So, having tried a similar Golem deck myself I can say that you shouldn't use Glassdust Golem, you're not always going to be casting artifact spells and the splicers don't work since you aren't casting the artifact part.

Conjurer's Closet, Glimmerpoint Stag, and Venser, the Sojourner are all decent options to produce more golems without being completely rediculously expensive.

I would recommend dropping both memnites and the Suture Priests, you're usually going to be better off with something that ramps mana, like Avacyn's Pilgrim or Llanowar elves.

Another thing is that you should consider Maul Splicer in order to get twice the value from things like Cloudshift.

If you decide to put in more splicers and token producers Intangible Virtue is a must, the +1/+1 is nice but Vigilance is amazing especially when its all for just 2 mana

Finally you need some sort of removal since your opponent could easily get a huge creature that you can't handle so I'd recommend either Oblivion Ring, Beast Within, Unsummon or Vapor Snag

Hope this helps and good luck with the deck!


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

As a note, something I just realized is that Shimmering Grotto is standard legal, meaning that it's not difficult to have four of an easy mana color converter... who knew?

Very true, it's pretty slow tho, sets you a turn back and my deck's pretty aggro but it's something you need if you're really going 3 or more colors mine's just splashing red so I don't really need it


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

No worries about Oblivion Ring, I've tried to exile lands with them before, lol, my opponent wasn't too amused but that's their fault for taking it too seriously

I like Abundant growth, I might even swap that out in my deck since I really hate moving away from tribal but at the same time I need early fliers

I agree with everything you said, I was just trying to let you know what worked for me, I think this deck should work pretty well

As far as my deck is what i'm currently using, I got second at FNM with it but only by one game sad The prize was a bonfire too :.(, I only lost to mono-black infect which was super aggro and in each game he got a phyrexian crusader out with a Lashwrithe, that's Protection from most of my deck, lol including all of my removal so I couldn't do much. The green white went well but mine's more focused on exaltedy shenannigans, Ajani's usually my win condition, even with a birds of paradise and rancor lol


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Don't use Entreat in this deck, most of your ramp is gonna come from the sage as you'll likely only get 1 and maybe 2 pilgrims out in a game so it would be wasted, Sigarda is a good option tho.

Pacifism... That's a tough one, I've never once drawn an O-Ring and said to myself "I wish this was a pacifism" but I have said the opposite, I can understand it if you decide to go for Planar Cleansing as your board wiper but other than that I don't see it working too well. Moral of the story I like Oblivion Ring alot better but it's up to your playstyle, I hate to see planeswalkers on the other side of the field. I don't know what you mean about Mana Screwing tho, not unless they're using Mana Dorks since O ring can only hit non-land permanents.

What are you missing in green you ask, why the best card in M13, Rancor!! Yes I will continue to blab about rancor until you're sick of it, but it wins games there's not much to argue about that.

Honestly Nevermore is an ok sideboard card but usually decks don't rely on one certian card and if you're able to get up to 3 mana and your opponent 1 doesn't have a delver out and isn''t able to leak your nevermore they have no idea how to play delver, lol

Speaking from experience, ground seal is junk, I hate to say it because it seems good but literally the only thing that it can stop is Snapcasters and in that case you're still better off with Grafdigger's Cage, I found that out the hard way sad

Scroll of Avacyn is interesting, I've usually found that it's not worthwhile, by the time you actually get an angel out you'd better hope that you don't need that extra 5 life and card cause it usually won't be enough.

Defy death seems to me more like a sideboard card as Anti-Mill, casting a 10/10 Avacyn for 5, sounds good to me, lol

This deck looks pretty similar to my original Humans and angels deck, I've found that Naya actually works out alot better, especially looking at non-rotating cards, if you're willing to lose a little trade value/cash, Huntmasters are amazing, it's like card advantage stapled to card advantage every time it flips. I also love Gisela, and I would recommend just putting one in, it's usually worthwhile as a 1 of since it ends games way faster than Avacyn does. If you decide to add Gisela I'd at least consider Birds of Paradise, they're really important if you decide to go for 3 colors but that's just me plugging what's worked out for me, I think GW can be awesome on its own, The overseers are really awesome

Finally a couple of the white soulbond humans are awesome in GW humans and angels, namely Silverblade Paladin and Nearheath Pilgrim

Well that's my rambling 2 cents, hopefully something in there helps/makes sense, good luck!


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

As in you want a bonfire or want a Damnation?

I tried a BG deck based on deathtouch, prey upon and Bladed Pinions, it didn't work out, there was no real way to get damage through, I tried Tormented Soul but that didn't work out too good. I'll be interested to hear how this one works out for you, in BG Glissa the Traitor is pretty sweet


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Someone has a Japanese one for trade on the Deckbox Trading Post


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm interested, feel free to take a look, I don't know what your looking for tho

According to TCG it's about 12.25 non-foil and 23 foil

Hey I'm looking for some promos to fill out my current standard deck, I've got most of what I need, still looking for:

x1 Restoration Angel
x4 Elite Inquisitor
x4 Silverblade Paladin
x1 Day of Judgement

x2 Oblivion Ring

I have a restoration angel I'd like to trade with stuff for the promo one, I don't care as much about the inquisitors but Ideally it'd be the same

There might be other cards I'm missing I have the pilgrims and the Heros of bladehold so if there's anything I missed on here that you'd like to trade me shoot me an offer the deck is here

On a side note I have a bonfire that I'd trade for a playset of temporal masteries + something (maybe a terminus) or 3 masteries and an entreat, I know it's pretty sought after right now so I'd trade it for between 43-45$ I also have an Ajani I'd trade for some decent miracles

If anyone's interested in any of that shoot me an offer

I might be able to help you out, I can for sure trade 1 splicer and a seachrome, I don't love the idea of trading 2 but I probably would, shoot me an offer if you'd like


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I just stumbled upon the card Primalcrux and decided to throw together a deck based on green mana symbols any ideas for better cards with all green mana symbols?

Honestly I'd be alot more worried about things like Whipflare and the like that just flat out kill your entire board for a couple mana and likely leave their side untouched.

Kamahl is nice but mana dorks and him don't work out too well, he'd pair extremely well with the Archdruids because then you tap 1-2 archdruids and are able to set him off a bunch of times but if you've only got guys that pop out 1 mana then they'll need to tap themselves and therefore not be able to attack that turn

I agree with TyWooOneTime on this one, the deck doesn't seem to have a direction at all, you're just getting lots and lots of mana which I assume is to be used on Kamahl, Fist of Krosa's second ability, so that even like 2 of your creatures can swing for lethal but I'm not sure. I definitely think you need a focus for all of that mana, I don't think it's primal surge tho, not if you're using more than one copy of legendary creatures and planeswalkers, it seems too risky to me. Omnath however seems like a really good idea and Hurricane with some sort of a life gain mechanic could be pretty sweet. Things that come to mind are Dark Sphere or for the more epic finish Intervention Pact (assuming they don't have counterspells)

Sorry for not posting sooner, but anyway it seems like it's a good build but again I would go for more consistency, take out the wurm, it's not really serving a purpose and you probably won't get up to that much mana anyway. I feel like you need to do something to speed the deck up more, there aren't exactly alot of early game attackers/blockers to keep your life up, I'd consider Strangleroot Geists, I know they're pretty overused but they're phenominal, especially with Rancor. Another thing to consider if you don't like that is Hanweir Lancer, the first strike paired with almost anything can help you beat anything from the previously mentioned geists to non standard staples like Ball Lightning without taking any damage or losing a creature. I'd also main deck 3 rancors and 2 guise of fire rancor is so amazing, and for 1 green its worth +2/+0 even if the creature already has trample.

Lastly I would say you should drop Rolling temblor from side board to put in plummet, your deck is currently incapable of dealing with early game fliers without losing some of your most valuable resources.

shifty4690 wrote:

Think the issue is that a lot of people are either A) using them or B) holding onto them to trade for "the next big thing". The only problem is that if control becomes really popular the value on bonfire is going to drop, and I need them now before that happens >_<

It also matters that after rotation there aren't many good or even decent board wipes around, Terminus, Mutilate, Sort of Devastation tide, and Bonfire, (probably others I'm not thinking of) plus bonfire is a one sided wipe that's seeing play in non-standard formats

I've been having the exact same issue I even offered $50 worth of cards at FNM, still nothing sad

Helios52 wrote:

I actually would consider running vapor snag or unsummon in some number to deal with creatures that get cast that you cant afford to block or can't counter due to Cavern of souls. I would also drop the number of rewinds a bit.

I completely agree I would run x3 vapor snag / unsummon x2 rewind and at most x2 Geralf's Mindcrusher, (I know he's very nice but I think you're better off cutting him and the Closets to make room for board control spells like Mana Leaks and Unsummons and maybe even Devastation Tides if you have some)

Also this looks like a very solid milling deck, I think you'll have a pretty decent chance to do well at FNM but it all depends on the meta, some stores get people who drop 700$ on decks they found online so if it doesn't work out right away don't get discouraged at all, this is a very solid looking deck. If you're looking to improve it for the future (Trade for more expensie cards) more Jaces is better since they will get killed pretty quickly and Sword of Body and Mind is something to consider but since it's about to leave standard probably not worth it


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You're very right about that, there used to be less ways to win very quickly but how recently has there been a T1 win combo not using any power 9 cards? I think that the overall power of cards is increasing, leading to shorter and less fun games, which is why I like Casual EDH, it's a slower format where you're just having fun without needing to win t3


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I've read a couple articles written by people from Wizards and the same theme seems to come up, at the beginning of magic creatures were overestimated and non creature spells were underestimated. The idea was you need to win through damage and creatures achieve damage so they're the best and spells that make you lose life can have really powerful abilities since the drawback is so huge, however this isn't the case.

Another factor is that creatures are pretty simple so new players will want to build creature heavy decks so they want to make amazing creatures that are extremely powerful so new players will strive to get them.

In summation, creatures IMO are getting too powerful, they're not to that point yet but they could get there, the idea of "Mythic Rare" I think is a terrible idea, it makes things too good for the cost. But all of the most powerful cards are from early sets, Black Lotus, the (original) Moxen, Time Walk, Time Vault, all of the insane cards, they're all from older sets, but most of the other cards in those sets are garbage compared to what we have today.

Any stuffy doll deck in standard should have either Blasphemous Act or Into the Maw of Hell, with Blasphemous Act if you have 2 dolls out its GG immediately, with 26 points of damage done to the opposing player


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Also, my bad for hijacking your thread.  But I figure this is a good route to go with Talrand, if we can get it figured out (as there are currently only three decks on Deckbox that contain both Talrand and Krenko, and you and I currently have two of them).

Hardly, I didn't want a discussion about my deck I wanted a discussioon about how to make an interesting Talrand deck and I'm very happy with the results, I've been putting too much effort into making a boring standard deck and I want to spend some time working on a deck that's just fun that probably wont win alot but will be really fun to play either way


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Wild Guess only nets one card since you have to discard, it gives you options but this deck doesn't benefit from things in graveyard so without the addition of Runechanter's Pike (not a bad idea) the Wild Guess seems inferior to me, in late game when you top deck a land with nothing in hand having a think twice in the grave yard can be really nice

Also I like the charmbreaker devils since they'l be unexpected, no one uses them since they cost too much but with a goblin and drake swarm you could easily last long enough and with the card draw you should have land drops every turn


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Only thing I see right off the bat is that you might be better off with Think Twice compared to wild guess cause instant speed flashback can really catch your opponents off guard and in general I like to run more color balanced decks but that might just be me


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'm not sure, I tested this deck out solo, just drawing and seeing how it played out (Using proxies) and it kinda flopped, don't get me wrong it did some stuff right but honestly it just wasn't working, there were too many things trying to happen at the same time.

In regards to favorable winds, I understand the value of it, I really do but I don't think it's worthwhile, it's just too limited in scope, it boosts drakes and only drakes, thats a couple slots in the deck that are in my eyes wasted since they don't produce more drakes or really make the drakes much better like intangible virtue would, maybe if there were more fliers but as it stands I'm not really seeing it