(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

MUD is relying mainly on rapid or cyclonic rifts, i think he can be dissolved or essence scatter but again thats into game 2 w/ the pro mud build
once hes out theres not much i can think of u can do not to mention what else he has out... so i mean just thassa unblockable with nykthos/aetherling/JaceAoT or atleast JaceMA/ nightveils u have the ramp to ping him down if not just totally beat him down

but again really u could rapid him then if u had to tidebinder the token, just run 2 or so rapids


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

if anyone has any of those to trade ill trade for em depending on rarity/misprint willing to give extra value
ill take em tongue


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

i just wanna see it love misprints tongue

tradelist might possibly have a domri and a kalonian hydra id be willing to part with as well


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

true, as of now i think im running 22island and 2 nykthos
been seeing nykthos in sb in a few blue builds dont quite understand that one


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

mutavaults will come eventually, im pretty good at trading built a total of $500 decks in about a month solely off trades only been playing for about 2 months maybe a lil bit more
my friends dont like proxy bc they have everything and if they find something they dont have they just buy it

once mutas are in ill be 25/26 land, went to 2 JAoT main altered sb to fit more into the pro sb hoping my other nightveil will arrive today, starting to look into mutavaults dont have alot of trade value atm but should be changing soonish


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

ty smile i will read up
i would proxy but i play magic with a few who kinda despise proxy lol but
i did like JaceMA for the +0, that was pretty much his only purpose was devo and taking out 10 cards hopefully sphinxs rev, verdicts, gods and PW tends to make ppl aggro tongue


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

was thinking here bc i cant exactly talk 1 on 1 with them, and honestly talking with a pro would be o no mutavaults just buy them wtf is wrong with u tongue jk but yeah really was trying to figure a way to sub out the mutas if even temporarily i dont think everyone here is willing to drop 120 bucks on a deck they havent played

title smile)


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

this has been a work in progress for about a month maybe a lil less smile
as it stands its complete except for the 4 mutavaults (which probably wont happen w/o  a crap load of pack luck pulls)
anyways this is a small variant of the current build decided to keep mizzium skin atleast in SB for the mono-red i play at my local shop (also mono black)

played this last friday went 1-1-2, the tie was against esper 2nd round kinda lucked out and pithed his jace, and nykthos into 2 nightveils. then the tie break we just stalled

but noticed i have a problem with mana which im not used to (since i usually play G/R Devo) *F,EM,NYK,CARY,SWING,MOUNTAIN,BTE/BTE/POLUK,NYK(4 9G)/T:EM/CARY(Total:11), perfer :mistcutter hydra(10/10) or BOW/monster poluk (deathping it all), if there is a next turn its over*

so idk at the time i was only using 21 land 1 nyk, and seemed to hit a line of land or get stuck with 2
*just got my 3rd Nightveil specter (4th OTW) and my 2nd jaceAoT... idk what else i should change which is why im here tongue


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

not interested in buying would rather trade...
only way id be willing to buy would be at what a card shop would give you cash for them(in short $20/ea NM cond.)

i have 2 boon satyr and a nylea ill look through ur trades start something

. everything in tradelist is up for trade smile
do have an elspeth coming from another trade willing to trade that

title says it all things i have not listed
Temple of Triumph
Temple of mystery x2
Sylvan Caryatid
Baleful strix (commander 2013)
Temple of deceit

i have the 2 forest tongue jk but no i am interested in some of ur tradelist if u see anything in mine sry dont have anything on ur list though

interested in your stormbreath if u see anything in my tradelist
muta/Voice are in negotiations atm but think everything else is up for grabs

depending on what for the VoR and Mutavault might be traded in nego. waiting on reply

**i also need 2 Polukranos (non-HvM Version); 2 Stormbreath Dragon; interested in Mountain and/or Island Zen lands too**

Have: my tradelist (only Standard), most things in my inv are on tradelist if its not ask might be able to work something out

i can get a few things(via trading Locally but not a 100% Guarantee  and willing to combine common/uncommons to even up trades or even to trade up smile


if u still need some of this i have
2 xenagos
2-4 Arbor Col. (1 foil)
2 Boon Satyr
1 Nylea
all of which are available for trade

looking for:
1 Jace, Architect of thought
1-2 Stormbreath Dragon
1-2 Nightveil specters
1 Nykthos
2 polukranos

lol funny but i think were making the same decks smile

i have pokemon red GBC cartridge and PS1 Legend of Dragoon, FFVIII

i have a few trades if u see something in my list lemme know and ill find something in urs smile


new cards...
Voice of Resurgence
Stormbreath Dragon
Ash zealot

thats why i like Kalonian Hydra Triggers precombat so amazing puts alot of pressure on someone really quick ... but heresa build i faced with Mono blue (beat him 4/5 times but was cool to see)

but if so Biomancer and Prophet are insanely Important!!!!
**i also suggest Mizzium skin for G/b helps alot in B to save the hydras***

i converted my RG to Mg for a lil bit
(4)mystics, (4)carys, (4)burning tree, (3) Polukranos, (3)arbors,(3) boon satyr, (3)garruks, (3)Kalonian Hydras, (3)experiment ones, (4)voyaging satyr, (3) Mistcutter Hydra, (1) nykthos, 22 forest

2 ____(gain life = to ur devo to green
2 Naturalize
2 Skylasher
2 Pithing Needle
few other things in SB i cant remember

something like that... and just as a toss together won 2 FNM, with ease and was great fun smile (32/32 Kalonian is kinda had to block tongue))
but swapped back to r/G i missed my domri/xenagos

but yeah R/G
Ruric thar
Mizzium Mortars
mistcutters (i have main board so much threat to be SB)
Polis Crusher (great SB for esper/ G/W)
Polukranos (owns all)
.... but yeah thats just a lil bit of mine i actually run Reckoners bc no one ever sees it coming w/ the Stomps/temples/ and carys its mostly easy to pull off
but think hes going out and moving in Stormbreaths smile)