Would it also be possible to apply the double-sided card standard in place to the old commander sets?
I know commander 2018 has double-sided token cards that are currently being registered as two seperate cards.
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by malachite
Would it also be possible to apply the double-sided card standard in place to the old commander sets?
I know commander 2018 has double-sided token cards that are currently being registered as two seperate cards.
Okay, this should be an easy one
Anytime the DeckBox edition is exported, it would be nice to have an additional column that has the actual Gatherer edition as well
While I recognize that it is very valuable to have "custom" editions to group related cards in DeckBox, it would be very useful to also have the actual edition from Gatherer
An example would be the both the Extras: Guilds of Ravnica edition, and the Prerelease Events: Guilds of Ravnica edition. The extra column for both of these would have simply Guilds of Ravnica as the Gatherer edition.
This allows for ease of import into other websites, and also grouping by edition etc.
You would then also have an easy table (Gatherer Edition) to place other Gatherer related information, like release dates etc
First, the printing options should be allowed to be set for each individual deck
Second, it would be nice to have the ability to have an option (at the deck level) that would allow me to specify which sets a deck can use for printings of a card. This would be very useful for pre-constructed decks, as well as decks that are intended to use cards from a specific era (like say mirrodin standard era, which would allow onslaugh block, mirrodin block, and 8th edition only). If a card in the deck doesn't have a printing in the allowed sets, it would be marked as "Not Available" but would still allow you to select a custom printing.
Simply put, when entering pre-constructed decks (see https://deckbox.org/sets/2139044) it's tedious to select a custom printing for all 100 cards when neither the Last Main Printing or My Inventory options will select only cards from the Commander edition).
Response // Resurgence seems to have the "other side" button enabled for some reason, even though it is not a double sided care
I was wondering if we could get the 3 Pro-Tour Player Card sets added as 3 editions. I know several players in my city and in other places who want to collect/locate these cards, and I can't seem to find them here.
Here's the list of cards.
You're right, that is a very VERY odd list of cards.
It would be more convenient for bulk traders to allow the following feature
1) A button in the trade screen which would automatically populate each side of the trade with cards as follows
a) I get cards from your trade list that are on my wish list
b) You get cards from my trade list that are on your wish list
Yes, initially the trade would likely be very unbalanced. But it's a lot easier to remove cards from a trade than it is to add them currently.
I personally have a very large wish list which is only going to get larger (basically, if I don't have a playset of that card, whatever I need to get to a playset will be on my wishlist)
SALE 30% off for foils, 50% off for commons
Until further notice, this will be my pricing. So come grab what you need. I'm not sure how long I will be using this pricing.
Selling my foils at 70% off... come get them before they are gone.
Love it
Now, it would be nice to also see the $$$ amount required to complete a set to singleton or full playset, so that collectors like myself can focus in on the sets that are cheapest to complete first.
Cards hold their value for various reasons. Supply/Demand is the obvious primary reason. Lots of factors can affect both supply and demand.
- The supply of cards goes down over time as they age, get lost, leave the market (collectors and speculators), get destroyed etc. This is normal for any collectable.
- WOTC can reprint a card, increasing supply (note that this increases a card via a new printing, which doesn't increase supply for previous printings).
- WOTC can also put a card on the reserved list, promising never to reprint the card, thus restricting supply to those cards already printed
- WOTC can also set the rarity, or do other weird things like promo cards, or buy a box cards, or sell cards in specific products other than booster packs, which also affects supply.
- and finally, yes, Chinese can counterfeit cards, thus polluting the market and increasing supply
- Demand is more complicated. The obvious first part is how "useful" the card is in gameplay. Powerful cards will be highly sought after for the respective formats, and thus that will increase demand.
- WOTC can ban cards from certain formats, and cards naturally age out of standard into modern and other formats, and this will affect demand.
- Other cards may be printed which will suddenly make combos with existing cards, spiking demand as people want to create those combo decks.
- White vs. Black border people will demand cards of the specific border.
- Foil players will always want those cards.
- Collectors will always want cards, either in singles or full play sets, to fill in holes in their collections. This is likely going to be true well after WOTC ends MTG
- WOTC could end MTG. This is very unlikely as the player base and sales have been on an upswing, and MTG has weathered storms before (homelands etc).
- The condition of the card and its printing will also affect demand.
- The price of a card will also affect its demand. High quality Alpha's and Beta's are now so rare and expensive that they may have hit a ceiling for real demand, which explains why unlimited and now revised are so highly sought after.
As you can see, it gets complicated quickly, and it can be quite difficult to predict what the value of a card will do. Generally speaking however, my advice is as follows for cards you've just opened from a new set.
1) If you aren't going to play that rare, and it's price is high (> $5) I would consider selling it a few weeks into the release. Do NOT sell cards at a pre-release, this is a bad idea since no one generally knows which cards are going to be the heavy hitters and I have sold cards that then spiked in the following weeks.
2) If it's a high priced land, its value will likely remain high and probably increase over time. Lands are typically solid investment cards, especially foil lands.
3) Standard cards generally go down in price over time as they get closer to roll out to modern. There's simply more standard players generally speaking.
4) Reprinted cards may cause a spike in value for that card because it's now legal for standard, this is a good time to sell the older printings of that card.
I think that's all I have, I hope that helps.
I was just trying to export the card list for a deck (see https://deckbox.org/sets/1944829) and I noticed the following:
When exporting to CSV, I am getting the wrong editions. Each card in this deck is set to custom using Mirrodin/DarkSteel/Fifth Dawn editions, and yet I get the Last Main Printing edition in the CSV instead.
I believe this should be considered a bug. The export should use the edition I see on the deck list (regardless of how that is derived).
It would be really useful to have a new filter option to filter out all cards that are signed.
I would suggest also adding "Is X" filters for any condition you can set on the card.
As far as I can tell, the following are missing filter options
"Is Signed"
"Is Artist Proof"
"Is Altered Art"
"Is Misprint"
I could definitely use the "Is Signed" filter to help me determine which card printings are actually in decks, since DeckBox still does not allow me to specific exactly which printing a constructed deck is actually using.
This would be really useful as well, to be able to have custom tags
I was hoping to use this to tag where my cards are (in binders, in decks, borrowed by friend X, etc)
>> Since Deckbox has the marketplace TCG sees it as a competitor and won't allow access to their pricing API.
Well, that seems like a lost opportunity for TCG. API access is an easy way to make some more $$$ for TCG.
I unfortunately have little choice, I cannot sell on TCG because I'm in Canada. And although I have not compared, the deck box interface is pretty nice, so I'm staying here until DeckBox dies (unlikely) or I find something better (again, unlikely).
Given that pretty much the entire MTG community has migrated to using the TCG Mid price as the go-to price for a card...
I'm wondering when deck box will enhance it's website to allow us to set our tradelist to use the TCG mid price.
What I'd list to see is the ability to use either the DeckBox Market Price or the TCG Mid Price as the starting point, and then go from there.
I'd like an option on the "Price All" dialog to allow for something along the lines of
"All cards in my Tradelist to x% of the TCG Mid Price."
I have regularly noticed that the DeckBox Market Price is not the same as the TCG Mid Price (sometimes deckbox is higher, sometimes lower).
It would be nice if the editions page (or a similar page for collectors, maybe a premium feature?) could show how much of a particular edition you have (a complete playset of 4 for a card being 100% for that card), and the price estimate of what it would cost to get the missing cards.
So, if a set had 100 different cards (each card counting for 1% of the total set, I'm keeping the math simple), and I was missing a single playset of a $10 card, the editions page would show the set as being 99% complete (1 whole playset missing), with $40 to go (4 * $10 card).
It would be even cooler if you could click on the "$40 missing" as a hyperlink to then bring up a shopping assistant that would be set to 4 of that missing card (or whatever the counts are).
Right now, I have to painfully export the card database page for that set to get the list of cards for an entire set (or use gatherer) because my inventory page doesn't list cards I have 0 of, and then export my inventory, merge the two lists, filter out anything that has more than 4, and the do the math to figure out how much I have to spend to complete the set.
This a lot of excel work and is tedious if my goal is to figure out which set is the cheapest one to complete currently, especially when prices vary so much over time.
It would also be nice if in addition to this, you could set how many copies of a card you consider to be a complete playset (4 being the default, 1 being for people who only want one copy, and 0 for people who don't want to collect that edition at all).
Just a thought.
It would be also very useful for a deck to know exactly which version of a card it is using. This is especially true when NOT sharing cards between decks.
I'm trying to make standard decks that are specific (and were competitive) to the end of each block cycle, using only the cards/printings that were available and legal during that cycle, and right now it's quite difficult to navigate my wish list of missing cards and know specifically which deck needs which printing.
As an example, I don't want my Mirrodin Block Tooth and Nail using anything but the Mirrodin printing of Solemn Simulacrum, even if I own other printings of that card.
The deck should "known" that if I only own 1 Mirrodin printing of Solemn Simulacrum but I also own 2 Magic 2012 printings, that the deck is still missing 3 Solemn's and not 1.
This could be specified along side the number of a specific card for that deck. You might even consider adding condition, language, and foil, promo, etc attributes for the cards in a deck as well. This would make foiling a deck, or making it all near mint, or even all a specific language much easier as well.
It would be very convenient to see the ability to have multiple wish lists, possibly wish lists for each deck, or even named wish lists
Yes, we can filter by set and all the other filter criteria and that's awesome... But I would like to be able to have a wish list that just includes specific cards (such as all 10 dual lands from revised, etc).
So I've just started listing my rather extensive collection on Deckbox, Mirrodin block and 8th are up (nothing spectacular yet) as well as my trade binder. More of course is coming. I am also looking for deals on collections, so if you have a small collection you want to move, let me know.
Most cards are NM, I simply don't have time or the expertise to grade every card. Happy trading.
Deckbox Forum » Posts by malachite