The newest judge foils, Isolated Tower and Sliver Legion, are missing from the database.

The newest judge foils, Mox Opal and Mirri's Guile, are not in the database.

Also missing is the MCQ promo Arcbound Ravager.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Is there a Discord server for deckbox users?


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Trading opportunities are currently sorted only by the trade value.  For a variety of reasons, this isn't always helpful.  For example, some cards have no listed trade value (e.g. Nexus of Fate).  It would be helpful to be able to sort this list by the number of matches (either haves, wants, or both).

There are also a lot of cards that are foil-only but that people don't always list as foil-only: Buy-a-box cards, FNM cards, masterpieces, convention promos, planeswalker deck planeswalkers, judge promos, etc.  It would be helpful if the Trading opportunities page would match these correctly, e.g. if I want a foil Dovin Architect of Law and someone has listed a nonfoil Dovin Architect of Law on their have list, the Trading opportunities page should treat these as a match.

New judge promos not in the database:

Food Chain
Rhystic Study

TSpielman wrote:

Additionally, as some others have certainly mentioned, the 5 promo cards from the Magic Gift Pack 2018 are missing.

These are actually in the system now, e.g. … ting=43489 .

It would be great to be able to filter and sort the list of Trading Opportunities.  For example, I'd love to be able to sort by "number of cards they have from my wishlist" (especially since a lot of cards on my wishlist have a value of N/A, so someone could have 40 cards I want and I'd never find them on the list because they'd be buried somewhere near the bottom).

Similarly, though it's possible to look for specific cards, that feature only shows traders with (or looking for) *all* of those cards.  It would be helpful to be able to search for traders with *any* cards from a certain set (e.g. has one or more of these 5 cards: Vampiric Tutor, Demonic Tutor, Grim Tutor, Cruel Tutor, Imperial Seal).

The five gift box cards are missing, e.g. … -gift-pack

Is this something that is going to be addressed?  Is it even on the radar?

It's super frustrating because it creates twice as much work for all of these cards:  adding them twice to a person's want list in order to guarantee trade-matching (which also ends up making the want list look confusing to other people viewing it), searching twice on the Trade Opportunities screen, deleting the doubles after you trade for it, etc.

It affects so many types of promos:
League promos
Open House promos
Game Day promos
Intro deck promos
Clash pack promos
Judge promos
Standard showdown promos
Prerelease cards
Planeswalker deck planeswalkers
FTV cards
FNM cards

The exclusive Game Night cards (Militant Angel, Inspired Sphinx, Rot Hulk, Goblin Goliath, Avatar of Growth) are missing. … 2018-08-27


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'm hoping the website will address the issue of the way foil-only cards are listed.  Deckbox allows them to be listed in both foil and nonfoil versions, even though nonfoil versions don't exist.  Worse, these two versions show up differently in searches and matches.

For example, Gaddock Teeg, the judge foil.  If I search for the non-foil version, I get a completely different set of potential traders than if I search for the foil version.  Not only does that create twice as much work for anyone searching for a trade, but it means that I either have to put both versions on my want list (or have list) separately, or otherwise the Trading Opportunities trade matcher won't show me potential matches.  (I don't know whether other deckbox trade matchers work.)

Conceptually, the problem is easy to fix: either don't allow non-foil versions to be listed, or treat the two versions as exactly the same card.  I don't know what's required to implement a fix, but I think allowing the problem to remain does a great disservice to all the traders here.  Even though I am aware of this issue, the vast majority of traders are not, so they don't even realize that they're missing out on potential trades.

Note that Wizards has been increasing the ways in which these cards show up, so the problem is only going to increase:
FNM cards
prerelease cards
Game Day promos
judge promos
Planeswalker Deck cards
Buy a box promos

Is anyone else missing their links to their trade list and wish list?  My trading screen suddenly looks like this (see attachment).  You can see along the left edge of the screen there is nothing but blank space under "MTG Collections", where those links used to be.

I know my trade list hasn't actually disappeared because I can still access it if I go to the specific link ( ).  However, I only happen to have that link because I sent it to someone; otherwise, I'd have no way to access it.  And I don't know the link for my wish list.

I've already tried logging out and logging back in.


sebi wrote:

There's just more stuff to do and some things have to be prioritised.

Thanks.  I don't mind the delay as much when we know stuff is being worked on -- it's the long periods of silence that are really worrying and frustrating.

On a similar topic, is there also work planned for the issue of foil-only cards (like masterpieces) being listable as nonfoil?  It makes matching trades more difficult.

szwanger wrote:

The following promos are missing:
RPTQ Noble Hierarch
Nationals Flooded Strand
PAX/Convention Deeproot Champion

It's been almost two months and all of these promos are still missing.  And the Unstable alternate-text versions were first posted here in December, but still aren't in the database.  Does anyone from deckbox actually read this?

Some or all of the Battlebond alternate-art foil promos seem to be missing. … ond-events mentions them but doesn't list them or show them.

rfioren wrote:

can we get the variants of cards like very cryptic command from Unstable added? Thanks!


This is now a problem for Firesong and Sunspeaker, too.

Anyone know if this is being worked on?

It's pretty frustrating to make a good-faith suggestion and never find out if the developers even heard it.

The following promos are missing:
RPTQ Noble Hierarch
Nationals Flooded Strand
PAX/Convention Deeproot Champion

The problem: Some people have masterpieces for trade as non-foil.  Other people have masterpieces for trade as foil.

Some people have masterpieces on their wishlist as non-foil.  Other people have masterpieces on their wish list as foil.

The system does not automatch the two.  That makes it difficult to figure out who has what you want, or who wants what you have.

This happens also with planeswalker deck planeswalkers, which only exist as foils.

Possible solution #1: Change the site so it doesn't allow non-foil as an option for these cards.  If someone puts it on their trade list or wish list, it's automatically set to foil.

Possible solution #2: Automatch the foil and non-foil versions, so if someone has a non-foil version on their wishlist, people with a foil version on their tradelist will show up as matches, and vice versa.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The values for all of the foil full-art lands from Amonkhet and Hour of Devastation are way off.  For example, the foil AKH Mountain is $8 on deckbox, but its actual value is just over $5 ( ).  This makes it difficult to trade for these lands since deckbox only displays the deckbox prices and the trades look far apart in value.

There are other cards this is an issue with too (foil Wastes are in the other direction -- one of them is $2.29 on deckbox while its actual value is $12).

I submitted a support case about this problem almost a month ago, and it still hasn't been fixed.  If the site was prompt about making corrections, this would be only a minor issue.

Not only does this make trading on the site more difficult, but this sort of thing is really damaging to deckbox's reputation -- who wants to sign up for a site where the card prices are unpredictably inaccurate?


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but the deckbox price of foil Wastes seems considerably too high.

Compare, foil Wastes 183:
deckbox  13.84
tcgplayer mid  5.91
Star City Games 5.99

foil Wastes 184
deckbox 15.04
tcgplayer mid  12.00
Star City Games 12.99


(0 replies, posted in Foil Traders)


2x Azusa, Lost But Seeking (Judge foil)
1x Bribery (Judge foil)
4x Command Tower (Judge foil)
2x Crucible of Worlds (Judge foil)
1x Damnation (Judge foil)
1x Dark Confidant (Judge foil)
1x Defense of the Heart (Judge foil)
1x Doubling Season (Judge foil)
1x Dualcaster Mage (Judge foil)
1x Feldon of the Third Path (Judge foil)
1x Entomb (Judge foil)
1x Force of Will (Judge foil)
1x Genesis (Judge foil)
1x Greater Good (Judge foil)
4x Imperial Recruiter (Judge foil)
1x Karador, Blood Chieftain (Judge foil)
3x Karakas (Judge foil)
2x Mana Drain (Judge foil)
1x Nekusar, the Mindrazer (Judge foil)
2x Oloro, Ageless Ascetic (Judge foil)
2x Overwhelming Forces (Judge foil)
2x Rishadan Port (Judge foil)
2x Shardless Agent (Judge foil)
4x Show and Tell (Judge foil)
4x Sneak Attack (Judge foil)
2x Temporal Manipulation (Judge foil)
2x Vindicate (2013) (Judge foil)
1x Wasteland (2010) (Judge foil)
2x Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed (Judge foil)

1x Ancient Tomb (Expedition foil)
1x Fire-Lit Thicket (Expedition foil)
1x Godless Shrine (Expedition foil)
1x Graven Cairns (Expedition foil)
1x Cataclysmic Gearhulk (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Champion's Helm (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Chromatic Lantern (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Cloudstone Curio (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Combustible Gearhulk (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Crucible of Worlds (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Gauntlet of Power (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Hangarback Walker (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Lightning Greaves (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Lotus Petal (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Mana Crypt (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Mana Vault (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Mind's Eye (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Mox Opal (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Noxious Gearhulk (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Painter's Servant (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Rings of Brighthearth (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Scroll Rack (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Sculpting Steel (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Sol Ring (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Solemn Simulacrum (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Static Orb (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Steel Overseer (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Sword of Feast and Famine (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Sword of Fire and Ice (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Sword of Light and Shadow (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Ajani, Caller of the Pride (SDCC Promo)
1x Garruk, Caller of Beasts (SDCC Promo)
1x Nissa, Worldwaker (SDCC Promo)
1x Liliana Vess (SDCC Promo)
1x Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh (SDCC Promo)
1x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy (SDCC Promo)
1x Kytheon, Hero of Akros (SDCC Promo)
1x Liliana, Heretical Healer (SDCC Promo)
1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer (SDCC Promo)
1x Chandra, Flamecaller (SDCC Promo)
1x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets (SDCC Promo)
1x Nissa, Voice of Zendikar (SDCC Promo)
2x Liliana of the Veil (RPTQ Promo)
2x Snapcaster Mage (RPTQ Promo)
1x Metalworker (Urza's Destiny) (foil)
1x Sanctum Prelate (Conspiracy: Take the Crown) (foil)
1x Selvala, Heart of the Wilds (Conspiracy: Take the Crown) (foil)
Judge foil lands


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)


2x Azusa, Lost But Seeking (Judge foil)
1x Bribery (Judge foil)
4x Command Tower (Judge foil)
2x Crucible of Worlds (Judge foil)
1x Damnation (Judge foil)
1x Dark Confidant (Judge foil)
1x Doubling Season (Judge foil)
1x Dualcaster Mage (Judge foil)
1x Feldon of the Third Path (Judge foil)
1x Entomb (Judge foil)
1x Force of Will (Judge foil)
1x Genesis (Judge foil)
1x Greater Good (Judge foil)
4x Imperial Recruiter (Judge foil)
1x Karador, Blood Chieftain (Judge foil)
3x Karakas (Judge foil)
2x Mana Drain (Judge foil)
1x Nekusar, the Mindrazer (Judge foil)
2x Oloro, Ageless Ascetic (Judge foil)
2x Overwhelming Forces (Judge foil)
2x Rishadan Port (Judge foil)
2x Shardless Agent (Judge foil)
4x Show and Tell (Judge foil)
4x Sneak Attack (Judge foil)
2x Temporal Manipulation (Judge foil)
2x Vindicate (2013) (Judge foil)
1x Wasteland (2010) (Judge foil)
2x Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed (Judge foil)

1x Ancient Tomb (Expedition foil)
1x Fire-Lit Thicket (Expedition foil)
1x Godless Shrine (Expedition foil)
1x Graven Cairns (Expedition foil)
1x Cataclysmic Gearhulk (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Champion's Helm (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Chromatic Lantern (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Cloudstone Curio (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Combustible Gearhulk (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Crucible of Worlds (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Gauntlet of Power (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Hangarback Walker (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Lightning Greaves (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Lotus Petal (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Mana Crypt (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Mana Vault (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Mind's Eye (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Mox Opal (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Noxious Gearhulk (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Painter's Servant (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Rings of Brighthearth (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Scroll Rack (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Sculpting Steel (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Sol Ring (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Solemn Simulacrum (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Static Orb (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Steel Overseer (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Sword of Feast and Famine (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Sword of Fire and Ice (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Sword of Light and Shadow (Kaladesh Invention foil)
1x Ajani, Caller of the Pride (SDCC Promo)
1x Garruk, Caller of Beasts (SDCC Promo)
1x Nissa, Worldwaker (SDCC Promo)
1x Liliana Vess (SDCC Promo)
1x Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh (SDCC Promo)
1x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy (SDCC Promo)
1x Kytheon, Hero of Akros (SDCC Promo)
1x Liliana, Heretical Healer (SDCC Promo)
1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer (SDCC Promo)
1x Chandra, Flamecaller (SDCC Promo)
1x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets (SDCC Promo)
1x Nissa, Voice of Zendikar (SDCC Promo)
2x Liliana of the Veil (RPTQ Promo)
2x Snapcaster Mage (RPTQ Promo)
1x Metalworker (Urza's Destiny) (foil)
1x Sanctum Prelate (Conspiracy: Take the Crown) (foil)
1x Selvala, Heart of the Wilds (Conspiracy: Take the Crown) (foil)
Judge foil lands