bump please

Bump up

These are the only 1 dual from revised I don't have. Please send a trade if interested. WILL trade out of INVENTORY if needed for these!!!

If you have both, please send me a trade.

Thank you

Have the VI. still looking for Underground Sea. Also needing a Firewake Sliver. If you have both, let me know please

Thank you

what are you looking at for the whole thing?

When I go play, I do NOT take my trade cards. It would way me down due to the number I have. I do use proxies in my decks so I do take 2 fat pack boxes full of the original cards so when a proxy is played, I put the original (in top loader) into play, putting the proxy out of play. My decks are in flip boxes (8- 70 card flip boxes and 1 double flip box (izzet vs Golgari duel deck flip box for edh). 4 of those are in a cardboard card box.

It depends on what type of deck you are making/using, what colors you are running and which ones are going to be in it.

I have a couple of 5 color decks, 1 three color deck, a couple 2 color decks, and several mono-colored decks.

The hardest decks to get working properly (or as best as possible) are those with more than 2 colors. The 5 color decks are always hindered until the colors I need come out. The 3 color deck works 85% of the time due to the mix I put into it. The mono and dual colored works extremely well.

Here is the thing, MTG is a VERY expensive and competitive game. Each game will be different due to YOUR deck and shuffle, your OPPONENT's deck and shuffle, and how things get played out. My first 5 color deck has only ran at how I built it and killed all my opponents in 4 rounds once. I have had a version of it for years. Most of my games go to at least round 9 or 10 due to how it comes up. But it was beautiful to see it work like that in round 4. Loved it.

Lands do make the difference. The best multi-color lands are the original Dual lands like Taiga, Tundra, bayou, etc. These are the first of them and had NO PENALTIES (comes into play tapped or pay to untap to use them on turn it comes into play). There are several in standard format now that has penalties unless a stipulation is met (pay 2 life or unless X or Y are on your battlefield).

In Homelands, the first TRI-colored lands were introduced. BUT you had to pay 1 colorless to use a specific color. There are several since that have lighter penalties.

Other possible lands you might consider are MULTI-colored lands like Glimmervoid, Reflecting Pool, Lotus Vale, Cavern of Souls...

These can produce any color but they have limits and penalties as well. You would have to read each card to see what they are.

The best duals are the original (revised to alpha dual lands).


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

how did you find out/who told you it was fake?

Buhtwipe wrote:

I suppose i should put more into my sidebar than the two you recommended moving to it..

Do people ever put a completely different color in their sidebar to react to what they discover playing friends?

I'm guessing there are a lot of rematches with some sidebar tweaks in casual gaming, but how does a sidebar help in a tournament.

How does one identify whether or not the deck meets vintage rules, where are the vintage rules? I suppose i can find this answer myself and maybe on wizards.com.. this site, for example, states i have a complete vintage deck. Does that mean anything legality wise regarding the deck?

Banned/Restricted Lists for ALL game formats

This link will let you know about cards being restricted and banned. What cards are legal in what formats (like standard and modern).

as far as your first 2 questions, A sideboard is used to make substitutes into a deck. Try not to put cards that would NOT work in your deck. If you are running a black and red deck, adding white, blue, or green will not help your deck. Avoid doing this.

A sideboard will help out in a tournament format in the following ways...
1)Allows you to make a substitute of cards that will NOT work against certain decks for cards that can work(terrors will not work against a black deck, substitute these for something that can like fireball or disintegrate).
2) Gives you options against a variety of decks and players (ie if 2 players are using enchantments, no sense in having enchantment removers in the main deck.)

There are other reasons, but these are the best 2 I can come up with at the moment.

to do individual color count, I look at red vs black. you have about 24 red and 14 black. Minimum should be 12 to 7 in lands. That is 19. you also have 5 arts. those could be either. so 2 red (most of the deck) and 1 black to even it out.

I would suggest adding 4 Overgrown Tombs and 4 Woodland Cemeteries. This will speed it up a bit. You might also add 2-3 Cavern of Souls.

These are all Standard cards and will speed up your deck.

It looks very tough.

ok, first things first. playing 4 color decks is very difficult to do without a way to produce multiple colors at the same time (dual lands or artifacts that can produce more than 1 color). Looking at your land numbers and spell cost, you have 2 Islands and 1 Forest. With only 3 spells for green (Channel and Fastbond) and 1 forest in the deck, Channel will never be able to be played. I would pull all 3 cards. You also have 2 blue spells (Counterspell and Control Magic) with 2 Islands in the deck. The rarity of you playing both islands AND a blue spell is very rare in this combination. I would pull those 4 as well.

Now you are down to 77 cards. Let's consolidate your Red and Black.

You have chosen 29 Red Spells and 15 Black spells. Also 4 Artifacts. 48 Spells for 26 lands.

Your black spells are useful and can mess with an opponent. Only one I would think about is paralyze. It is best played early game to be most effective. Mid game against HUGE creatures would be a slight deterrence but not much. That is probably the only black card I would remove. That will take you down to 14 Black cards.

Of the 6 artifacts, Winter Orb slows down a game REALLY bad. I like it. Sol Ring is always useful. Fountain of Youth is an old favorite of mine. Glasses of Urza is the only one I would think about pulling AFTER you get more comfortable with the game and have seen a LOT of other cards. This one will let you see another players hand so you can learn OTHER PEOPLE's cards and might get more ideas about it. Juggernaut is a powerhouse even though you must attack with it every turn. Obsianus Golem is a little high for this deck at 6 mana cost. You won't get him out til mid to late game. This one I would pull.

Now to Red....

Red Elemental Blast are best for a sideboard until you KNOW an opponent is playing BLUE. If they are playing say White/Green... Those 2 cards are taking up space and will hurt you for not being able to be played.  Same with Flashfires. It only targets Plains. Better sideboard card than in a main deck. Tunnel is not going to be as effective as you would like it to be. That one should be pulled completely. I would also pull out 1 Hill Giant. For 4 cost, it is a 3/3. Slightly expensive in today's sets.

That will put you down to UNDER 70 cards.

If you do not get any dual lands, You will need 14 Mountains and 8 Swamps.

This will get you to 65 cards.


These are the only 2 duals from revised I don't have. I am wanting at least 1 of each. Please send a trade if interested. WILL trade out of INVENTORY if needed for these!!!

sent a trade request


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

trade proposed

those deck links only show what is in the deck. not which ones you need.

offer sent

by playing in TCG official tournaments, higher place players receive point cards for finishes. 20 points is needed to cet into their 50K championship in November.

I have several of the cards you are looking for. But not seeing much in your tradelist. If you are willing to part with some inventory, we may come up with a deal.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have one and you have a few cards I want. let me know if we can make a deal.

there are only 3 ways....

1) buy cards from stores/ebay/amazon/other people

2) trade for older cards with the stock you have

3) hope someone is kind enough to GIVE you cards

older cards are going to cost more than newer cards BUT no way you can do it without one of the 3 above options.

Foil Breeding pool

Dissention - $80

Gatecrash - $26

think about miming slimes. It becomes your biggest creature (with biomancer out) +2 and will help your evolves grow also.

part of the problem I am seeing is Cavern of Souls is going to be not used to its full capacity. you have 6 Elves, 6 human/monks, and 4 or less of each other creature type. Even with 3, Cavern's cap is not close to reached. This could be a big problem in mid/late game.

Running 4 colors is very risky unless you can keep a balance. Only color that gets the help is white.

I do run 5 color decks, but it is keeping that balance that is important. And this deck is going to have problems. I would suggest cutting down to 3. It will help you strengthen up the deck in the first place, and help with being more stable.