I have one
328 2015-04-13 21:11:37
Re: Newb Questions (4 replies, posted in Trading Post)
As far as I know you still have to enter them in one by one as well as change the individual quantity of each card. I know it can sometimes be a pain but it is also just a small inconvenience.
329 2015-04-13 13:33:39
Re: Can you please fix the prices? (4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
To be fair, Den Protector literally spiked up in price mid PT this weekend as well as Atarka. In fact they both only spiked up in price on the 11th late in the day (I am talking about like at 3pm on the west coast of the US) according to MTGstocks. This would give a high chance that when you accepted the trade things were fair but luck would not be on your side.
So really, you are expecting instant real time price changes. This was honestly just a trade done with horrible timing. I dont think you should fault Deckbox for this.
330 2015-04-08 22:00:44
Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers (32 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
You completely ignored blue as an option then? one of the strongest aggro decks around is UW heroic (which is full of soldiers), you could easily splash red for things like jeskai charm and blue gives you evasion. The heroic creatures are very difficult to deal with and the colors have built in tools against control.
IMO, bile blight and heroes downfall don't really belong in an aggro deck. Neither do sorin or Ajani. i think you need to get back to the core of what the deck is about and that's putting down sticky threats and applying consistent pressure
also the heroic creatures are individually stronger than the soldier's your playing. You're to deep on making the captain work. If they blow up the captain your hosed.
EdiT: taking a 2nd look you're far closer to a midrange deck than an agro deck, might as well slap in some rhinos and more removal than perusing the captain plan.
last thought, ditch the evolving wilds, you're better off running basics for tempo reasons. You're not delving for anything so there's no reason to force them.
The awesome thing about Sorin is he still helps applying pressure in the form of getting Vampire tokens when you need them or gaining that life and pumping your creatures. He is good in this deck if you keep him as a 2-of.
I would also not really consider this as much of an aggro deck and say it is more of a tempo deck. So having efficient threat removal is a good thin if used in a strategic manner.
331 2015-04-08 19:37:43
Re: Looking for Mardu Have:Tradelist (9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Looking for the following
4x bloodstained mire
1x nomad outpost
4x temple of triumph
2x Caves of Koilos
2x Battlefield Forge
4x Goblin Rabblemaster
1x Butcher of the Horde
3x Seeker of the way
2x Crackling Doom
2x Hordeling Outburst
2x Lightning Strike
3x Outpost Siege
3x Chained to the Rocks
2x Sorin, Solemn Visitor
2x Wild slash
2x Hushwing gryff
1x Read the Bones
1x Utter End
2x Valorous Stance
4x RoastI have my tradelist as mentioned plus cards from a standard esper control deck!
I have:
2x Chained to the Rocks
2x Wild slash
4x Goblin Rabblemaster
1x Butcher of the Horde
1x nomad outpost
2x Caves of Koilos
2x Hordeling Outburst
2x Valorous Stance
332 2015-04-08 17:30:53
Re: Selling some cards (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
If you are going to sell cards, you need to use the Deckbox.org built-in seller account functionality.
To be fair, he does have a sellers account, just posting in the wrong forum.
333 2015-04-07 03:04:47
Re: Have: Pack foil Siege Rhino (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Nothing on your wishlist but feel free to poke around my TL for it.
What do you value the Rhino at?
334 2015-04-07 00:36:33
Re: H: Narset, Goblin Guides W: Modern / Standard (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Quick bump. Narset for trade. Wishlist is up to date.
Thx for looking.
335 2015-04-07 00:29:14
Re: Have: Pack foil Siege Rhino (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
336 2015-04-06 02:59:04
Topic: Have: Pack foil Siege Rhino (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
As the title says. Just pulled this from a pack and I dont need it. Send me offers. Need some standard stuff
337 2015-04-06 02:11:34
Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers (32 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I like Dromoka's Command. I forgotten about this card. This is a good call. That way the opponensts Lightning Strikes and Stokes dont affect you as much and you can also fight your way through blockers. I love it. I kinda think it should be a full 4 if you can get access to them. I kinda like Ajani's Presence in the SB. Is there a reason of only 1 Hero's Downfall? That would really help in the Abzan Control matchup
Sorry I have not been responding as much as I would like too. Been planning my daughters 1st birthday party so I have been busy
338 2015-04-03 17:16:17
Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers (32 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Yes, this does mean that Brimaz will no longer get you a token. Also means Ankleshanker will not give First Stike and Deathtouch. I do understand what you mean with losing removal, but there is replacements. Banishing Light is usable, as well as Suspension Field. Valorous Stance is removal and protection. Glare of Herasy as SB removal. If you want to keep red then all good. Just pointing out what I have seen work in the past.
339 2015-04-03 16:48:36
Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers (32 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
No problem. I figured that it wasnt your only huge play but you should still know. Honestly, I like the deck alot. I honestly think that you should drop the Red and pick up Green. I have seen it done before and it can absolutely wreck someone. He went:
T1: Forest then Elivish Mystic
T2: Plains then Captain
T3: Attack and bring out Anafensa or Brimaz. He also had mana up for Gods Willing or Valourous Stance. It me hands down. Ill edit to say more since I am at work right now
340 2015-04-03 16:27:25
Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers (32 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
The perfect hand for me would be..
Turn 1: plains + Soldier of the Pantheon
Turn 2: plains + Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Turn 3: mountain + Preeminent Captain
Turn 4: mountain + Fabled Hero + Hammerhand --Preeminent captain attacks bringing in another preeminent captain who brings out Brimaz, King of Oreskos + 1/1 cat soldier (20 damage if unguarded)Alternate turn 2-4:
Turn 2: Temple of Silence
Turn 3: mountain + Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit + Hammerhand
Turn 4: mountain + Preeminent Captain + Hammerhand / Bringing in the 2nd preeminent captain + Brimaz, King of Oreskos + 1/1 cat token (14 damage if unguarded)
Just a nit-pick, when you attack with Preeminent Captain and bring in a second Preeminent Captain, you do not get to bring in another creature. The Captains ability only triggers when you declare it as an attacker in the Declare attacker step. When you do only then will it trigger his ability. The second one comes into play and has never been declared as an attacker so he gets no trigger.
341 2015-04-03 02:50:34
Re: Trading for Bulk Rares @ 13 cents/rare (25 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Is it specifically rares or will you take bulk mythics also? Not sure if you answered this already
342 2015-04-01 17:11:29
Re: looking for foil/promo dragons, memoricide, DD bolas (7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have Ojutai and the Promo Deathbringer. Ill look at your list
343 2015-03-31 23:48:28
Re: H: Narset, Goblin Guides W: Modern / Standard (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have 2 Glimpse the Unthinkable that you are looking for
344 2015-03-31 12:32:43
Re: W: Sarkhan Unbroken, ThunRegent, etc H: Tradelist (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have 3 Thunderbreaks (1 is foil)
3 Atarka's Command and
1 Narset.
345 2015-03-30 16:27:02
Re: Need: Celestial Colonnade, Serra Avenger, Kor Firewalker (3 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Bump. Really looking for the Celestial Colonnades.
346 2015-03-29 15:40:32
Re: Need: Celestial Colonnade, Serra Avenger, Kor Firewalker (3 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I have 3 Serra Avengers and 2 Kor Firewalkers. I think I have an extra Thalia or two also. Looks like you've got a few other cards I'm looking for, not sure if you'd be willing to sell any of those, or if there's anything else on my tradelist you might be interested in?
If you want to start up a trade so I can see everything you are looking at. Some stuff may not be fro trade for smaller items. So this lets me gauge what I can really look for.
347 2015-03-28 20:39:14
Topic: Need: Celestial Colonnade, Serra Avenger, Kor Firewalker (3 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Good weekend all. I am really looking to get the following cards soon:
2x Celestial Colonnade
2x Kor Firewalker (promo version prefered)
3x Serra Avenger
I have stuff from my tradelist available
348 2015-03-28 20:29:19
Re: Need thunder break regents and ultimate price! (2 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I have a foil of each if you're interested
349 2015-03-26 21:56:33
Re: W: Several cards see inside (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
4 Lotleth Troll
4 Birds of Paradise,
1 Overgrown Tomb,
1 Abrupt Decay
I have these cards. Ill flip though our TL to see if anything jumps out at me
350 2015-03-26 12:11:41
Re: H: All of Twin W: LOTV, Mox Opal, fetches (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have a LotV and an extra Bloodstained Mire if you are interested