(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

zga wrote:

With the finished CSV, would you reimport it to deckbox somehow or did you just maintain an inventory off of deckbox after that?


Updating your online inventory is the easiest of all the steps. From your Inventory, you first have to go to Tools > Remove Everything before importing the new CSV (because a CSV import doesn't replace; it adds to the existing cards). Then go to Add Cards > From CSV File and choose the newly edited CSV. Your online Deckbox inventory will now be up-to-date!

  • NOTE: Keep a copy of the original CSV you export, before editing it to remove cards! That way, if you screw up in the editing process in any way, you always have a "system restore" point to fall back on.

In addition to keeping your online inventory up-to-date, I also always recommend keeping a CSV backup of your inventory stored off-site, just in case something ever happens to your data on Deckbox.


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I 100% agree that this should be a feature! A while back, I went through my very large inventory and got rid of a whole bunch of cards, doing bulk sales and the like. I had to do all of my inventory manipulations in an exported CSV rather than natively on Deckbox. The ability to enter in a list of cards, all from a single set / condition / language (just like the bulk add), and choose to remove instead of add, would be amazing.

That said, I think the nuances of how this would work would make it hard to implement. For instance, I own a signed foil Intet, the Dreamer, a signed non-foil Intet, and an unsigned non-foil Intet (all 3 from Planar Chaos). If I have 1 Intet in my list of cards to remove, how will Deckbox know which of the 3 to tick down? What if I decide to get rid of all signed cards and list 2 Intets? How will I designate that they are the signed ones?

One method would be using a system of flags like on TappedOut. On T/O, you can use *F* to designate that a card is foil and *S* for signed. You can also specify set codes in parentheses. Using a system like this, I could add the following to my bulk-remove list:

1 Intet, the Dreamer *F* *S*
1 Intet, the Dreamer *S*

...which would keep my unsigned, non-foil version in my inventory.

Another method (which you could and probably should use alongside the above) would be generating a list of unmatched cards that the user has to go through and match to ones in inventory. In other words, if Deckbox can't feel 100% positive that I meant a certain card, it'll ask. So in the above example, if I list 1 Intet, the Dreamer *F* *S* then it WON'T ask me, because there can't be any confusion. But if I list 1 Intet, the Dreamer *S*, it'll ask if I meant the foil or non-foil signed copy.

Despite these complications, I think that having SOME version of a mass-remove, even if it's not completely robust, would be a good feature.


For those who aren't faint of heart and who have a very large list of cards to remove, here's what I did:

  1. I exported my old inventory (which still included the sold cards in its counts) to a CSV file.

  2. As I boxed up / shipped / sold cards, I added them to a dummy Deckbox account.

  3. I exported the dummy account's inventory to CSV.

  4. In Excel, I pasted the contents of the dummy CSV into the first CSV, and created a "named range" for all those removed cards.

  5. I used a combination of CONCAT and VLOOKUP to see if a card in my original inventory had a corresponding row in the Removed named range.

  6. If it did, the formula returned the Count of the removed cards. If not, it returned 0.

  7. In a new column, I subtracted the amounts from Step 6 from the original Counts, which left me with my remaining quantity.

  8. I copy-pasted the values from the Step 7 column into the original Count column, deleted the named range, and deleted the extra columns.

  9. Saved it and imported via that CSV.

I know that probably sounds way overly complicated, but once you know what you're doing with the formulas, it's pretty easy. And when you're dealing with a thousand+ cards at a time, BOY does it sure save a ton of time in the long run! The longest step, honestly, is Step 2 -- creating an inventory of the removed cards.

If anyone would like more details on how to do Steps 4-8, I'd be glad to write a more thorough guide (or upload an example Excel file for those who "learn with their hands"). For people who are good with Excel, hopefully that'll be enough info to help out.  smile


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

You're very welcome! Converting CSVs is one thing I'm actually good at, so I like to contribute to the community in that way any time I see someone needing help with that.

Also, I'm curious about something: I took a peek at your new inventory to see what rares and mythics you had, especially the high end ones, so I sorted your inventory by price and noticed that all the high end Summer Magic / Alpha / Beta / etc. cards were no longer in it from the converted CSV.  Are you just wanting to leave those ones off of Deckbox? Sorry for being nosy! I was just really surprised to see all those cool cards gone!


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Alright, so got it converted for ya, with as much accuracy as I could! Try importing the attached CSV (edit: encountered same server error as you were, so here's a link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/twk74lz6lbiv9 … d.csv?dl=0 FILE REMOVED FROM MY DROPBOX) and let me know if there's any issues. Note that importing from CSV will add these cards to whatever cards you already have listed on Deckbox, rather than replacing them. If this CSV is meant to be your entire inventory, then you'll first want to "Remove Everything" from your inventory page (under Tools).

Mismatched Editions

As discussed, this was by far the biggest group. Below are all the changes I had to make to get Deckbox to recognize the edition.

  • Magic 2014 => Magic 2014 Core Set

  • Modern Masters 2015 => Modern Masters 2015 Edition (same with MM2017)

  • Commander 2011 => Commander

  • Intl. Collectors’ Edition => International Collectors' Edition

  • Ugin's Fate => Ugin's Fate Promos

  • RNA Guild Kit => Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit (same with GRN)

  • Time Spiral Timeshifted => Time Spiral "Timeshifted"

  • Duel Decks Anthology: ... => Duel Decks Anthology, ... (comma instead of colon)

  • Summer Magic / Edgar => Summer Magic

  • Foreign Black Border => Foreign Black Bordered

  • Friday Night Magic ____ => Friday Night Magic (i.e. no year designation)

  • Wizards Play Network ____ => WPN/Gateway (also no year)

  • Magazine Inserts => Media Inserts (one card: Fireball)

  • Khans of Tarkir Promos => Media Inserts (one card: Sultai Charm)

Note that I made these changes in the "card.csv" file that I downloaded from the shared folder you linked to. I didn't make any changes within the raw DelverLens file, since there's no way to change edition names within DelverLens itself. All these changes have to be made to the CSV after it's been exported.

Double-Faced Card Names

The other major group of changes was mismatching names from ISD, DKA, SOI, and EMN. It seems like every single DFC from those sets were listed by DelverLens with their back-face names instead of the primary names on the front of the cards. So I went through and changed them all.

Other Notes

You'll want to double check your FBB cards, since Deckbox divides these into two editions — Foreign Black Bordered and Fourth Edition: Black Bordered — whereas other services just lump them into a single FBB set. I'm unfamiliar with DelverLens' approach, but if any of yours are supposed to be 4th Black Bordered, they're currently listed as Revised Black Bordered in the attached CSV.

I changed the collector numbers for the alternate arts from Alliances, Homelands, and Fallen Empires to ensure you had the correct card listed on Deckbox. Annoyingly, Deckbox actually uses its own numbering system for old sets (before official collector numbers were printed on the cards), one which doesn't make much sense. For one thing, DB doesn't order the cards in WUBRG order as they should be, so that e.g. Insidious Bookworms (a black card) actually has a lower collector number than Arcane Denial (blue). That's because DB orders the colors alphabetically: Black, Blue, Green, Red, White (followed by Artifact, Land, then Multicolored last??? what?!). It also assigns separate numbers to each variant, rather than using the better system of a single number per each English name, followed by a letter for variants. For example, Insidious Bookworms should be 51a and 51b, but DB has them at 12 and 13.

Speaking of art variants, I checked the few basic lands you had, and most were fine, but I did need to change the Portal 2nd Age Plains from 153 to 162 to match the art you intended. (I also happened to notice that you have an Alpha Plains set to foil somehow. It doesn't affect the price displayed on Deckbox, but I figured I'd mention it anyways!)

Tenth Edition foils (which lack reminder text in favor of flavor text) aren't properly represented on Deckbox. You can select 10th Edition and set the card to foil, but it won't show the correct artwork. But since there's not more than one foil version of a given card, the missing artwork shouldn't affect anything.

And lastly, there were a few cards that simply can't translate to Deckbox, as follows:

1    Blaze              118†  Portal
1    Hand of Death      96†   Portal
1    Arborback Stomper  142†  Kaladesh
3    Wind Drake         70†   Kaladesh
2    Terror             24    Rivals Quick Start Set
1    Vampire Bats       25    Rivals Quick Start Set

Deckbox doesn't have an edition for the Rivals box set, and the Portal / Kaladesh cards are from beginner decks that feature more reminder text than the normal versions found in boosters.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello, Kenneth!

Yeah, the most common issue is always mismatching edition names. You don't need to lose all the edition info; instead, you need to rename all the editions to Deckbox-compatible ones within the DelverLens exported file.

I'd be happy to fix it for you, but I'd need the DelverLens file. I'm not sure why you couldn't get a CSV file to attach to your post.  :\  I've done it before! Maybe try again -- and make sure you click the "Add File" button after choosing the file. If that doesn't work, then you could share it via a share link from a cloud storage service like Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.

Let me know -- I'd be glad to help!

That is correct! It "sees" itself dying, so that it's able to trigger its own ability, which goes on the stack. As long as the second creature on the battlefield doesn't die at instant speed prior to the trigger resolving, then the "at end of turn" delayed trigger will be created. And then as long as Lifeline doesn't leave the graveyard, it'll be brought back at end of turn, just no longer as a Creature.

Looks like you got your answer! I saw your post on both sites around the same time as I was browsing through new threads. LoL

Just to add a couple notes to what the other answer said on MTG Salvation:

1. All that matters is that a creature object on the battlefield goes to the graveyard and that at least one other creature is on the battlefield (under anyone's control) until Lifeline's triggered ability resolves. Once it resolves and the delayed trigger has been created, it doesn't matter if the second creature or even Lifeline itself leaves the battlefield. The delayed "at end of turn" trigger will still resolve.

2. Once in the graveyard, it ceases to be a creature object (which is a permanent type that can only exist on the battlefield), and becomes a creature card. But as you and the other answer correctly pointed out, it just says "the first card", without specifying "creature card". The game holds a reference to the original creature through this wording, which is what allows your scenario to work. However, if the card leaves the graveyard before the end of the turn, even if it returns to the graveyard once again, that reference is broken and the delayed trigger won't resolve.

sebi wrote:

Nope, there is *some* support for international names, the quickbar on top of the site for example allows searching for foreign cards and I want to add this to all add widgets etc

True. I forgot about this, as I never use that search bar! Haha. I assumed he was asking about it in the context of adding cards to Inventory, so that's where my brain was.  smile

LH_Laurin wrote:

I cant find ELD cards with there German name. was this removed or never a thing?

The latter. We're not able to search by the foreign name on Deckbox. Instead, you have to add a foreign card via its English name, then set its language to German (or have German set as your default when adding cards).

Scarad wrote:

„Adventure“ in type line doesn‘t work

Using the Type Line criteria worked for me! See if this search result looks right on your end.

Yeah, it takes Deckbox a while to adjust to the market, especially if its own Marketplace sellers aren't adjusting their prices or if there's simply not enough for sale on Deckbox.

The high prices you're seeing are the preorder prices, which always drop significantly after the cards start to actually flood the market. No idea how long it'll take, but Deckbox will eventually catch up!  wink


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

szwanger wrote:

a search filter for "cards without a set" would at least enable users to save a lot of time on fixing this.

There actually is! In your Inventory or Tradelist, look for the filter called "No Edition Set".

Sorry to hear about the larger problem you're experiencing, though. Now I feel like I need to go through and check mine!

This is one reason, though, that I always back up my Inventory as a CSV export. If I find that I'm also affected by these bugs, then all I'll have to do is clear my online Inventory and then reimport it from that CSV file. So I'd highly recommend that exporting a CSV be the first thing you do after fixing everything.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sadly, there's currently no native way to do this. The best option at the moment is importing the exact contents of the decks via a CSV file. Check out this related feature request / resource thread I started. It has been stickied to the top of the Site Discussion forum.

All you need to do is download the CSV for all 4 decks of C19 and import that CSV three times.

A couple benefits to this method over using the Mass Entry tool, aside from just getting the correct count of cards, is that all the commanders will be marked as foil, and the oversized card and tokens will also be imported at the same time.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Check out the resource thread I created here. It links to CSV files for a lot of the preconstrcuted products Wizards has put out. Or if you just want to get right to C19, here's a direct link to a CSV for all 4 decks. Just download the CSV file, go to Inventory, click "Add Cards", then "From a CSV File". The CSV will not replace your existing inventory; instead, it'll just add the new cards to it.


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

sebi wrote:

Perhaps it would be enough to just set a note on the single printings saying "Only printed double-sided"?

In addition to a per-card note, I recommend also having a notice written at the top of the affected edition pages, so that when people navigate to e.g. Extras: Commander 2019 and see both single- and double-sided tokens, they'll understand what both versions are doing in there.

Also, thinking about future compatibility here — If there's the possibility that you ever WILL remove the single-sided tokens, then it would be better for the double-sided tokens to not be listed after the single-sided. E.g. right now, you have C19 double-sided tokens using collector numbers 30-50. But what happens if you one day removed the single-sided tokens? Would the double-sided still start at 30? Or now start at 1 like they should? It obviously doesn't really matter, since there's no official WotC numbering for double-sided cards  But still, it would affect people like me who heavily utilize CSVs for my inventory management. Right now, the two different Beast // Wurm tokens are 39 and 40. But if they suddenly become 10 and 11 post-single-sided removal, then my CSV listing them as 39 and 40 will no longer show the correct version (they'll be combined into multiple copies of 10 after import).

That's not super important, but still, it's a consideration as you're deciding how to add in the double-sided tokens.

My personal recommendation would be to treat them like you do the Core Game cards from e.g. Ninth Edition — let them share collector numbers. So in C19, you'd have:

#1 Bird
#1 Bird // Sculpture
#2 Bird
#2 Bird // Sculpture
#3 Human
#3 Pegasus // Human


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

reezel wrote:

I was thinking about this more. In the case of a site like scryfall, where they are showing what exists, it makes sense for them to only show them as double sided. But here we're categorizing our collections, which everyone does very different, so the more options we have, the better this site will be. That's just my opinion of it.

This is why I think the idea presented by Giumbus in that newish thread in Site Feedback that Sebi alluded to is ultimately the most ideal solution — it allows for multiple ways to catalogue your inventory, offering a very flexible, robust, and simple interface. If you want to add all of the C19 as single-sided tokens to your inventory, it would let you, and not force you to pair those tokens with their other faces. If you want your inventory to reflect the physical cards you actually own, you could add them as double-sided, but then in your decks, you could still just add a single side. So e.g., C19 has both a Saproling // Morph and a Saproling // Manifest, so you could add them as such to your inventory. But say you never play with Morph or Manifest and instead sleeve those tokens so that only the Saproling is showing. In your deck that uses the Saprolings, you could then add just Saproling tokens rather than the full double-sided token. Or finally, you could choose to list only double-sided tokens ANYwhere, inventory or deck. It would be fully up to the user.

As nice as that system sounds, we probably shouldn't hold our breath. I have no idea what Sebi's backend coding and database structure looks like, but my gut feeling is that the proposed system would be very difficult to implement.

In the meantime, the key consideration in my opinion is this: Deckbox is fundamentally a place to track, trade, and sell physical cards. While a C19 Saproling token is a valid virtual card for deckbuilding, and a person can choose to only ever use that single side of it, that's not actually the card we own in our physical inventories. It will never be a physical card, because it doesn't exist. We can't trade it (not that people commonly trade tokens) and we can't sell it. Having nonexistent cards in the database undermines a core feature of Deckbox — its Market.

That all said, I'm personally fine with single-sided tokens continuing to exist on the website for those like Reezel who really want to input them like that. I have no actual desire for them to be removed (they're just objectively not correct to have). All I want is for them to not prevent the double-sided tokens from being added, since those are the more important version to have on the site.


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

My pleasure! I've gotten pretty good at working with the CSVs for Deckbox and at converting them between different collection tools, so these little challenges are kinda fun for me.  smile

Have a good one!


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Alright, so I got it working for you! Here are Dropbox links to both the initial exported CSV from MA, as well as the final fixed CSV that imports correctly into DB:

Initial export -- dropbox.com/s/dxh021hsj5wz1zd/Inventory%20-%20initial%20export.csv
Fixed for import -- dropbox.com/s/11erla8xphy3qwz/Inventory%20-%20fixed%20for%20import.csv

If you attempt to import the initial CSV, you'll find that there are four main sources of the errors:

  1. Incompatible edition names (82 errors):

    • Magic: The Gathering-Conspiracy => Conspiracy (55 errors)

    • Commander 2013 Edition => Commander 2013 (15 errors)

    • Magic: The Gathering-Commander => Commander (4 errors)

    • Planechase 2012 Edition => Planechase 2012 (8 errors)

  2. Mismatched card names, which itself was due to 3 sources (28 errors):

    • Transform cards from Innistrad, DKA, and SOI had the backside of the cards listed (15 errors)

    • Split cards, like Turn // Burn, sometimes had only one half named, or had a name like Turn // Burn (Turn) (11 errors)

    • Flip cards from Kamigawa had the flipped half's name, or had that name in parentheses (like with split cards) (2 errors)

  3. Online-only editions (10 errors):

    • Masters Edition (1 error)

    • Masters Edition II (7 errors)

    • Masters Edition III (1 error)

    • Vintage Masters (1 error)

  4. Æ character in card names (7 errors)

I fixed the edition names and changed Æther to Aether.

As far as the online-only sets, Deckbox does not (and far as I'm aware doesn't plan to) support MTGO or Arena (since a primary feature of Deckbox is trading paper cards). I went ahead and kept those cards at the end of the fixed file, just for your reference. I had to move the counts of each card to an unused column (so Deckbox will ignore them during import).

Finally, I recommend double-checking your physical inventory against the database when it comes to the split, flip, and transform cards. It feels like your Deckbox inventory may now have duplicates, because I believe that MA was counting each half / side of those cards as individual cards. I did keep the alleged duplicates in the fixed file, as separate rows, but I noticed that they always had the exact same count. For instance, you'll see two rows for 4x Delver of Secrets. This will show a total of 8 on Deckbox, but my bet is you own only 4?


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I was able to download the file at least! I'm not at my computer, so I can't check it in MA yet, but I'll take a look later this evening.


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

ChiefBeef wrote:

Attached is (I hope) the xml file you're looking for.

Sadly, it didn't attach to your post. Make sure after you click "Choose file" and select it from the file browser, that you then click the "Add file" button in Deckbox, or else it's not actually attached.

If you did that, then it's possible Deckbox doesn't allow XML files, in which case I would suggest using some sort of cloud storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive) to generate a shareable link that I can download from

But I bet it's the first issue.... cuz I've made that mistake more than once myself, even though I know better!  wink


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Actually nevermind, using your XML file should be perfectly easy. I could just add it into my updated MagicAssistant, and export it into Deckbox format from there. And then like I said, I'll just have to make some tweaks to get edition / card names matched.


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hey! Sorry it took a couple days. But potentially some good news!

So I hadn't used my MA database in a while, and as I was poking around to try to answer your question, I realized it needed a software update. Sadly, the update failed. So I just went ahead and downloaded a whole new ZIP of the latest version (1.5) and pointed it to the workspace folder for my old MA install. Everything worked like a charm. More importantly, I noticed a couple things:

First, it was asking to update its card database, and it included all of the recent editions, including WAR and M20. So you might be in luck!

Second, if you're still interested in using Deckbox, this new version of MA has an Export option (I don't know in which version it was added, but my old version didn't have that option), and you can set the "Export type" to "DeckBox Inventory CSV". That'll get you most of the way there! But when you attempt to import it into DB, you'll probably receive a long list of errors due to mismatching edition names and special characters in card names (like the Æ in Aether). You can either go through the errors and fix them yourself, or if you'd like, I wouldn't mind taking a look at the MagicAssistant-exported CSV and see if I can get it 100% compatible with Deckbox for you.

If for some reason you're still not able to get a new version running, so that neither of the above are an option for you, then go to your Workspace directory (if you've forgotten it, you can view it in Preferences > Magic Prefs > File Locations). In your Workspace directory, open magiccards > Collections, and attach your collection file(s). They're in XML format. I can't promise how easily I can convert those, though, so trying again to get a new version of the program will be your best bet.


(12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

If you're able to attach an exported Inventory file, I bet I could help you convert it to a Deckbox-compatible import.

As someone with a huge inventory myself, I understand the burden of having to re-enter it into a new system!


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Deckbox doesn't officially support MTGO. For instance, some of the online-only editions such as Vintage Masters are missing. In addition, there's no support for the Tix currency or trading digital cards.

That said, I personally don't see any issue with creating a separate account to merely track your online inventory, as long as you're fine with the lack of online-only edition support (and don't expect them to be added, cuz I suspect they won't be) and are careful not to mark anything for trade.

I think it's technically against the TOS to have two accounts, but since you're not trying to abuse the system (e.g. completing fake trades to beef up your trade score) and you'll just be using it to privately track your inventory, I doubt it'll ever be an issue. I have a second account that I use simply to test CSV imports or the like.


(7 replies, posted in Announcements)

Hey Sebi, it would be really good to get away from the single-sided token issue of previous Commander products on Deckbox. I wish I had caught you before you created the edition! But maybe you can just update the edition with the correct double-sided tokens from below? I doubt the change would impact a large number of users yet, and I bet most of them would be very happy to have the correct versions.

Token list:

Bird (#1) // Sculpture
Bird (#2) // Sculpture
Pegasus // Human
Spirit // Human
Angel of Sanctions // Horror
Heart-Piercer Manticore // Dragon
Drake // Human
Assassin // Morph
Zombie (#10) // Zombie (#11)
Beast (#13) // Wurm
Beast (#14) // Wurm
Centaur // Egg
Plant // Snake
Plant // Morph
Rhino // Egg
Saproling // Morph
Saproling // Manifest
Gargoyle // Egg
Treasure // Human
Eldrazi // Egg
Emblem: Ob Nixilis Reignited // Zombie (#10)