I thought of another, obvious, way to get your opponent to trigger your dragons.  Literally make them do it.

Curse of the Nightly Hunt
Guise of Fire
Heckling Fiends

And then you can of course stave off the extra attacks with Fog effects and such.

Blunt the Assault
Clinging Mists
Terrifying Presence

And if you wanted to work your way into white as well (or possibly even in place of green):

Soul Parry
Safe Passage
Gideon Jura

Gideon would actually be perfect because you can make them attack without any danger to yourself.  And, coincidentally, that M13 Ajani that you have been trying to trade away lately has the ability to give your creatures +1/+1 counters; just saying.

White also opens up a bunch of other options:

Gavony Township
Elder Cathar
Cathars' Crusade
Mikaeus, the Lunarch

Yeah, sorry for the lack of overly sound advice.  I have mainly been playing Sealed/Draft but, just like you, I am just getting into Standard Constructed, so I was giving feedback based on my experience in drafts and such with the Primadox.

As far as Standard goes, you're definitely going to need to look out for removal, but sadly, there isn't too much you can do to protect in those colors.  One option could be to include the blue ring as well, Ring of Evos Isle, to have the ability to give it Hexproof.  Beyond that, Ranger's Guile and Sheltering Word are probably your best options.

I agree, you can probably keep the BoP.

Onto some other ideas....  I think you might be a bit too spread out.  With essentially two of everything and then a few one-ofs you won't end up having a lot of consistency, it might be better to focus your efforts in a few places, rather than trying to account for everything all at once.

From my experience, Roaring Primadox can be amazing!  But you also have to realize that he can easily lead to your downfall.  Have a BoP, Elvish Visionary and Primadox out, if they are able to play something like Mutilate or a burn spell to take out more than one small creature, like Arc Trail or Rolling Temblor, even if it wouldn't take out Primadox, it might as well have, because you're going to have to return it to your hand at the beginning of your next turn, meaning you'll need to reuse all of your mana to recast it or something else in your hand.

But, if you do plan to keep the Primadoxs around, there are a few other options you could look at as well, because there are a lot of great ETB effects that you could make use of.  Acidic Slime, Craterhoof Behemoth,Mindclaw Shaman & Zealous Conscripts to name a few.  Additionally, there are a few great cards that you could add that will help in a similar manner.  For instance, Champion of Lambholt - every time you bounce and recast a little guy you make your bigger guys more unblockable.  Angel's Tomb - You're already recasting creatures every turn, and this provides a great creature for that environment that is immune to Sorcery speed removal.  Lightning Mauler - Bounce it and recast to automatically give whatever else you're going to cast that turn Haste.  Technically it is rotating out with M12 but, if you play the deck before then, you could include Warstorm Surge, for some easy burn every turn.

With the Slumbering Dragons, it might be a good idea to give your opponent more of a reason to attack.  What if you have a couple Planeswalkers building to their ultimates soon?  They're going to need to stop that.  You already have a one-of Chandra, but you could include more, as well as Garruk, Primal Hunter, which would also give you "free" creatures to bounce with Primadox, if it comes down to that.

I'm not sure that the Farseeks will do you too much good.  They will filter a couple lands out of your deck, but you probably don't need them for mana fixing if you're only running two colors.  The only thing I see that really justifies it is the Moonveil Dragon, with the RRR mana cost, and that just seems to be there to go along with the dragon theme.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Yep, sorry for that. Should be fixed and running smoothly now.

Great work, thanks again.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

NullParameter wrote:

Looks like it is up now!  Appreciate the effort, thanks!

Looks like a few things are broken at the moment:

  • Inventory - Edit Card Details - Hangs for any card in M13, including ones that also exist in other sets.  Works just fine for cards that aren't in M13.

  • Inventory - Advanced Add Options - Autofill shows a server error if the dropdown list would include any M13 cards.

I'm assuming that both of these are caused by some missing data that is supposed to be filled in when returning the AJAX request for the M13 cards.  The server fails out because the data isn't available for M13 and returns an invalid response. 

Let me know if you need any more details on how to reproduce.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Looks like it is up now!  Appreciate the effort, thanks!


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

rothfrk43 wrote:

Ok I am seriously missing something??

They're simply just mocking your original inclusion of 'lol' in the title for seemingly no reason.


(9 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Champion's Helm is another one that would protect your legendary creatures.  Golem-Skin Gauntlets and Pennon Blade could also become relatively humorous in the right circumstances.  You may want to find a way to block flying creatures, so adding something like Spidersilk Net might not be a bad idea.

And as far as getting damage through with your big guys, I would also suggest Trailblazer's Boots and Whispersilk Cloak.


(9 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Seeing as you're running mono white and the specific cat creature type, with a couple of legendary creatures, you could definitely run a Konda's Banner to pump them all up at once.  Probably want to play only one though, since it would be useless without those two out.

Beyond that, if you want to be about gaining life, there are the obvious ones: Basilisk Collar and Loxodon Warhammer.

With Kemba, possibly throwing out creatures non-stop, you should probably also include Angelic Chorus and the new M13 Healer of the Pride, and, even though it isn't a cat, you could technically also add the Suture Priest.  I guess that all just depends upon what slots you have open.  Pride Guardian could also be a good inclusion.

Sorry, not too many Equipment ideas because I generally don't run much equipment either.

I have a Summoner's Pact and a couple Wirewood Symbiotes.  I'll take a look at your tradelist and send you a trade at some point.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Count me as part of the jealous group as well for pulling Ajani, or any good rares actually.  Glad you guys got some good luck in the end anyway.  I'm hoping for something better next week at the FNM draft and in the Fat Pack that I have ordered.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So yeah, I got thoroughly trounced.  I didn't get any good pulls at all really.  Got a Nefarox and a Rancor, but green and black were, by far, my weakest colors.  Didn't really get much removal, except in red in the form of burn spells, and I pulled four Archaeomancers, so I went UR.  Ended up essentially going 1-3, but the one win was more through luck.  My record technically was 2-2, because one guy was leaving so he gave me the win smile  But that was nowhere near enough to bring me into the Top 8, especially when there were two 4-0 people.

I like the set in general, from what I've seen, and I had a lot of fun playing and trading, but I just got no great pulls to build a deck around.  Didn't even have a Battle of Wits or Door to Nothingness to play a crazy deck. smile


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Very nice.  Plan to use the Memorial in any decks?  And Rancor + Nighthawk would be a very nice combo.

I'll be going to a Pre-release in ~4 hours, so I'll be back later tonight to post my results as well.
I drafted BG in literally every AVR draft (probably because everybody else was trying to do some type of Human and/or Angel build), and I did relatively well every time.  So, I'm definitely open to doing the same thing again, but I'm thinking about trying to go in a different direction; I guess it all depends upon what I pull.  Never done a Pre-release before, or Sealed, so wish me luck!


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

scurveymobile wrote:

I have a pack foil Grave titan if you are interested.

He has one, doesn't need one wink


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

The key term on Primal Surge is "may," meaning that even it you pop up a permanent, you do not have to repeat the process if you don't want to.  If you manage to drop that bomb successfully, milling is the last thing you're going to be worried about at that point.

My bigger worry would be a Terminus wink

So yeah, I tested this out a bit, but, like a lot of aggro decks, is susceptible to removal.  I was able to pull off a nice, quick combo one time of attacking with a couple Druids' Repositorys out and then got out Griselbrand, but they immediately hit him with a Go For the Throat; I definitely activated his ability in response though, so I got some extra cards out of the deal.

Somberwald Sage was very nice, if I could keep it on the field, and when I did I was able to get a few Craterhoof Behemoths out and just trampled everything.

Sadly, I haven't been able to hit Primal Surge yet.  The one time I was close; one mana away before I got pinged for the last few points of damage.

I like the deck so far, but it really needs some better flow to it.  Really hits some highs and lows.  Huntmaster of the Fells is a real champ.  I never understood why he was worth so much, until I was able to flip a couple of them a couple times in a row.  Just need to get some better tempo for the deck, and a better way to combat destruction (maybe another deck to make use of Sheltering Word).


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

NullParameter: Man, to say you took it in a different direction would be an understatement.  Given that you've increased the cost of the deck almost a full ten-fold, I'm going to just defer on comments beyond saying Ranger's Guile is a good find and one I'll have to consider.

LOL, I know.  I wasn't going for the direction of keeping costs down, I was going for the awesome idea of making huge flying unblockable creatures.  And like I said, I think you could easily make a budgeted version of the deck if you wanted to, but this is what I'll be playing since I already have most of the cards (just need to grab some dual lands from my LGS with some store credit).  For instance, there's really no need to play the Birds of Paradise or Phantasmal Image, but I have them, so I use them.

I did play a few games with it on Cockatrice though, and I found out that it definitely needs some counterspells to back it up, for when facing things like Turbofog or anything with Terminus.  But I did manage to get out all of the Favorable Winds a couple times, along with some of the Drogskul Captains, which was very satisfying.


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

NullParameter, if you give it a go, let me know how it plays for you.

I went the other way with it and made it a WUG, all flier, spirit based deck.  Then I ran a bunch of Favorable Winds to help pump them.  Here it is.

Obviously, I went a bit more expensive because I used a bunch of cards that I have lying around, like a Phanstasmal Image and some dual lands, but those aren't necessarily required, just nice to have.  And you could probably run a mostly UG spirits deck, with a smaller splash of W (Avacyn's Pilgrim maybe) for some great support stuff like Drogskol Captain.  There's actually tons of spirits to work with and tweak things to your liking.

I threw in a Moonsilver Spear, because I just love that card way too much, and it provides extra fliers.  And I definitely took a play out of your book and used a full playset of Sheltering Words to help protect my creatures, and I actually put another playset of Ranger's Guile in my sideboard for that exact same reason, although I'm hoping that the Drogskol Captains mitigate the need for them.  I guess time will tell.  I'm hoping to throw it all together and bring it to the pre-release tomorrow for games in between official matches.

Let me know if you have any other ideas to add on.


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

the_wizard_666 wrote:

Geist Snatch only targets creature spells, so I don't see how it could be used to protect enchantments...

Dang..... misread that one.  Oh well, it was a good thought smile  Could still keep creatures with Reach off the field.


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Wow..... how did I never think of that for Bower Passage?!  Amazing idea.  Maybe I'll try to run this deck at my first FNM, just because. big_smile

I do agree however that it would be nice to have some native fliers, just in case.  Gryff Vanguard is a bit expensive, but gives you a flier and cantrip in one package.  And how can you not be running Mist Raven? smile  And since your creatures will hopefully be unblockable, you could also throw in a Soul Seizer to steal some creatures.

Having fliers already would then also be easier to include things like Favorable Winds.

If you wanted an interesting way to protect your enchantments and such, you could run Geist Snatch, which could counter a spell pointed at your enchantment, as well as giving you another flier in the process.

If you end up adding some artifacts, like the altars, then you could also throw in Phylactery Lich, which will also survive all of the Pestilence destruction.

And if you're looking for black token generation, then Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder would probably be a pretty good addition as well.  Play a creature, get a bunch of thrulls, sac them to get mana to play another creature to get more thrulls, rinse and repeat.

I think you're focusing a bit too much on direct destruction, which won't work well against Hexproof or Indestructible.  Adding something like Barter in Blood will allow you to hit two birds with one stone, killing off your creatures and killing some of theirs that you usually couldn't hit.

Then, since you have so many things dying off, left and right, a Blood Artist or two couldn't hurt. 

And Butcher of Malakir actually kind of hits on both of those points.


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Thanks for all the ideas guys.  Very much appreciated.

As you can obviously see, there are a LOT of directions that this deck can go in, and you guys keep coming up with even more of them, which is why I was having trouble.

I added in the Cavern of Souls because it could technically be used in any color combo of the deck, and I'd essentially hang onto it until I was able to play the big creature, at which point I would lay it down, name the proper creature type and they could do nothing about it.  Essentially, another way to combat counterspells without the need for me to have blue in the deck if I chose to remove it.

I do like the addition of the Quicksilver Amulets, I hadn't thought about them for some reason.  I actually forgot that they were Standard at the moment.

I'm just gonna have to mull it over for a bit, make a decision and take the leap to find out how it works, because I'm gonna have to trade for and/or buy cards no matter how the deck turns out.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Liliana Vess will also let you search for the Primal Surge.  And Night Dealings.
And I was going to suggest the Craterhoof Behemoth as well.


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Yeah, I'm still debating which direction that I want to go.  The GSZs would technically stop the Primal Surge in its tracks, but so would any counterspells that I add.  The bigger issue with adding GSZ isn't necessarily the cost, but they're being put there so that I can reliably get my big creatures, but they'll only help get one of them, Craterhoof Behemoth, since he's the only green one.

I changed a fair number of things, and updated the sideboard to actually be useful.  Still not sure if its the direction I want to go, especially because the blue really isn't doing me all that much good besides the mana leaks and I added in Alchemist's Refuge so that I could play creatures on the fly if they tried to destroy the Repos.  I don't know.... I'm way too new to this whole "competitive" deck building thing.....

Feel free to take another peek and let me know what you think.


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Yeah, it is a bit short on cards at the moment because I was mucking around with the deck because I was getting suggestions from other sources as well.  And I realize that the repository hasn't seen a lot of play because it isn't the best card, but that's why I said that I didn't really want to worry about winning as much as just having fun with it. 

And yes, I definitely thought about getting some counterspells in there to stop from getting hosed, but I didn't really see the room to add blue, but I might just need to make the shift to mainly UG instead of GR.  That would also allow me to fit things in like Latchseeker and Invisible Stalker, so that I can attack without as many worries and have a secondary win condition of just whittling down their health with unblockability.

I had the Somberwald Sage in there at the start, but it was such a high cost without enough immediate payback, and limited my ability to reliably play and charge the Repos, but I might try to fit them back in if I can, because laying down two of those basically gets me all the way to my end goal.  Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is definitely an interesting addition; I was thinking about getting some cards in at a bit of a lower cost, and he definitely fits the bill.

Thanks for the ideas.  It's actually quite amusing, because literally everybody that has answered has come up with an entirely different direction in which to bring the deck.  Some say it won't work unless I run tokens (Lingering Souls, Increasing Devotion, etc.).  Others thought that I just needed better outlets for my mana, like Kessig Wolf Run.  Other people thought that I definitely needed to add four Green Sun's Zenith, so I had a more reliable way to get big creatures. 

Lots of possible paths in which to take the deck, and I'm not entirely set on which is the best way to do it.  I guess there is only one way to find out!