As I said on MTGSalvation, I'm loving this site. So impressed in every way. You've made my life a tiny bit easier, which I appreciate a lot. I hope this place grows and grows!
As for my request... it's pretty small I hope.
When I add specifics about cards (set, condition, foil, etc...), I notice that set icons appear next to the card name. It would be neat, and useful for scanning lists, if these were coloured as they are on the cards by rarity.
There, see, easy
. Probably, heh! No doubt 100-times more work than asking for it lol.
Thanks for the praise!
Your request is done, and it wasn't too hard to do. I should have done it from the beginning, but I was lazy. Luckily there are users here to nudge me when stuff is incomplete . Thanks for the nudges!