try to search in your spam folder for it
403 2011-03-01 07:40:20
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
iti aduc eu 2 tempered steel (1 la Gabi, dar presupun ca o sa vina si el la GameDay)
Apropo de asta eu as avea nevoie de 3 Slagstorm
404 2011-02-26 21:24:01
Re: Rules discussion cu quoturi din Complete Rulebook (15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Din cate stiu eu da.. platesti, abilitatea merge pe stack si este "countered on resolution" si nu face nimic (ai platit mana degeaba )
405 2011-02-26 15:56:27
Re: Rules discussion cu quoturi din Complete Rulebook (15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Deci singurul lucru care pierde artifactul e abilitatea de Equip (dar card subtype rămâne equipment, deci devine Artifact creature supertype, cu subtype equipment).
un pic grsit, incat nu pierde aceasta abilitate (sau orice alta abilitate), pur si simplu nu-l pot folosi, incat nu se ataseaza, dar abilitate ramane. Deci daca ar fi ceva care este interesat de equip sau abilitati activate, va vedea acest lucru
406 2011-02-26 08:57:37
Re: MSE 26.02.11 (16 replies, posted in Evenimente)
Multumesc, s-a rezolvat si cu Captivating Vamp
407 2011-02-25 23:22:39
Re: MSE 26.02.11 (16 replies, posted in Evenimente)
poate cineva sa-mi aduca 1-2 Captivating Vampire ? Ionut?
si 3 Go for the Throat ? (Sergiu?)
ms anticipat
408 2011-02-23 21:45:33
Re: Card Tooltip & Apostrophe(s) (2 replies, posted in General Discussion)
hi LaFrenchy,
The problem comes from wordpress auto formating the text, replacing the apostrophe with a "more format matching" one. On our site ( we used the HTML code but the "pre" tag does the same thing (disables formating)
409 2011-02-23 07:31:29
Re: missing card from database (6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Search for Dokai, Weaver of Life
Some of the cards that can be "flipped upside down" are in the system by their other name
410 2011-02-22 15:36:42
Re: Cranial Insertion (147 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Am o intrebare tehnica: se poate pune in articol un buton de "show/hide" care sa arata ceva doar dupa ce este apasat? Incat ar fi nevoie de asa ceva in acest articol.
In alta ordine a zilei, se ofera cineva pt traducerea articolului? (este pus pe forum)
411 2011-02-18 19:24:45
Re: MSE Booster Draft 19.02.11 (12 replies, posted in Evenimente)
Gurule, deci avem prima masa asa, Gabi, Laura, Ionut, Marius, altii care imi vor rau si restul cu mine la masa cealalta (oare o sa fiu singur?
412 2011-02-18 18:25:33
Re: MSE Booster Draft 19.02.11 (12 replies, posted in Evenimente)
just so all of you guys know, am sa hate-draft-uiesc absolut fiecare untamed might care il vad.
of... sper ca nu... incat faptul ca lumea va face rare draft + unii cand vad ca nu merge bine se retrag, vor scade calitatea draftului....iar daca mai faceti si hate draft o sa fie urat de tot
dar poate nu o sa fiu la masa cu tine si atunci m-am scos
413 2011-02-18 14:31:11
Topic: Geek mEdia (0 replies, posted in Taverna)
414 2011-02-18 13:08:09
Re: MSE Booster Draft 19.02.11 (12 replies, posted in Evenimente)
super...tot ce am vrtu sa stiu... ms
415 2011-02-18 08:20:04
Re: MSE Booster Draft 19.02.11 (12 replies, posted in Evenimente)
in orice sens:
ce se vor juca (ex 4-5 ture... x ture + eliminatoriu daca suntem 16)
daca va ramane som-som-mbs sau poate som-mbs-mbs (daca lumea vrea mai mult carti din noul set)
orice altceva
416 2011-02-18 08:04:55
Re: MSE Booster Draft 19.02.11 (12 replies, posted in Evenimente)
Ceva uptade?
417 2011-02-17 19:03:22
Re: [Bug?] Text (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
when I read the first half of the sentence I was laughing already....You should start some funny thread )
418 2011-02-17 09:15:16
Re: [Bug?] Text (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Can you explain it with vegetables or flowers? 'cause I really need some more explanations what trade means. doh....maaaan....
pls Close
419 2011-02-16 18:48:46
Re: MBS Event deck list (2 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Mi s-au parut cunoscute deckurile.. nu stiam de ce
421 2011-02-16 17:11:12
Re: [Bug?] Text (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Actually if the other part changes the offer, that means that he/she refuses the initial one , thus refuse (or synonyms like reject or decline) would be appropriate.
but ok, lets leave the all so often used magic word then, since we are playing MTG
422 2011-02-16 17:09:39
Re: Link Sometimes Unresponsive in Chrome (14 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Trickster wrote:Mnah, he's just a user... official responses come from Sebi or Laura.
Thanks, just learning who is who.
I was just trying to reproduce the bug, so I can help, but since I didn't.. i'm off the case
423 2011-02-16 12:47:25
Topic: [Bug?] Text (8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
On the trade page, after you propose a trade this message comes up:
"Waiting for XY to accept or counter."
I believe that counter is not the right word.. maybe deny or refuse would be better.
424 2011-02-16 07:54:47
Re: WPN Organizer Level (23 replies, posted in Administrativ)
Vai ce spamer harnic esti
425 2011-02-16 07:53:12
Re: [Feature Request] Jump to Page (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Also if you know the cards name, you can just go to the cards page and set it there (in the 'In your sets' section)