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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Name Mana Rarity $
# 1 Afterlife
# 2 Alabaster Wall
# 3 Armistice
# 4 Arrest
# 5 Ballista Squad
# 6 Charm Peddler
# 7 Charmed Griffin
# 8 Cho-Arrim Alchemist
# 9 Cho-Arrim Bruiser
# 10 Cho-Arrim Legate
# 11 Cho-Manno, Revolutionary
# 12 Cho-Manno's Blessing
# 13 Common Cause
# 14 Cornered Market
# 15 Crackdown
# 16 Crossbow Infantry
# 17 Devout Witness
# 18 Disenchant
# 19 Fountain Watch
# 20 Fresh Volunteers
# 21 Honor the Fallen
# 22 Ignoble Soldier
# 23 Inviolability
# 24 Ivory Mask
# 25 Jhovall Queen
# 26 Jhovall Rider
# 27 Last Breath
# 28 Moment of Silence
# 29 Moonlit Wake
# 30 Muzzle
# 31 Nightwind Glider
# 32 Noble Purpose
# 33 Orim's Cure
# 34 Pious Warrior
# 35 Ramosian Captain
# 36 Ramosian Commander
# 37 Ramosian Lieutenant
# 38 Ramosian Rally
# 39 Ramosian Sergeant
# 40 Ramosian Sky Marshal
# 41 Rappelling Scouts
# 42 Renounce
# 43 Revered Elder
# 44 Reverent Mantra
# 45 Righteous Aura
# 46 Righteous Indignation
# 47 Security Detail
# 48 Soothing Balm
# 49 Spiritual Focus
# 50 Steadfast Guard
# 51 Story Circle
# 52 Task Force
# 53 Thermal Glider
# 54 Tonic Peddler
# 55 Trap Runner
# 56 Wave of Reckoning
# 57 Wishmonger
# 58 Aerial Caravan
# 59 Balloon Peddler
# 60 Blockade Runner
# 61 Brainstorm
# 62 Bribery
# 63 Buoyancy
# 64 Chambered Nautilus
# 65 Chameleon Spirit
# 66 Charisma
# 67 Cloud Sprite
# 68 Coastal Piracy
# 69 Counterspell
# 70 Cowardice
# 71 Customs Depot
# 72 Darting Merfolk
# 73 Dehydration
# 74 Diplomatic Escort
# 75 Diplomatic Immunity
# 76 Drake Hatchling
# 77 Embargo
# 78 Energy Flux
# 79 Extravagant Spirit
# 80 False Demise
# 81 Glowing Anemone
# 82 Gush
# 83 High Seas
# 84 Hoodwink
# 85 Indentured Djinn
# 86 Karn's Touch
# 87 Misdirection
# 88 Misstep
# 89 Overtaker
# 90 Port Inspector
# 91 Rishadan Airship
# 92 Rishadan Brigand
# 93 Rishadan Cutpurse
# 94 Rishadan Footpad
# 95 Sailmonger
# 96 Sand Squid
# 97 Saprazzan Bailiff
# 98 Saprazzan Breaker
# 99 Saprazzan Heir
# 100 Saprazzan Legate
# 101 Saprazzan Outrigger
# 102 Saprazzan Raider
# 103 Shoving Match
# 104 Soothsaying
# 105 Squeeze
# 106 Statecraft
# 107 Stinging Barrier
# 108 Thwart
# 109 Tidal Bore
# 110 Tidal Kraken
# 111 Timid Drake
# 112 Trade Routes
# 113 War Tax
# 114 Waterfront Bouncer
# 115 Alley Grifters
# 116 Black Market
# 117 Bog Smugglers
# 118 Bog Witch
# 119 Cackling Witch
# 120 Cateran Brute
# 121 Cateran Enforcer
# 122 Cateran Kidnappers
# 123 Cateran Overlord
# 124 Cateran Persuader
# 125 Cateran Slaver
# 126 Cateran Summons
# 127 Conspiracy
# 128 Corrupt Official
# 129 Dark Ritual
# 130 Deathgazer
# 131 Deepwood Ghoul
# 132 Deepwood Legate
# 133 Delraich
# 134 Enslaved Horror
# 135 Extortion
# 136 Forced March
# 137 Ghoul's Feast
# 138 Haunted Crossroads
# 139 Highway Robber
# 140 Instigator
# 141 Insubordination
# 142 Intimidation
# 143 Larceny
# 144 Liability
# 145 Maggot Therapy
# 146 Midnight Ritual
# 147 Misshapen Fiend
# 148 Molting Harpy
# 149 Nether Spirit
# 150 Notorious Assassin
# 151 Pretender's Claim
# 152 Primeval Shambler
# 153 Putrefaction
# 154 Quagmire Lamprey
# 155 Rain of Tears
# 156 Rampart Crawler
# 157 Rouse
# 158 Scandalmonger
# 159 Sever Soul
# 160 Silent Assassin
# 161 Skulking Fugitive
# 162 Snuff Out
# 163 Soul Channeling
# 164 Specter's Wail
# 165 Strongarm Thug
# 166 Thrashing Wumpus
# 167 Undertaker
# 168 Unmask
# 169 Unnatural Hunger
# 170 Vendetta
# 171 Wall of Distortion
# 172 Arms Dealer
# 173 Battle Rampart
# 174 Battle Squadron
# 175 Blaster Mage
# 176 Blood Hound
# 177 Blood Oath
# 178 Brawl
# 179 Cave Sense
# 180 Cave-In
# 181 Cavern Crawler
# 182 Ceremonial Guard
# 183 Cinder Elemental
# 184 Close Quarters
# 185 Crag Saurian
# 186 Crash
# 187 Flailing Manticore
# 188 Flailing Ogre
# 189 Flailing Soldier
# 190 Flaming Sword
# 191 Furious Assault
# 192 Gerrard's Irregulars
# 193 Hammer Mage
# 194 Hired Giant
# 195 Kris Mage
# 196 Kyren Glider
# 197 Kyren Legate
# 198 Kyren Negotiations
# 199 Kyren Sniper
# 200 Lava Runner
# 201 Lightning Hounds
# 202 Lithophage
# 203 Lunge
# 204 Magistrate's Veto
# 205 Mercadia's Downfall
# 206 Ogre Taskmaster
# 207 Pulverize
# 208 Puppet's Verdict
# 209 Robber Fly
# 210 Rock Badger
# 211 Seismic Mage
# 212 Shock Troops
# 213 Sizzle
# 214 Squee, Goblin Nabob
# 215 Stone Rain
# 216 Tectonic Break
# 217 Territorial Dispute
# 218 Thieves' Auction
# 219 Thunderclap
# 220 Tremor
# 221 Two-Headed Dragon
# 222 Uphill Battle
# 223 Volcanic Wind
# 224 War Cadence
# 225 Warmonger
# 226 Warpath
# 227 Wild Jhovall
# 228 Word of Blasting
# 229 Ancestral Mask
# 230 Bifurcate
# 231 Boa Constrictor
# 232 Briar Patch
# 233 Caller of the Hunt
# 234 Caustic Wasps
# 235 Clear the Land
# 236 Collective Unconscious
# 237 Dawnstrider
# 238 Deadly Insect
# 239 Deepwood Drummer
# 240 Deepwood Elder
# 241 Deepwood Tantiv
# 242 Deepwood Wolverine
# 243 Desert Twister
# 244 Erithizon
# 245 Ferocity
# 246 Food Chain
# 247 Foster
# 248 Game Preserve
# 249 Giant Caterpillar
# 250 Groundskeeper
# 251 Horned Troll
# 252 Howling Wolf
# 253 Hunted Wumpus
# 254 Invigorate
# 255 Land Grant
# 256 Ley Line
# 257 Lumbering Satyr
# 258 Lure
# 259 Megatherium
# 260 Natural Affinity
# 261 Pangosaur
# 262 Revive
# 263 Rushwood Dryad
# 264 Rushwood Elemental
# 265 Rushwood Herbalist
# 266 Rushwood Legate
# 267 Saber Ants
# 268 Sacred Prey
# 269 Silverglade Elemental
# 270 Silverglade Pathfinder
# 271 Snake Pit
# 272 Snorting Gahr
# 273 Spidersilk Armor
# 274 Spontaneous Generation
# 275 Squall
# 276 Squallmonger
# 277 Stamina
# 278 Sustenance
# 279 Tiger Claws
# 280 Tranquility
# 281 Venomous Breath
# 282 Venomous Dragonfly
# 283 Vernal Equinox
# 284 Vine Dryad
# 285 Vine Trellis
# 286 Assembly Hall
# 287 Barbed Wire
# 288 Bargaining Table
# 289 Credit Voucher
# 290 Crenellated Wall
# 291 Crooked Scales
# 292 Crumbling Sanctuary
# 293 Distorting Lens
# 294 Eye of Ramos
# 295 General's Regalia
# 296 Heart of Ramos
# 297 Henge Guardian
# 298 Horn of Plenty
# 299 Horn of Ramos
# 300 Iron Lance
# 301 Jeweled Torque
# 302 Kyren Archive
# 303 Kyren Toy
# 304 Magistrate's Scepter
# 305 Mercadian Atlas
# 306 Mercadian Lift
# 307 Monkey Cage
# 308 Panacea
# 309 Power Matrix
# 310 Puffer Extract
# 311 Rishadan Pawnshop
# 312 Skull of Ramos
# 313 Tooth of Ramos
# 314 Toymaker
# 315 Worry Beads
# 316 Dust Bowl
# 317 Fountain of Cho
# 318 Henge of Ramos
# 319 Hickory Woodlot
# 320 High Market
# 321 Mercadian Bazaar
# 322 Peat Bog
# 323 Remote Farm
# 324 Rishadan Port
# 325 Rushwood Grove
# 326 Sandstone Needle
# 327 Saprazzan Cove
# 328 Saprazzan Skerry
# 329 Subterranean Hangar
# 330 Tower of the Magistrate
# 331 Plains
# 332 Plains
# 333 Plains
# 334 Plains
# 335 Island
# 336 Island
# 337 Island
# 338 Island
# 339 Swamp
# 340 Swamp
# 341 Swamp
# 342 Swamp
# 343 Mountain
# 344 Mountain
# 345 Mountain
# 346 Mountain
# 347 Forest
# 348 Forest
# 349 Forest
# 350 Forest