Emperors_Teeth wrote:

As I said on MTGSalvation, I'm loving this site. So impressed in every way. You've made my life a tiny bit easier, which I appreciate a lot. I hope this place grows and grows!

As for my request... it's pretty small I hope.

When I add specifics about cards (set, condition, foil, etc...), I notice that set icons appear next to the card name. It would be neat, and useful for scanning lists, if these were coloured as they are on the cards by rarity.

There, see, easy wink. Probably, heh! No doubt 100-times more work than asking for it lol.

Thanks for the praise! smile

Your request is done, and it wasn't too hard to do. I should have done it from the beginning, but I was lazy. Luckily there are users here to nudge me when stuff is incomplete tongue. Thanks for the nudges!


(6 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Tooltips are up to date again, including Warpstone Chronicles, Dragonslayer, Daemonsword and Daemonettes included! tongue

Thanks a lot Artemus_Maximus!!


(56 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Și eu. Din câte am citit din Quick Start guide și în zig-zag din "aventura" sample, pare interesant.

Și cum prevăd un weekend foarte productiv pt mine lucrând la documentația de licență, mă gândesc că va fi cazul de un pic de relaxare duminică dupămasă tongue

Așa că aș propune duminică după amiazi pe terasă în bulgakov dacă și dungeon masterul este de-acord. Poate facem și un EDH după smile


(56 replies, posted in GameFlux)

singerete wrote:

Nu stiu exact cu cat ne-ar ajuta in incercarea noastra de RPG online...

Da' online era vorba? Eu credeam că fizic, sa ne întâlnim, arunci un zar, etc smile


(56 replies, posted in GameFlux)

De-acord cu Sergiu. Cum n-a mai jucat lumea de loc RPG pe aici... ar fi bine de început cu ceva cât mai normal și down-to-earth, până înțelege lumea despre ce e vorba.

Ceva D&D simplificat pentru început cred că ar strânge cei mai mulți oameni, chiar dacă sunt convins că propunerea lui Viki ar fi interensantă, cred că nu este publicul pregătit deocamdată pt așa ceva.


(7 replies, posted in Announcements)

Opera bug fixed!


(7 replies, posted in Announcements)

Ryu wrote:

Hey ho. Could you also make it work with Opera? I wonder if it's also useful when hunting for promos/foil cards smile?

Sorry, havent' tried Opera with it big_smile Will check soon!

About hunting for them.. not yet smile. But it will be!


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello and welcome,

The loans feature has been requested a bunch of times, and it is indeed a ubiquitous real-life mechanism that should find its way into this site smile.

I thought of solving the problem after I implement the tags in inventory feature, as described here: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=67. So you could create a Loaned Out tag that you would apply to cards you loaned. And maybe you can also create tags for each person you loaned cards to, and tag a Lightning Bolt with wahonez and Loaned to mean that you loaned it to that person.

There's a big problem with this approach though. You will not be able to say you have loaned exactly 2 Lightning Bolts to a person, as tags will be applied to all cards of one type you have. sad

Another very simple approach I thought of would be a Notepad - a page you can edit and write whatever you want, that only you can see. (with rich text - bold, images, links, lists). That would allow you to have your own system of taking notes, but it has the downside that there's no Inventory integration...  Maybe the notepad thing will be a temporary solution.

As for the proper, intelligent solution to this problem... I haven't found it yet. But it's high on the list of priorities smile

Feedback - as always - is much appreciated.


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

And the last part of the comic, much better IMHO than the other ones. Sarkhan meets his master, he's got some explaining to do smile : http://www.wizards.com/magic/multiverse … ature2/87a.

When I first read it I didn't know what to make of that last panel, until I realized the depicted floating person is actually Tezzeret. We know that in the Test of metal novel to be realeased in the fall Tezzeret makes a comeback, being resurrected by Bolas. Not sure what that means for Sarkhan though... smile



(257 replies, posted in GameFlux)


That was actually pretty accurate. In all seriousness, I've used translate lately on some german sites, and even a polish forum. It's crazy good! Really scary... in a few years language stops being a barrier for communication..


(257 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Sub formă de reprint ca și Karn, Silver Golem sigur nu apare pt că e pe reserved list. Doar dacă îl refac ca și planeswalker...


(195 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Oare cum de Birds of Paradise rămâne la 5$, deși s-a printat în fiecare core set?


(4 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

First expansion of WoW under Cryptozoic has a release date!

Irvine, CA - (April 12, 2010) – Cryptozoic Entertainment, home of the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game (TCG), is pleased to announce the worldwide release of the Wrathgate expansion on May 25, 2010. Wrathgate is the second of three sets in the Wrath of the Lich King block.

The 11th set in the World of Warcraft TCG, Wrathgate features 220 new cards straight from Northrend and the new Argent Crusade faction. Yes, players can recruit figures from Warcraft lore like Highlord Tirion Fordring for the battle against the Scourge. Also, players can use new Wrathgate crafting materials to forge brand new gear for their TCG heroes.

Each booster pack contains 19 game cards. As with previous sets, players have a chance to open one of three new Loot cards randomly inserted into Wrathgate booster packs. The codes on the Loot cards are redeemed for cosmetic upgrades to World of Warcraft® MMORPG characters. The loot cards in Wrathgate are Landro's Gift, Statue Generator, and Blazing Hippogryph. The latter is another TCG exclusive mount—a flying hippogryph to set the skies on fire.

Additionally, hobby stores that order from an authorized Cryptozoic distributor can take part in the Buy-A-Box program. Players who purchase a Wrathgate booster box from participating hobby stores will receive an exclusive extended art Torch of Holy Fire just for supporting their local hobby store. Supplies are limited, so reserve yours today!



(6 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Ok, all imported. Now we're waiting for some generous person who's willing to scan them for us smile


(6 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

sebi wrote:

Please someone write the card numbers though... I can't import without them. (Someone requested them on the official forum as well: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_ … mp;efpag=2)

Hmm, silly me... they're actually written already before the card name in that spoiler thread big_smile

Coming shortly!


(6 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Sorry for the delay. I'll begin importing tomorrow.

Please someone write the card numbers though... I can't import without them. (Someone requested them on the official forum as well: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_ … mp;efpag=2)


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Very interesting idea! I haven't thought of weighing the ratings...

I'll think about it... (Right now the biggest problem is that the state of a deck is not saved over time, so there is no history). But there will be...


(6 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

I've seen you've posted on the official forum, thanks for the spoiler!

I'll try importing it today, tomorrow the latest.

Did they start to put 3 cards of each from this expansion? Or are there still cards with only 1 of each? If there still are cards with one of each, please can someone write back with how many of each card there are? big_smile

Also, we'll need a kind soul to provide us with scans so we can have nice tooltips big_smile (As described on this thread: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=188)

Yeeey, duel decks! Abia aștept și alea... lots of goodies this weekend cool


(283 replies, posted in Noutăți)

vikirosen wrote:

PS: WOW!!! Eu am trecut asa, ca si chestie, link la Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, gandindu-ma ca dupa ce le baga Sebi in baza de date, o sa apara. Nu ma asteptam sa fie deja trecute! Fast work, good work!

Scrie aici: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=95 smile Ar trebui să îți apară o iconiță cu un semn de exclamare lângă linkul de forum acolo sus în meniu din cauza topicului ăla tongue

New cards for MtG players, yay! smile

The newest set, Rise of the Eldrazi is imported, and ready for a place in your decks! Vengevine, Sarkhan the mad and Gideon, all the cool cards are here, and with prices, too!

I've also added the Phyrexia vs the Coalition duel deck. (I actually bought it too, and I can hardly wait to receive it this weekend and give it a go!).

There have been requests for a feature that lets you add the entire duel deck to your inventory in one click. (like Warhammer players can already do with their expansions). Now... I won't bore you with the details, but the gist of it is... I'm not implementing it right now smile To alleviate this problem though, I am pasting the official card listing for this duel deck below. You can copy this listing, go to your inventory, click Add cards, then the link on the right saying you can import a list of cards and paste the listing in the textarea. Then click Import and your're done smile

Phyrexia decklist:

25  Swamp
Bone Shredder
Carrion Feeder
Order of Yawgmoth
Phyrexian Battleflies
Phyrexian Broodlings
Phyrexian Colossus
Phyrexian Debaser
Phyrexian Defiler
Phyrexian Denouncer
Phyrexian Gargantua
Phyrexian Ghoul
Phyrexian Hulk
Phyrexian Negator
Phyrexian Plaguelord
Priest of Gix
Sanguine Guard
Dark Ritual
Hideous End
Hornet Cannon
Lightning Greaves
Living Death
Phyrexian Arena
Phyrexian Processor
Phyrexian Totem
Phyrexian Vault
Puppet Strings
Tendrils of Corruption
Voltaic Key
Whispersilk Cloak
Worn Powerstone

Coalition decklist:

Elfhame Palace
10  Forest
Shivan Oasis
Terramorphic Expanse
Charging Troll
Darigaaz, the Igniter
Gerrard Capashen
Nomadic Elf
Quirion Elves
Rith, the Awakener
Sunscape Battlemage
Thornscape Apprentice
Thornscape Battlemage
Thunderscape Battlemage
Treva, the Renewer
Verduran Emissary
Yavimaya Elder
Allied Strategies
Armadillo Cloak
Coalition Relic
Darigaaz's Charm
Evasive Action
Exotic Curse
Fertile Ground
Gerrard's Command
Narrow Escape
Power Armor
Rith's Charm
Treva's Charm
Tribal Flames
Urza's Rage

Happy gaming!


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

New comic is up: http://www.wizards.com/magic/multiverse … ature2/86a

Much better than the last one... which doesn't say much, considering how the last 2 comics sucked. But nevermind that, this one is pretty much ok. (up until near the end where I did not quite understand what Sarkhan was saying in the last 2 pages; If anyone cares to venture an opinion on what that was all about, it will be much appreciated big_smile)


(8 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Artemus_Maximus wrote:

suggesting a mobile web version that is accessible on phones.

Yep, this would be cool, I wanted that since the beginning, but sadly I had no time to implement it sad. It's on the list for the future though!


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

2 Headed Giant life total things have changed again as explained in this article.

I personally find it much more intuitive and simple this way, I like the change.


(8 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Din câte citisem undeva, vor începe cu 60 de cărți de la M11. Parcă văzusem că pe Magic the Gathering Online începuseră cu 60 de cărți de la WWK.