Yep, it seems we have 2 or 3 IE9 problems still. Will check them out (thank you esser326 for the email about the edit card window btw, I'll also try to reproduce that one).


(43 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Mă bag și eu să hijack the thread smile

Și ale mele sunt de dat în același fel, voi păstra doar unele chestii pentru EDH. Nu am multe chestii valoroase, dar am pus și eu ce-i peste 1$ în tradelist. Restul mai ieftine de atât (nu am updatat tradelistul și cu acelea, dar inventory-ul mi-e up to date, și puteți cere și de acolo) sunt de dat gratis.

Ce am în wishlist încă îmi mai trebuie, deci și trade e super ok.


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I've temporarily removed the send email feature of the forum. People can still use the website's send email feature (there is an "Email" link in the left menu when you visit a user's profile, like mine). I will need to implement some kind of protection for that, sending threshold, ip logging, captchas etc etc.

I so hate the spam industry. I was hoping that a small tcg website wouldn't have to deal with this garbage, but it seems no one escapes. smile


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hmm... this is not good. I banned him, but where there is one...

I'll put up a captcha on the signup page, but that's not going to be enough, as I bet there's other registered ones already.

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  • The community administrators are Moderators for your community's subforum. Nevertheless, if you notice abuse, vulgarity or inappropriate content,
       please report it to

  • Using English is NOT mandatory. Any language can be used in your community's forums, but please use english in the global forums (Announcements, Magic the Gathering, etc)


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The trading opportunities widget on peoples' profile page was getting a bit slow in case you had a very large tradelist and wishlist, so as a temporary solution I have changed the "Worldwide" trading opportunities to "In your country". I have to think about how to make it faster before adding it back.

But while thinking about how to optimize that report I realized I'm not really sure that we do want it in its current form. So here I am asking you guys about it.  smile

I'm mostly interested in opinions from people who have traded on deckbox. Do you use the "Trading Opportunities" widget on your profile, and then look at other people's profiles to see more details? Or are you starting from a specific card you need, and look on that card's page for people who have it? Is there any information that would help you to easier find people to trade with?

If you guys have used other online trading tools (even forums count), are there things that you thought can be solved in an automated fashion to help you find what you need?

Any ideas are welcome.

Fejjgw wrote:

Haha, i bet sebi will cringe at that since he has had so many problems with those damn timeshifted cards!

Exactly right! smile

I can blame this one on Wizards actually, as timeshifted is listed as a separate edition on gatherer, but it is not listed separately here: … /sfrmodern.

Anyway, it's fixed now.

thalaric wrote:

Me and my shiny new "Deckbox 2 CSV" converter disagree with you.

Looks like we're not discussing about the same thing here then smile.  What you did there is parse a string and inject commas and quotes into it.

This thread is about implementing the backend and UI design for exporting inventories, tradelists, wishlists and decks, for 3 card games, with a user-customizable (chooseable) number of fields that represent card properties. The card data is stored in normalized tables, there are 52 tables that deal with information about cards (both static information and user inputed info like foil flags, editions, condition etc).

show tables where `Tables_in_deckbox_production` regexp '(mtg_)|(wow_)|(whi_)';
52 rows in set (0.01 sec)

I really don't want to turn this thread into some kind of back and forth flame discussion, so I'll stop here with the explanation. I don't want to justify the big delay by showing the problem is complex, it's of course not as complex as to take a year to implement smile. I only replied because these "5 minutes" estimations are 2 orders of magnitude away from a correct assessment, when considering defining requirements, structure, code design, UI, functional tests, back and forth manual testing, improvements and fixes, etc. etc. etc.

So I will stop talking about it in this thread and just do it. It will be done this week, cross my heart! tongue

I assure you it is not "trivial", and most definitely is not 5, or 50 minutes as some of you keep telling everybody it is.

But I understand your frustrations, and I'm sorry for delaying this so much. There will be a csv export available this week.

Looks like I had forgotten the Ajani vs Nicol Bolas Duel Deck. Now it's imported:

Thanks for the reminder mihai smile


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This might not be what you are looking for, but people also build "Group Hug" type decks around Phelddagrif: Pretty fun smile

We're back from holiday, bringing you all new cards to add to your inventories smile

Innistrad is now imported, as well as From the Vault: Legends. Should have been up yesterday evening, but the new gimmicky 2 faced cards made the import not as straightforward as I'd hoped.

With the new fall set comes the format legality rotation: Standard and Extended rotated, new banned cards were announced for Extended and Modern. Even legacy got a new one - Mental Misstep.

Happy deck updating smile

(Later Edit) The forgotten Ajani vs Bolas duel deck is also imported as of now:


(0 replies, posted in WHI NRW)

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  • The community administrators are Moderators for your community's subforum. Nevertheless, if you notice abuse, vulgarity or inappropriate content,
       please report it to

  • Using English is NOT mandatory. Any language can be used in your community's forums, but please use english in the global forums (Announcements, Magic the Gathering, etc)


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

We get the information from gatherer, who usually is updated with new sets a few days before the prerelease.

As we are off on holiday the next couple of weeks, the new set data will most probably be imported on sunday the 25th of september.

I'm merging the threads requesting exporting options, to keep the discussion in one place.

I know this is something many people want, and we shall implement it. It is coming smile

Fixed now. Thanks for reporting.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, sadly mysql on the new machine is not cooperating. Still trying to figure out why.

There was a bug that caused cards from Timeshifted set to not work correctly when you tried to choose editions in the Advanced add dialog. This long standing issue has finally been fixed.

(Posting a new thread for clarity as the bug is refereced in various other threads with various titles).


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This is fixed as of this morning.

Quick status update:

I've moved the website to the new server last night, the move itself went pretty smooth, except for some database server weirdness that might have caused slow response times from time to time, until this morning. I addressed some of the possible culprits, should be smoother now, and it's being monitored.

Let us know if you see strange things today, like hanging pages, late responses or any other out of place things smile


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

gmabber wrote:

Thanks for your reply, Sebi. What if i tried to do some coding tricks to make usage of your awesome site available on the iPhone? Would you mind if i made public such an app?

I would not mind at all smile


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yes, this is a known bug and annoying to see but as it was not breaking anything it was not on the important list.

I know we have not dedicated too much time to features and bugfixing lately as we should, and I assure you we will start working more on it again soon. I also appreciate everybody's offers to help but as easy as that sounds "get someone to help", it is not a logistically trivial thing to do properly.

There was a lot of work for our dayjobs, and we have moved to a new country a year ago as well, so we spent a lot of free time compensating for this stress, and less weekends working on deckbox. I know I have promised a more formal announcement of what we plan on doing with deckbox in the future in the spring of this year and have not delivered.

We're going on a holiday in september finally, after 9 months of working, and when we come back fresh there will be more involvement, and a newsletter of what the status is and what we are going to do going forward. Please be patient with us, we shall deliver.

P.S. unclemantis, I have deleted your spam posts on the other threads. Please refrain from copy pasting the same annoying message all over the place.

Valid point, noted.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello gmabber,

We are thinking about a mobile version of the website ourselves for some time too. An API is a good idea and possibly we'll have it, but it is a bit lower on the todo list smile


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you for reporting esser and for the very insightful responses and investigation preypacer. I will try fixing this asap. There will be some delay though because I'm still in the process of moving the website to another server, a process which proves to take longer than I thought.

I'll definitely try to get a fix ready the next day or so.

P.S. Moving topic to Site Feedback