Topic: W: Deathrite Shaman H: tradelist/Inventory

Only reasonable trades please, I'm not trading my edlrazi or swords for deathrite shamen.

Noteable haves:
Kaalia of the vast
Lands (all kinds, fetches are not on the table)
Angel of Serenity

As always, thank you for your time!

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: W: Deathrite Shaman H: tradelist/Inventory

Out of curiosity, why not? Deathrite sees play across all formats.

Would you refuse Snapcasters? They are also in print and see cross-format play.

Re: W: Deathrite Shaman H: tradelist/Inventory

I believe Innistrad is actually out of print now x_X

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Re: W: Deathrite Shaman H: tradelist/Inventory

I'm not trading out any of my Deathrites but I'm also curious why you wouldn't trade modern staples for modern staples (aside from the trade-down factor)

Re: W: Deathrite Shaman H: tradelist/Inventory

Reason why? Frankly it is because of how hard it has been for me to get those things, I offered DRS when I had him in those trades and people turned their noses at me, so if I couldn't get them with that then obviously they are worth more than that. Also Swords, well I just love swords, personal favorite cards. And the eldrazi, I know that once I trade them, I am never getting them back sad

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: W: Deathrite Shaman H: tradelist/Inventory

AmarusCameron wrote:

Reason why? Frankly it is because of how hard it has been for me to get those things, I offered DRS when I had him in those trades and people turned their noses at me, so if I couldn't get them with that then obviously they are worth more than that. Also Swords, well I just love swords, personal favorite cards. And the eldrazi, I know that once I trade them, I am never getting them back sad

Think you may be looking at it wrong. Deathrites are currently on sale because they are still being actively opened. Once the next block rolls around, they will jump to at least 20. So each one you trade for is a gain, and they won't drop much after rotation (staple in both eternal formats!)

Re: W: Deathrite Shaman H: tradelist/Inventory

Good point, think i may just buy the singles, because regardless of the fact I'm still not trading swords or fetches.

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list