(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Just my .02 on your deck building strategy... take it or leave it...

from a financial stand point, 99% of cards in standard will not hold their value after rotation so, it's not advisable to pick up multiple copies of things like precinct captain for example... something like thoughtseize will hold some value after rotation and even after theros stops being opened so much it'll see a rebound. 

I realize that we all play for different reasons, but it doesn't make sense to spend time trading/buying cards that you'll lose out on for a hobby.  even if you have the extra money, that's still really a waste of your time and effort to trade for something you don't really "need' to play with.

I usually get my play sets and then maybe build a different deck from one week to the next.

Just something to think about.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

why not just stick with the orzhov aggro you were working on? didn't like it?


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Don't have much to add, other than I don't like the WW splash U builds... they lack the resilient threats like xathrid necro and the finishing power/utility of boros charm...

the ephara and friends list is probably something you should shoot for the guy did okay with it at this tournament.

http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/a … welcome#1a

also, again, no mutavaults in an aggro list these days just doesn't cut the mustard...


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

are you planning to FNM/tournaments?  do you know about formats (IE: standard, modern, legacy) if so which one will you be playing?

I get that the priest synergies with the necro and that brimaz doesn't, but a 3/4 for 3 that puts other creatures in play is the kind of value you want in this deck.  Not every card has to synergy with every other card, sometimes being high value is enough to warrant inclusion.  Especially with a spear out, brimaz becomes a 4/5 that makes 2/2 cats?  that seem pretty good.

It's a mistake not to include a card of that power level in a WW deck.

On the priest, 2 mana for a 1/1 is inefficient even if he gets to remove something you're barely getting value off him.... 99% of players that are smart enough to realize will just let a 1/1 through even if he's buffed with spear he's only a 2/2,most decks can sustain that kind of damage while they kill you.  And if you're just blocking with him then you're not winning, this deck needs to be on the offensive.  It's just not good enough for this deck, and you won't find it in any of the decks in that link I posted. 

it needs to come out for a card with a higher value. Even dryad militant is better.

edit: I just can't stress enough how much brimaz belongs in this deck... it blows my mind that you thought it wasn't an auto include tongue

looking at your inventory you can certainly trade for the mutavaults.  They should remain pretty stable for the next several months and they go into lots of deck.  I think it's a sound investment if you want to play this deck or anything else in standard for the rest of the year.

Also, you have 2x brimaz but he's not in the deck? 

Looking at it again, high priest of penance should go for anything else, 2 more soldier's of the pantheon + the 2 brimaz seems good.

looks better than the last one you posted I think, hero's downfall is still out of place, I get that it removes blockers, but when are you going to have the mana to cast it?  you should be dropping threats every turn.

God's willing or brave the elements is much better here, also, necrobite probably needs to go.

You also need the mutavaults... they are a verdict proof threat that, even if destroyed while xathrid necro is on the board still give you a 2/2 zombie.

this is a good resource to compare your build to other decks that perform well in the current meta.



(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

the consensus is that bile blight replaces pharika's cure, you can't really replace devour flesh as long as blood baron is in the format, you have no other way to interact with him (once he hits the board) an it's /autolose, if he hits the board while you have no devour flesh mainboard.

Also, a 1 of nykthos shrine to nyx, is fine, i wouldn't run 4,  the deck can benefit sometimes from extra mana, but you don't want to miss out on black mana because you drew 2 vaults  and 2 nykthos in your opener... I've been running one for a while in mine and i find I like it just enough to keep it.

I think 1-2 gild in the side could be beneficial.  Straight exiling any creature for 4 is pretty decent removal especially against, GR with the gods.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

one minor clarification.  The creatures don't "lose" toughness they simply have damage _marked_ on them.

Any affects that increase or decrease toughness are separate from damage. so take for instance something like Orzhov Charm , if you used the removal part of the charm on said, 5/5 after combat it would have 1 damage marked on it, but still have 5 toughness so you would lose 5 life.

if the individual card isn't $2-300+ is it worth the effort?  I could see getting something like a promo mutavault or a jace MS done, but most cards are going to be tradeable/sellable with just a visual inspection... some people have suggested using a jewelers lens to check for the fakes coming out of china on the more expensive cards, but I think that's as far as I would take it...

as imporant as the market is to us magic players, it's still not as widely recognized as other collectables


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

You're really more of a midrange deck and not an aggro deck, i think you cut the one drops, maybe move pantheon to the side because he has utility in certain matchups... I'd like to see obzedat go, or some number of blood baron for archangel of thune, it synergies well with the life gain from extort. Also combos well with mutavault (which you have 0 of in the deck, seems like a glarying ommission)

underworld seems out of place, i might try read the bones if I where you... maybe side underworld against control for more consistent card draw... could be wrong here though.

you really need a better 2 drop, and I might consider eidilon of countless battles, you're already running a handful of enchants...

spear might be a consideration as well as a one, of perhaps a 1 of whip of erebos as well?

soul tithe seems like an interesting removal/tempo card... could be good. not 100% sure though.

bile blight seems okay-ish, in this deck... might be bad in the mirror?

some number of thoughtseize in the 75 would be required I think, it's too good in some matchups.

lastly, lands... pitch the gates, get a 4th scry land and make sure you have the right balance of plains/swamps... you have a lot of WW/BB in the 2/3 slots, i can see why the gates are appealing, but the tempo loss over consecutive turns can hurt you. I think you need to make the choice to either go heavier white, or heavier black and run the right number of lands.

I gotta ask... what is a PSA submission form in the context of a CCG?


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

most people photo shop some images onto a copy of the packrat card template, just to make sure everyone knows it's a token.

personally I just use dice, since you can spin each one up to the appropriate power/toughness.

I see a lot of decks go with out the one drops.  If you end up with scry/shock lands then chances are your not playing anything turn one anyway.  I think the BTE is better for this style of deck than the cackler.


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

someone had a good post on reddit about junk midrange.

The quote was ... "The deck is unquestionably worse than the sum of its parts." BW, mono black, selesnya, are just all better than junk atm.

http://www.reddit.com/r/spikes/comments … rd_junk_a/

I think you're jamming black when you don't really need it.  Selesnya aggro/midrange has plenty of answers now with the addition of BNG.   If you need enchant removal, revoke existance is on color.  You really should just be playing more threats...  Thune+courser +mutavault anyone? 3/3, 4/4, 5/5 mutavault sounds pretty good.

Heck splashing red, for naya is better than junk atm.  You have the complete temple base for mana fixing, you get access to mizzium and chained to the rocks... an argument for bant could be made similarly for detention sphere as a catch all,l and it gets you kiora, which ramps/draws which selesnya is lacking a lot of.

Bottom line, my advice (for what it's worth).... lose the black splash.

Wants are pretty small list List is in order of Priority.

3 Temple of Enlightenment
3 Counterflux
2 Steam Vents
3 Courser of Kruphix
1 Xenagos, God of Revels

Notable list of trades. Sorted by Price

1 Brimaz, King of Oreskos
1 Kiora, the Crashing Wave
1 Blood Baron of Vizkopa
1 Mogis, God of Slaughter
1 Ephara, God of the Polis
2 Flame-Wreathed Phoenix
1 Spirit of the Labyrinth
3 Temple of Plenty
2 Aurelia, the Warleader
1 Mistcutter Hydra
3 Prophet of Kruphix
2 Legion's Initiative
1 Chromatic Lantern
2 Advent of the Wurm
2 Hero of Iroas
1 Tidebinder Mage
2 Eidolon of Countless Battles
1 Loxodon Smiter
2 Satyr Firedancer


Also, you don't need any inventory to make a deck.  It will flag the card in the deck as not being "in your inventory" and mark the qty red, but other than that you don't need to ghost any inventory.

I use deckbox to manage my collection it can take a while to get it all updated but once it is maintaining it is easy.

probably a mistake but you can't have more than 4 of any given non-basic land in your deck , it says you have 5 Satyr wayfinders.

A couple of suggestions, green ramp/stompy isn't that expensive.  And mono green devotion is a pretty good deck if you want to work towards the rares for a better deck.

But, elvish mystic, voyaging satyr, kalonian tuskers, are all mono green and common/uncomon.

I would drop black... removal for green comes in the form of time to feed/pit fight or something similar.  And you just play bigger dudes they have to deal with and more of them. 

There's a new buff card that also lets you draw cards.  From born of the gods, i'd try to pick up a couple of those.

Wants are pretty small list List is in order of Priority.  Please don't offer just a one card trade.  I really want to get a few of these knocked out at one time.  mailing a single card feels like a waste of time, when talking about standard. 

3 Temple of Enlightenment
3 Counterflux
2 Steam Vents
3 Courser of Kruphix
1 Xenagos, God of Revels

Notable list of trades. Sorted by Price

1 Brimaz, King of Oreskos
1 Kiora, the Crashing Wave
1 Blood Baron of Vizkopa
1 Mogis, God of Slaughter
1 Ephara, God of the Polis
2 Flame-Wreathed Phoenix
1 Spirit of the Labyrinth
3 Temple of Plenty
2 Aurelia, the Warleader
1 Mistcutter Hydra
3 Prophet of Kruphix
2 Legion's Initiative
1 Chromatic Lantern
2 Advent of the Wurm
2 Hero of Iroas
1 Tidebinder Mage
2 Eidolon of Countless Battles
1 Loxodon Smiter
2 Satyr Firedancer


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

trade them sooner rather than later is my advice, people will be hot for the cards when they're new... get into staples for other formats if you need them and if you feel like you "might" want to keep a card to play with "later" then trade it now for something you really want, and pick it up later for cheaper...


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

A lot of the top 8s run 3 erebos in the side for the control matchup... he's basically extra copies of underworld since they like to counter/d sphere the draw power or turn it off with pithing needle.

bile blight is good enough to maindeck imo, and a lot of the pros/article writers agree... now... that decision is based on their meta, which can be different than a local meta... if you have lots of control then you might splash green for abrupt decay... lots of aggro will want bile blight main with maybe some pharika's cure.

drown is looking more like a sideboard card... unless again, your meta is weenie heavy... (and who's isn't with a bunch of guys running around, amirite? - badumcha) tongue

it really just depends.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

the only mistake i see you made here was the 6 boxes of BNG tongue

I bought 2 and I feel like I over paid, the value for this set is exceedingly low unless you crack all the bomb/value cards and get super lucky.

I think I I had the $200 back, i could just buy all the cards I wanted and have money left over.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

you can totally go and just play casually scope the field and get to know people.  With it being the release this week, a lot of places will be doing sealed/drafts too.

Also, mono black is getting some new tools in BNG, drown in sorrow will be a side board card (unless your meta is heavy on the aggro, weenie decks) .

Bile blight is instant -3/-3 to potentially more than one creature,  This will be good and probably want to find at least a couple maindeck slots for it.

Gild is a good answer (side board at least) maybe 1 of main deck for gods in the format.  It's also just general multi purpose removal.