
$5.00 per 1,000 cards of bulk.
$0.10 per rare.

The Duel Deck Anthologies Bat Token is missing.


My tradelist: https://deckbox.org/sets/176581?s=i&o=d. I want to trade my Liliana of the Veil, Mana Crypt, and Cavern of Souls into some ~$25 cards on my wishlist. I'm picking up the new Commander 2016 decks so any cards from those that I already own are now for trade too.

My wishlist: https://deckbox.org/sets/176582?s=i&o=d.
Scroll Rack
Vampiric Tutor
Sneak Attack
Mishra's Bauble

Please send me trades that include these cards above. Thanks for looking!


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

No, but the filters are added to the URL so if you want to save a filter, you can add the page to your bookmarks in your browser.


(0 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hi folks, I'm looking for a Miren, the Moaning Well to help complete my Saviors of Kamigawa set. If you have one, please open a trade with me. I have lots of cards in my inventory I may be willing to trade for it. Thanks for looking!


(25 replies, posted in Announcements)

The card tooltip for Wastes is bringing up Adarkar Wastes.

Miren, the Moaning Well

Please open a trade with me or optionally through PucaTrade: https://pucatrade.com/profiles/show/4330

Tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/176581?s=i&o=d#


(0 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

We now have a facebook group! It will mirror all event information found on Deckbox. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1577946655790141/

Please join and invite your friends and enemies.


(8 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

All of those times work for me too but I really like that Sunday 12 hour slot!


(3 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

Thanks guys!


(3 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

I am building complete, draft-ready collections of magic sets and I am in need of supplies. I am sending out more cards than I am receiving lately so I am constantly running out of top loaders. Does anyone have a pile of top loaders they are looking to get rid of?

I am storing the cards in fat pack boxes because they look awesome. Large sets like Khans, M15, etc require two boxes to fit the collection. I have been buying empty fat packs off of ebay but it's expensive! I am hoping to buy them locally to save on shipping costs. I'm currently looking for an empty Gatecrash fat pack.

Please let me know if you can help me out. Thank you!

mikemt100 wrote:

xathrind necromancer has a foil promo (media insert) card not listed  thanks

Looks like-a-so:



(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I can't seem to look at cards with an umlaut character. Like Jotun Grunt (The 'O' character should have two dots on top of it). The hover-over seems to be working but the URL doesn't connect. Might be happening with other cards with unique characters too.

EDIT: Works fine now... Ignore me.


Added some more options to root post.

Looking for a Slaughter Pact. Some cards I have in my inventory I would like to trade for it (if there's nothing good on my tradelist):

Quicksilver Amulet
Fire Dragon
Primordial Hydra
Knight of the Reliquary
Iroas, God of Victory
Transcendent Master
Dakmor Sorceress
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker (DD)
Platinum Angel
Spell Crumple
Jace, Memory Adept
Admonition Angel
Lightning Greaves
Lord of the Undead
Secluded Glen
Thrumming Stone
Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
Chandra, Pyromaster
Ghostly Prison


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Thanks to Darkfyre for another trade. Updated OP.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Thank you BHB! Updated the OP.

Hello, I am looking to complete my M13 collection (One of each M13 card printed). I already have collected the commons, uncommons and most of the "expensive" cards which leaves me trying to collect bulk rares. I am not interested in "down-trading" cards over $2.00 so if you can find some bulk on my tradelist you are interested in, I would greatly appreciate it.

Bulk I want
Disciple of Bolas
Rhox Faithmender
Captain of the Watch
Faith's Reward
Trading Post
Shimian Specter
Elvish Archdruid

Not so Bulk I want
Master of the Pearl Trident
Dragonskull Summit
Drowned Catacomb
Glacial Fortress
Sunpetal Grove
Chandra, the Firebrand

Some Haves (suggestions)
For Master of the Pearl Trident...
Sol Ring
Bloodline Keeper
Worldspine Wurm

For Chandra, the Firebrand...
Guul Draz Assassin
Shadowborn Demon
Chandra's Phoenix

For the taplands...
Xathrid Necromancer
Blood Artist
Jace's Phantasm

Note: Edition doesn't actually matter to me so if you have older/newer printings of these cards, I am just as interested in those. Condition doesn't matter either. Played or better cards work for me.
Thanks for looking!

mboyarsky wrote:

Any update?  Snapcaster is still showing low.

This is the Reddit MTG Trades group forum. We like Reddit and MTG and Trades. Here's a link to the site feedback forum: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=3. Hopefully someone can help you there.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I list tokens for trade on my profile. http://deckbox.org/users/Avon


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am representing blue in a Pauper EDH Star tournament (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic:_The … rmats#Star) and I need some more commons! I'm looking to swap bulk for bulk. The more valuable stuff on my tradelist is for more valuable stuff. I need

Drift of Phantasms
Breaching Hippocamp
Tidewater Minion
Shoal Serpent
Muddle the Mixture
Merchant Scroll
Rush of Knowledge
Sigil of Sleep
Hermetic Study
Zephyr Net
Leaden Fists
Saprazzan Skerry

I have lots of bulk: http://deckbox.org/sets/176581


(3 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

Cards like Rukh Egg, Dragon Engine, Urza's Tower are good to go in my book. You're asking if you specifically need the original, common printings though? I hope not. Voted yes for any common printing makes a card common but I don't want to buy a $3 ATQ common when the newer card is worth pennies.


(1 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

Bringing a Scars of Mirrodin wizard's tower deck and here's these if we need them:
