As the title says, throw me some offers.

FrogLizard wrote:
tjdrake719 wrote:

I have probably got half of that, but sifting though all my cards is a ton of work. Meh.

Bro do you even sift? ;p

Haha, I am the worst. All my commons and uncommons are in a box, only sorted by color. If anyone asks in rl for c/u I just drop down the 5k card box and let them look.

I have probably got half of that, but sifting though all my cards is a ton of work. Meh.

arsonisfun wrote:

I'd like to move the following -

23x Dragon's Maze Pre-Release Plains (TCG has them at $3.5, I'll do $2.5 per if trading 10+)
2x Hinterland Harbor
1x Isolated Chapel
3x Sulfur Falls

I'll take staples from any format.   Standard stuff I'd prefer - Shocks, Deathrites, Abrupt Decays, Jace, AOT, Lotleth Troll

Thanks smile


Heads up on those plains, tcg is probably overpricing. They show up regularly on ebay for 2-2.5 if you buy a set of 4-8.



Want some specific cards:

Mirri's Guile
Consecrated Sphinx
Maelstrom Wanderer
Stonehewer Giant

Advent of Wurm
2 Mosswort Bridge
4 Armada Wurm
elderwood scion (have a japanese one I would exchange for an english one)
Lin Sivvi
4 Into the Core

Would want value for lotv and tradedowns, willing to give value for tradeups, etc.

yahmes wrote:

Now that box mapping is a real thing, I don't know very many people who would just trade for loose packs these days.

Yeah, that is what I was thinking. LoV is a steep asking price even without.

Up....bolded stuff is top priority


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Up, feel free to make offers, I am not too picky smile

Kei_Asaki wrote:

Ahh!  I haven't heard her used in that abbreviation before!  I would be interested to see if we can work out something for one or a pair of those lovely ladies. smile

Start up a trade and we can go from there.

Kei_Asaki wrote:

Might sound like a silly question, but... what does LoV stand for?

Not silly at all: Liliana of the Veil


AmarusCameron wrote:

I get the shapeshifters, but I'm using conspiracy so that all creatures are scarecrows as well. Though I may throw in some changelings just for fun, I really am trying to stay true to the myr theme

Ah, ok cool. Myrs are cool for sure, I have a myr deck using jor as my commander. I wish they had printed some better scarecrows. Scarecrone is awesome, but its kinda downhill after that.

AmarusCameron wrote:

Alright, got my artifact lands squared away, updated!

Don't have those specific Myr you need, but figured I would give a suggestion. Use changelings instead of scarecrows for the most part. They will be able to interact with the myr lords (+1+1, tap for mana) and still trigger reaper kings vindicate ability. You can also search for them with rebels or mercenaries. Here is my list if you want some ideas:

ReaperKing is a ton of fun to play.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

outofstep wrote:
tjdrake719 wrote:

I have an altered Sygg, River Cutthroat for trade. Taking offers smile

I broke up my edh deck for it, so have some ub edh cards in my tradelist as well.


What do you value him at?

Alters are hard to value right, but I think around 15. Cost of the alter plus card.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Already traded.


UnstableFlux wrote:

Discussion started smile

And done, quick and easy smile

Updated list to remove a few things I just got.

flclreddit wrote:

Bump! Still looking for trades!

Feel free to browse my list.

AmarusCameron wrote:

Reason why? Frankly it is because of how hard it has been for me to get those things, I offered DRS when I had him in those trades and people turned their noses at me, so if I couldn't get them with that then obviously they are worth more than that. Also Swords, well I just love swords, personal favorite cards. And the eldrazi, I know that once I trade them, I am never getting them back sad

Think you may be looking at it wrong. Deathrites are currently on sale because they are still being actively opened. Once the next block rolls around, they will jump to at least 20. So each one you trade for is a gain, and they won't drop much after rotation (staple in both eternal formats!)

masterofdisaster wrote:

I have an unlisted lord of extinction, and a consecrated, and a list. Could you chech mine for any of those 3 cards?

Started talks


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

TehPokedex wrote:

Like I said, I'm down to negotiate.  But I wont drop the price from $30 to $15 over 1 persons speculation.

No, neither would I smile  I am not even interested, just noting that its nearing its ceiling. No offense intended.


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

TehPokedex wrote:

Yup, I can see it going up, but I'll honor the price at the time i posted this. so $30.

Its not going up. It will peak at 35 tops, then settle at 10-25 depending on competitive play. That is what all similar mythics have done.

I have 3 Liliana of the Veil. I have decided I am not going to be using them, so I may as well trade them. I do want value since the cards I am looking for are not expensive, and LoV is one of the best eternal staples. What I am looking for:

Phyrexian Dreadnought
Mirri's Guile
Lord of Extinction
2 Firestorm
2 Sphinx's Rev
Maelstrom Wanderer
2 Wheel of Fortune
Consecrated Sphinx
4 Breeding Pool
Stonehewer Giant
Death's Shadow
Nether Traitor
3 Mosswort Bridge
4 Armada Wurm
Skullbriar, the Walking Grave
2 Stranglehold
Chameleon Colossus
Lurking Predators
4 Springjack Pasture
Gratuitous Violence

They are kind of in price blocks. The further down you go, the more value you should offer. Springjack pasture, while neat, isn't worth 2 in trade toward Liliana, its worth more like 1 (if that makes sense). Fielding offers for the rest of my tradelist and wishlist as well, but this stuff is priority. (I also have playsets of snappy and cavern if you are looking for those instead.


(20 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Updated list and prices. Feel free to make offers, everything is negotiable.