Interested in swords of fire and ice, dont have much in general but feel free to check my tradelist and inventory

Ive got some of that, shoot me an offer if youd like


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

zacmax wrote:

This section does not exist at the bottom of my profile...

It's when you look at someone else's profile

duxenmx wrote:

I'm looking for two bonfires, also looking for stuff in my wishlist but bonfires are kind of a priority, have a look at my tradelist for anything of interest and send me an offer,

Sending an offer

How much value are you hoping to gain? Feel free to look through my tradelist + Inventory for any standard that you'd trade for


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

darcet wrote:
snoozeallday wrote:

i'm guessing somewhere around 3?

Should get full playset with extra on top.

Agreed, and that's assuming no gain for trading down


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

iranian45 wrote:

Im going to have to have my brother come over so i can play him because i got it down to 75 and i feel like i want all the other cards in there

Good call, let us know how it goes!


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'd cut everything that you've got x4 of that isn't a milling card down to x3 and see how you're deck looks card wise, then I'd advise testing it to see which cards you like, Dissipate probably isn't the best in this deck since it exiles the creature which is the opposite of what you want.

They're looking pretty solid, I'd advise cutting the Pathbreaker wurms from GW, only because nothing else you've got in there really needs trample, also I'd say you should look for some more big creatures since you have so much mana-ramping going on in the deck

For Black Red, I'd cut the demonic taskmasters, they're not vampires and in a deck this tribally based you're better off with Vampires that are not the best than decent non-vampires


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Woolcock66 wrote:

Okay, still need the entreats and terminus (x3).  Those are the big ones I'd really like.  I'd trade my shock lands if anyone is interested in those!

Got the Terminus

roz1281 wrote:

I recently gave away an ajani, CoTP (~$18-$20) for about $20 worth of jank. I didn't feel the need to ask for extra jank because my card is playable, i got a stack of cards i wanted (about 13 cards) and that is more valuable to me than my one Ajani.

I often feel the same way, if I pull something I don't like to use like a Sword or a Titan, I'm more concerned with getting rid of it than I am about getting the full value and if I need stuff someone else has I'm more than happy to trade even value. One other factor for me is cards that I collect (Bolas for me) and I'd happily trade a 20$ card I don't use for 20 of the cheap versions of him.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I agree with what TyWooOneTime said, and I'd add that Cellar Door is a tad bit overrated, you only really get a chance to use it if you draw a land and have no other cards in hand, I'd say that Ghoulcaller's bell would actually be better, it's free, it's cheap to cast and it puts stuff in your graveyard to target with Vile Rebirth and Ghoulcaller's Chant.

I would also consider running more "Control" Type cards, counterspells like Essence Scatter, Dissipate, and maybe Negate, along with controlled discard like Duress, especially since you've got nothing to do on your first turn, taking out a big threat in their hand can make the difference in the game!

Finally there are some cards that cost more that will probably be recommended to you, expensive zombies, duel color lands, these things are only important if you want to play in a competitive format, if you're playing casually for fun don't bother with them, they will make it harder to enjoy playing in a more casual format, trust me on this one.

I've got Huntmasters for trade, 3 to be exact, send me an offer if interested (again interested in all)

I'm interested, especially the Un Booster


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Also interested in Life From the Loams

Sent an offer


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'm collecting Nicol Bolas cards (Creature and Walker) I'm looking for whatever you've got, send me offers please smile


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey everyone I'm looking for Nicol Bolas cards, the creature or the Planeswalker, Notably I need Foil M13 (18$) and Conflux(42$), and Foil Timeshifted Bolas(8$), Main things I'm offering:

x3 Huntmasters

Other Stuff, Hit me up, yes I will trade for ANY Nicol Bolas cards, however regular Timeshifted and Chronicles are each worth like 1$, I will trade down for large quantities of them (IE 20 Bolas for a Huntmaster) and I do prefer the creature to the planeswalker, however I like both a lot.

Strawfish wrote:

Hey guys, sorry for not being specific, I am looking to build a Legacy deck, not a standard one.


Still need to know what you need, there are several different variations (Aside from the lands + Fetchlands)


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Honestly, this deck is designed already with delver in mind, if you look at the sideboard I've got x4 Mental Misstep and x4 surgical extraction, T1 I lose 4 life and they have no delvers anywhere in their deck/hand smile

I agree about there not being enough spot removal but only cause i'm not loving Huntmasters, they're just not working out for me right now


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

With 4x Ponder and zero creature defense, I'd also say to throw in Devastation Tide.  Seems like an interesting proposition[mtg][/mtg].  I'd just be hesitant without at least 4x Fog Bank to cover your backside.

I've thought about Devastation tide, but it will scoop up my Burning Vengeance as well as everything else which can be an issue for me but you might be right, I love fog bank but the idea isn't to be the best deck possible, just fun so no creatures are allowed, plus I'd just be blowing them up all the time, lol I'll def test it out with tides tho, as I can see the immense value in more wipes as any creatures will blow me away, should I have more spot removal as well (Oblivion Ring or something like it?) Especially since I don't have any planeswalker defense and Should I include Jaces in my deck since he'd draw me cards along with milling and give  my opponent something else to kill, thus buying me more time?

One other thing I like about the deck is that it's pretty much set for rotation, aside from ponder which will probably turn into thought scours and DOJ will turn into the new azorious board wipe


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Here's a deck I just came up with, I've been thinking about creatureless flaming vengeance for a little while now, and this is what I've come up with so far

The idea is just to keep blowing up the board until my flaming vengeance is up and running at full capacity, I have the Memory's Journeys in there so I can reuse everything without flashback, including lands if need be, I know that this deck would probably be better with some creatures in it, (Delvers) but I want to make a decent creatureless deck for standard to mess around with. Thoughts? I've had issues with think twice because it is too expensive to pick up one card and it doesn't put anything into the graveyard so it's not sustainable


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

This is a two part post, the first is the usual, what do you think of my deck, the second is do you think I sold out with this deck? I've come across alot of very good cards of late and I wanted to make a deck based on alot of them so I've been working on this Naya Humans and Angels deck, its focus is to use rancor and sublime archangels to stomp people in the face, everything else is just to assist in that endeavor. So I want brutal honesty if you think it's selling out, I'd like to think that it's not because I picked a theme and am sticking with it even though it means that the deck is less effective, I don't have anything but humans and angels even though Thragtusk would be great as well as BOP.

Anyway here's the deck

I've also adjusted it to a Modern version as well (Still missing like all of the lands tho, lol), I like modern as a format way better than standard, I don't like being restricted but I want to play with other people at FNM so I play standard like I'm told, lol

So for the standard version, the ideal first couple of turns could go a few different ways, they always start with Cavern (Human) then Avacyn's pilgrim, T2 is another land and then either Silverblade Paladin or Elite Inquisitor with a Rancor on it. T3 is a Sublime and then I start swinging for A LOT. It works pretty well, it will be alot better after rotation however since I've been getting color and pace screwed most games that I lose, but I really like playing 3 colors.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Sillvva wrote:

Also, Return to Ravnica will see more token and Delver decks.

I could not disagree more, Dryad Militant alone hoses traditional delver-snapcaster strategies and can be played in a very large number of decks and while a delver on its own is strong, there are no good counterspells spoiled yet, and nothing for control in general, with the loss of ponder, mental misstep, gitaxian probe, and mana leak, blue doesn't look too great, at least not the way it does now. This is all without mentioning the Swords...

Anyway, about the decks, in regards to yours: I'd say beast within should be main deck, at least two, I know it sucks to have rotating cards in the deck but when green gets straight up removal, you use it.

I agree about acidic slime as much as it pains me, (not a fan for whatever reason).

You should know I'd recommend consistency, blah blah blah, but you don't like x4 ofs so I'll say that instead you should go for more ramp, also cut Increasing savagery for Blessings of Nature, it's gonna work out alot better for you IMO.

I've never had success with Garruk PH, he's cool but never did anything for me personally, I see where the card draw can be nice but is it really worth it?

Finally you should include some boardwipes, this is a slow deck, you need a way to keep some board control, I'd recommend Whipflare, Slagstorm, or even Blasphemous Act if you want something more final.

finally more birds and more rancors, those 2 can win games on their own


Not enough focus, you're going for humans and angels but competing between ramp and tokens/draw, it makes the deck muddled, pure human ramp is rarely a good idea IMO, just because if you don't hit a Pilgrim t1 you're likely screwed whereas with other dorks in as well you'll be fine (BOP Llanowar Arbor) also too many angels compared to the number of humans there's not much point in having an angelic overseer without a human.

Also It just saddens me to see no rancor and no silverblade paladins in this deck, as someone who uses both of these cards regularly I can say that they're some of the best cards in standard right now. If you don't want to include x4 rancor in any green deck that's remotely aggro i'm just confused, but I'm in love with rancor, I'd be preaching about lightning bolt too if it was in standard right now

Also don't get down about not doing too well, FNMs always attract net-deckers who want easy promos, I like FNM because where I'm at there's a wide range of people so I can test my decks from different angles but that could just be me, like at the last FNM I went to I played 5 rounds, swept my opponent the first 3, then got swept by a very interesting RUW mid-range (I hate mana leak by the way) and then again by a UBW sun titan token deck, but ultimately I had alot of fun because my deck preformed alot better than I thought it would, (it's also ready for rotation smile )

Sillvva wrote:

That is an interesting idea. However I would probably try moving towards GW Token Humans

- Champion of Lambholt is amazing with tokens

- Access to Rancor (synergy with Champion of Lambholt, Wayfaring Temple (RtR), and Wild Beastmaster (RtR))

- Champion of Lambholt is not restricted to human creatures, unlike Champion of the Parish. This means you have access to more than just Gather the Townsfolk, Thraben Doomsayer and Increasing Devotion for token production

- Access to Mayor of Avabruck, Gavony Township, and Parallel Lives (sure to see more play since GW tokens will be more common)

- I'm sure that even more support will be announced for RtR soon

If you really want to play UW Humans, you have less token production by focusing on human tokens. The upside is that most of your tokens will have flying by not focusing on human tokens: Midnight Haunting, Moorland Haunt, Doomed Traveler, Geist of Saint Traft

EDIT: Here is a rough draft I put together in about 30 minutes. I didn't really test it, but it seems solid enough. And like I said, more support is sure to be released.

2    Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
3    Champion of Lambholt
3    Wayfaring Temple
2    Blood Artist
2    Avacyn's Pilgrim

3    Rancor
2    Parallel Lives
3    Intangible Virtue

4    Gather the Townsfolk
4    Lingering Souls

3    Rootborn Defenses
3    Midnight Haunting
3    Abrupt Decay

4    Temple Garden
4    Overgrown Tomb
4    Sunpetal Grove
2    Gavony Township
4    Isolated Chapel
2    Swamp
1    Plains
2    Forest

This seems like a cool deck, but it's nothing like the original and I'm thinking that the original had some good pieces, I think that something you could try is stick with the original UW and make it into control, maybe go with the flicker effects (Resto angel + Cloudshift + Ghostly Flicker) along with the new Detain mechanic so you have the time to set up whatever you need to, you'd also want to include counterspells, unsummon-type effects, and Mass Appeal, I think that would let you not have to go search for ALL brand new cards, good luck!