) Hellknight  Commander 0 2 0 13-Feb-2025 08:39
Magda MelanieVMTg Commander 0 2 0 12-Feb-2025 21:03
Upgraded Precon: Animated Army cyothment Commander 0 2 0 12-Feb-2025 19:38
Braids Xream  Commander 0 2 0 12-Feb-2025 16:36
Dareti Comander Travis Guttierrez Commander 0 2 0 12-Feb-2025 10:14
Breya Android Dream Josh M Commander 0 4 0 12-Feb-2025 02:50
Breya Artifacts rockstarscheld  Commander 0 2 0 12-Feb-2025 00:20
Bello, Animated Army Sebber17 Commander 0 5 0 11-Feb-2025 12:52
Copy of Bloomburrow Commander Precon: Animated ... Flozabe648 Commander 0 2 0 10-Feb-2025 17:54
Magda Cum Laude Clarkee  Commander 0 3 0 09-Feb-2025 20:37
Chiss-goria Dreko14 Commander 0 3 0 09-Feb-2025 18:25
Purphoros timburr Commander 0 2 0 09-Feb-2025 15:38
Mishra timburr Commander 0 2 0 09-Feb-2025 14:56
Bello, Bard of the Brambles Nathan Commander 0 3 0 09-Feb-2025 14:20
[C] Paradox Dimension SkitzoParadox Commander 0 3 0 08-Feb-2025 23:21
Tinker Time Gremlin Precon Michael Delage Commander 0 3 0 08-Feb-2025 17:58
EDH Urza Artifacts Vegard Commander 0 3 0 08-Feb-2025 11:44
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