Hey Nick,

1) I envy you.
2) $800 is a bargain.
3) Selling on DB outside of the market place is no longer allowed.
4) The High End Magic Facebook group would likely snatch these up in about 3 seconds.

That is all.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I wholeheartedly agree. The only issue I see is that this could/would add more work for the admins.

Just 1 more Xenagos! And maybe a couple Kioras.

Bump. Inching closer!

My personal threshold for using tracking is $30 or if the trader is new. Some people do $20, some people do $50, some people use it for 100% of their trades. Here is Deckbox's guide for shipping cards. I personally use paypal.com/shipnow for tracking.


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just so you know, selling on Deckbox outside of the Marketplace is no longer allowed.

Announcement - Under the Seller Account Policy Changes section

Since the other person hasn't sent their cards, would an option be just to cancel the trade?

Bump. Updated list.

Saturday bump.

Little update. Shock swap complete smile

2 Blood Moon
2 Counterflux
1 Izzet Staticaster

Sculpting Steel - Foil
Electrolyze - DIS - Foil
Electrolyze - MMA - Foil
Temple of Enlightenment
Gemstone Mine - WL - MP
Mycoloth - Foil
2 Phyrexian Negator - UD - Foil
Lake of the Dead
3 Ashiok
4 Phenax (+1 korean)
4 Temple of Deceit
2 Consuming Aberration
maybe 1 Thassa

And a bunch of other random Modern/EDH/Legacy stuff.


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

If the opponent wants to be a dick and play net-decked U/W/x control, well, then I find it hard to feel bad for them when you blow up all their lands.

This is the sentence that really changed my mind. It's like the people that play Thresh, Lee Sin or Lucian in ranked League. How about something original?!


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

terrafrost wrote:

Also, I think the deckbox minimum prices would be more useful if they didn't show up in your inventory but rather in your wishlist.


frankenskid wrote:

I would like to see the option of using either price as well.

Alternatively, this.

terrafrost wrote:

Also, I think the deckbox minimum prices would be more useful if they didn't show up in your inventory but rather in your wishlist.

but ideally, this.

Makes sense that you would only care about the minimum price of cards you're looking for.


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Talus21 wrote:


I plan to play it at FNM.  Really what I'm looking for is any recommendations for side board or if I'm missing a key card to go with this strategy.  My local FNM is pretty competetive with a number of tier 1 decks.  I'm not looking to beat those, just want something that will run well and pull of a surprise on occasion.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

I don't play standard at all so I can't really comment on the decklist, but I just have to say that playing against land-destro is one of the most unfun things in the entire game of magic.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got almost all of the stuff I was looking for. Still need 1 Stomping Ground and a few other random cards.

Attached is an example of a TCG packing slip (with the buyer's name and address removed). One of these is supposed to be included in every order from TCG. I not only helps the seller organize their orders, but it also lets the buyer know where the card(s) is/are coming from.

Edit: Attach fail


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

BlueFlygon wrote:

I have an overgrown Tomb and a stomping Ground I'd be interested in swapping for 2 Temple Gardens

Discussion Started smile


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump. Looking to swap some shocks.

sebi wrote:
DrakeSlade wrote:

Are there plans to put support for the promo-version (currently missing) of Marrow-Gnawer?

Are you referring to this Japanese Foil Printing? http://sales.starcitygames.com/carddisp … duct=79836

I believe he's talking about the Spanish one.

Add: I guess there's actually a bunch of em. Can't find the Spanish list, though I assume it's the same.
http://www.magiclibrarities.net/196-rar … index.html
http://www.magiclibrarities.net/197-rar … index.html


(46 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

gumgodMTG wrote:

because it doesn't seem to matter when I write non-machinable.

Snippet of a conversation I had with one of the managers of my local PO:

Manager: "There is not a single operation in the Post Office any more that is dealt with mail by hand."
Me: "Does that mean that when I put at 21c stamp on an envelope and write non-machinable in bold red pen that my envelope gets machined anyway?"
Manager: "Yes, but it goes to a separate machines similar to package belt so the things would not get squished inside"

Non-machinable is a big misnomer. In fact, it's completely false lol. Should be "slightly-non-squishy-machinable."


(46 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Agreed, a very informative and thorough guide. One addition I would suggest is a recommendation to purchase insurance for very valuable cards. I purchase insurance for trades over $100.


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Hall of Triumph (legendary second anthem for you to pump with).

Otherwise, agree.

cyclotis04 wrote:

I agree with Darth_Venome, that sometimes it's nice to have a quick visual guide to what sets a card was in, rather than needing to select a dropdown to see them. This update has added some good features but also a lot of clicks that weren't needed before.

I wasn't saying one way or the other whether I thought the change was good or not. He asked for the pricing info and I told him where it had moved to.

Darth_Venome wrote:

Your responsiveness to our reader feedback is amazing! I cannot express my appreciation enough for all of the hard work that goes into this. I am humbled for all of the free work you do for us users.

I would still love to see the edition symbols on the card info tab. It was nice to be able to click on them, and see not only the card from that edition, but the prices for that version. I was out of MTG for a while, and being able to have that resource was important to me when looking for cards to put on my wishlist.

That option is still there, it's just in a little bit different spot. It is now above the card image.

Why should full-art zen basics be valued any differently than any other card? I know it will be a little bit more of a hastle, but why not use TCG mid?