Im too anxious... i bought a couple ultra-pro magnetic flip boxes, red and black. wink Still curious about feedback on other stuff though.

Thank you again for your expertise.

I dug out some revised edition magic cards last week and I'm learning plus preparing to play soon. I have no dual or triple lands, all basic single lands.

I read the rules of vintage and it says i can play any magic card set cards with vintage. This means i can use the newer triple lands and the various dual lands right?

If so,

Are there dual lands or triple lands that are better than the others in general functionality or abilities (like multiple options being better on one versus another type)? Which cards would you guys recommend. For example a regular dual land, a regular triple land, one of the triple lands with several options? I know the colors are sort of up to me to decide on what i need/want.

Also, can you only have 4 of each card name in the case of duals and triples?

Looking at "Akoum Refuge" vs "koskun keep" for example..

It seems to make sense to rather have triples than duals logically, am i missing some catches with rules i should watch out for?


Just starting to buy some cards. I am being sucked into the MTG scene and cant stop. I have seen some neat little carrying cases that are leather. Some small, some large, all kinds of sizes in a collection of my nephews.

Is this a stupid question because its all personal preference or are there actually nice  ones for a nice price, or extremely good ones, etc?

If so, please do recommend. I plan on creating several decks to play casually with until i get too deep into this that I need current cards. A nice case or three will get me through I hope.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Thanks. This is good information for me, a noob. wink Going with KMC Matte.


thanks again. Seem's 2:1 per pool is what the gurus recommend too. wink I made a revised version following your recommendations. I suppose i should put more into my sidebar than the two you recommended moving to it..

Do people ever put a completely different color in their sidebar to react to what they discover playing friends?

I'm guessing there are a lot of rematches with some sidebar tweaks in casual gaming, but how does a sidebar help in a tournament.


thank you too. How does one identify whether or not the deck meets vintage rules, where are the vintage rules? I suppose i can find this answer myself and maybe on this site, for example, states i have a complete vintage deck. Does that mean anything legality wise regarding the deck?

Thanks for the tips however the 2nd one may be incorrect and i think my feature request still is valid?

For the first one, I saw that but i like the gridview otherwise that would work as you described.

For the second one, this is incorrect? my deck is correctly identified correctly. If i click the more info on one of the cards it shows "R" for revised so i dont need to change that? then when i hover it still shows m11 as you mentioned (most current).

Also, a side question: if i make a "deck" does it not copy the details from my inventory, or can it be configured to do so?


Appreciate the detailed feedback and I'm soaking in your additional knowledge. Thanks!

I do have a question, how did you come up with the land ounts? I read some stuff on to do it in the first try and have learned so far that a 2:1 (lands:total cost of deck color) ratio is good to aim for in general. Is this true?

thanks again!

I think with somewhat little effort, because you already have the functionality, you could add the ability for people to look at other peoples decks and then do "mock-up" changes to their decks based upon the inventory of those other peoples.

So I'm "Eric", I look at "Joe Blow's" deck. I decide I have an idea for him after also looking at "Joe Blow's" inventory. So I click some buttons to "mock-up edit" his own deck without actually changing it of course. What he gets is some identifier of his deck that "Eric" has proposed changes to his deck based upon his inventory.

then he can see my changes, communicate with me or people in forums he asked for help in, or just accept the changes and let it apply to his deck, or lastly to save it as a new deck.

make sense?

btw: love the sites inventory abilities!


I am a new user and new to MTG. I noticed that while looking at a deck of mine that when I hover a card it shows a picture automatically (I like this) however the picture does not reflect the real one from the edition of my card. I have 99% revised right now but when i hove a card i might see 7th edition.

While this isnt a huge issue, the card may have varied text or rules based on additional subsequent editions from what I understand so far? So it would be more accurate to reflect and display the actual card.

Great site! Thanks! I reviewed several apps and sites and like this one a lot so far for tracking my inventory.



(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'm interested as well. Looked at some iphone apps myself. Still learning too.

A tool to look at a deck and instantly propose some issues with it worth considering would be awesome.

LOL here it is..

My first quick summary look at it.. Looks like about 8 too many creatures, too many instants, a few too many sorcery?


I'm a n00b for sure. Nephew plays and taught me over a few games this easter and I knew i had some cards in my basement from years ago that I never used. they are 99% revised edition. I'm studying now for the last week or so on how to play, how to deck build, etc, etc. Playing with iphone apps too and found this site and their app.

Anyway, ive got an over excited n00b issue and ive selected a deck which ended up being 80 cards haha. I tried to remove some but just couldnt, I just want to try it but I know it should be closer to 60.

Anyone want to look at my inventory (only a few hundred cards) and propose a deck? I like doing damage so maybe my request for a 1st deck out of my collection would be swamps and mountains based?

I'll update my 1st ever deck with little to no knowledge of the game soon, the 80 card version that is. Then reply again and let people give soem critical or laughing feedback to enlighten me more.

inventory -