
(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

2. Links to our Community are messed up: the link extends only to the first blank:
http://deckbox.org/communities/ndh boardgame group/events/29

Where does this happen? In your browser, if you click a link to the community, it does not correctly fill it in? If so, what browser?

Or do you mean when you copy paste the link to someone else, other apps (like IM or email) wrongly parse the url? Which is actually a valid bug wether that's what you meant or not smile

Either way, you are right... spaces in links are not ok and we'll do something about that (at the very least change them to %20).

singerete wrote:

1. Actually the CMC of Flame Javelin and Reaper King are 6 and 10 wink So that's no bug.

Yep, he meant that deckbox has them at 3 and 5 CMC. Which is true, and a bug sad

I've been thinking about the sum's relevance... I mean some people (like me, and you smile ) also keep track of their commons in their inventory. I'm not sure how important that part is... meaning that you'll probably never ever going to trade most of those away, or sell them or anything.

Mihai suggested I make the value take your filters into account, so that one can filter the inventory to only show the non-common cards, and see how much only those are worth.

Not sure if I'll actually do it... just a thought.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I think prompting for passwords every time you need to change something introduces unnecessary UI clutter and complexity.

In the unlikely event that someone accesses your computer while you are away from it, or some other kind of session hijacking, if they steal your account by changing your password, please email me at admin@deckbox.org and I will manually restore your email and access to your account.

Of course, if you think this is not acceptable for some reason, we could discuss it further, as I want everyone to feel safe here smile


Importing a list of cards was always possible.

First you have to go to http://www.deckcheck.net/deck.php?id=34674, click on Print View, and copy the list of cards.
Then, on deckbox, you create a new deck, click on Add Cards, then from the right click on Add a list of cards, paste it there and import.

One problem with this was that the importer ignored the Sideboard section - it would add all the cards in the list into your main deck, and you had to manually move sideboard cards to sideboard, which was annoying.

But as of today, it is a bit smarter, and if in your card list you have a line saying Sideboard (like deckcheck.net's print view has), it will add all cards following that line to you sideboard directly.

And finally... you can! smile

If you go to the View menu and click on Show value, you'll see the total value of the set you're looking at (works for Inventory, Tradelist, Wishlist).

Think twice before you click it though... maybe you DO NOT want to see that tongue

P.S. If you go to Edit Profile, and choose a different preferred price (like minimum on tcgplayer.com), that one will be used for the calculation.


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Not delivered at all. All mails right now have a status of "delivery temporarily suspended". sad

Working on it...


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

There are apparently some problems with email delivery to Yahoo addresses.

More clearly, yahoo refuses to deliver email messages from deckbox to their mailboxes. I haven't got any idea why this happens, but they have apparently marked this domain as problematic (there probably have some kind of filter that kicks in for relatively new domains when they exceed some daily email quota... I have no idea...)

All users who have yahoo addresses MAY not receive emails sent from other people on deckbox, or notifications of finished trades, etc. More problematic is that activation emails are not delivered, but I will post a message explaining that on the signup page as well.

Sorry for this problem, I have contacted the Yahoo postmasters and I'll try to sort this out. sad

I know it's been quiet here lately, and I have not delivered on some of my promised features smile Various things have been interfering with my usual deckbox time, so things got delayed.

Please be sure though that I religiously read all your feedback, and take notes in my TODO list. I'm also going to respond and address each item as I get to it.

Back on topic now, beginning to address the price issue: I have added an option on the Edit Profile page, where you can select if you want to see Minimum, Average or Maximum prices from tcgplayer.com in card listings. I can't fetch prices from other sources right now, but it's beginning to be more flexible, and the system's ready for when multiple prices will be available smile

Targetul principal sunt jucătorii care au jucat Duels of the Planeswalkers pe calculator, nu noi smile Și pt ăia nu sunt foarte rele - 5 rare din care una foil ajută pe un începător să înceapă să trade-uiască puțin ...

Nu prea ai cum să faci ceva super fain la ~15$ cât vor costa aceste deckuri... De acolo și Shock în loc de Lightning Bolt cum zicea Laura. 2 Lightning Bolt valorează 4$... 1/4 din valoarea întregului deck pt 2 comune... nu prea merge.

Shock în loc de Lightning Bolt ?? Why?


(51 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Decklisturi top 8 de la TM aici: http://deckbox.org/communities/deckmaster/events/23


(51 replies, posted in GameFlux)

striker wrote:

La cine a venit vengevine?

Ia dă click aci: Vengevine, scrollezi în jos până la "Users having Vengevine" și selectezi Inventory în loc de Tradelist. Scrie acolo cine are tongue


(41 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Sounds really fun!

Vor fi și scheme cards ălea cu ceva super supra efecte, sunt chiar curios să văd ce vor fi și cum va merge smile


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

arcanjl wrote:

WOW, this site is amazing. I would pay for this service :-)

1) As I mentioned in another post, I would love a way to use http://www.cardkingdom.com/ prices. That would be ideal!
2) Is there a way to change the price to high instead of average (a little closer to the cardkingdom prices)

Welcome, and thanks for the kind words!

The prices problem is a complex one, and even to get to the current state it has taken a lot of steps smile

The issue is that I cannot just take prices from cardkingdom, they have to have a system in place with which I could integrate to fetch them. I will think about this, and maybe send them an email to get some details.

3) A way to export it - like xls, tab delimited, ...  with prices so I can make labels  :-)

Yep, will do, as posted here: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=725#p725

4) A way to separate the Foils. I see that there is a way to EDIT my cards, so I could have 2 foils out of 3 copies, but the price does not change, or separate for the foils, which could make a big diff.

This.. I'm not so sure how to do this....

One thing that can be done easily would be to show the prices in the detailed dialog. So if you click on the foil icon on one card, a dialog opens listing for each card, what edition it's from, if it's foiled etc. IF I had the prices for the foils, I could display them in there pretty easily.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, good idea.

I think I'll implement an export feature that would output a tab or comma delimited text file, containing the same columns that you have selected at the moment you export.


(56 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Din câte am înțeles aseară, Viki trebuie să știe dacă jucăm duminică, dacă rămâne în Cj sau nu.

Eu nu vin azi la FNM să ne înțelegem, așa că scriu de pe'acum că eu sunt in pentru o eventuală sesiune duminică, după ora 18.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

If you go on a deck's page and select Print from the View menu, you'll be able to copy paste the cards, in a format that is accepted by mtgurl.

I've been looking at the mtgurl website, but I cannot find the statistics you are referring to? Can you post a link?


I've been looking at the settings, and apparently there was one allowing images in signatures that was not enabled. It should work now, check it out.

Moreover, I will be adding rich text editing capabilities to the profile description field, so you'll be able to customize that to your liking as well at some point in the future smile


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Box sets coming soon as well. They weren't in for the same reason... they're not on gatherer.


(56 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Printez eu charsheeturi.

Nu vreau să pornesc un flame war smile dar dați-ne și nouă niște linkuri la povestea D&D 3.5 vs 4.0. Din câte am văzut eu au fost ceva proteste pt 4.0, și schimbări discutabile, dar nu găsesc o explicație categorică împotriva 4.0 smile


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


From the Vault: Exiled is missing, and I'll definitely add this tomorrow.

I will be adding Mirrored Depths, which is I think the only missing plane.

The problem with these extra planes and with the token cards is that they are not added to Gatherer, which is my source of information (because... well... it's the official source). So it is hard for me to add them from other places. So tokens... I don't think I will have time to import.

But FtV:Exiled, and the extra plane I'm adding ASAP.

About the special printings... For player rewards you can leave the edition empty as they're not technically part of the edition, and mark the textless checkbox. The DCI and pre-release cards I'm marking by checking the Promo checkbox. Not sure if this is correct, or maybe they need to be separate... Is there any card that was both a Pre-Release promo, and also a different kind of DCI promo? If there is, I'll separate the checkbox into multiple options.

Interesting idea. I'm considering this in relation to the filters / inventory subsets feature that i'm implementing next (http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=67)

Yep, it makes sense that different groups use different price sources.

It will take a bit of work to integrate into what we already have though... and from my experience with tcgplayer many problems that you did not expect come up in the process of synchronizing our own card list with that of others. sad

I'll consider this though. I'll take a look at ways to fetch the apathyhouse list I think.

Hi, and welcome

Well... it would take a bit of work for the initial import. More of a problem right now is that all tcgs take work to keep up to date with new releases, find spoilers, sources for prices, card scans and images, etc.

I'm not saying no to your request, and I've taken note, but it will take some time... as we'd like to finish the important promised features for the currently supported games first.

And as of now, Rise of the Eldrazi cards are legal in all formats!

So you can find them with the format filters like this one: http://deckbox.org/games/mtg/cards?f=b3 … =i&o=d and vengevine decks are listed as standard legal tongue http://deckbox.org/sets/4960