the Walmart in my area is selling a couple odd goodies at moment.
- classic booster packs, 3pack blisters, and classic theme decks.


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

may want to setup a trade list.
it would save both yourself, and us allot of hassle smile

no problem.
didn't hurt to ask / try smile

Sent you an Email with offer for the Ooze.

Did everybody have an enjoyable Pre-release event is past weekend?
Share  your experience with the group. tell your tale of Win's and Losses.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

here's a simplified method to transfer your inventory in a matter of seconds.
click (View) select print, Copy list, enter (trade list), click (add cards), select (impute multiple cards at once), paste inventory.


Thank you Dman32.
I added your contribution to the list.


(0 replies, posted in Ohio the gathering)

To submit a casual event, or see your local FNM (ect.. ect..) listed in the calendar, Post your event details within this thread. I myself, or another mod of O:TG will preform the necessary updates soon as possible.

Submitting details should consist of:
-Time and Date of the event.
-Name of the Event
-Format, and event Type (IE: Casual, FNM, Special).
-City and Address of the Event location.
-If limited seating is available, please specify the maximum attendance amount.

For any further questions, contact either myself or Airuhbis.
Thank you.








By popular request to aid newcomers with the Commander / EDH format.
Here I have documented a easy to follow list of staple's commonly found in most deck builds. 
As part of the community, Feel Free to contribute your ideas to the list. 




sounds likeTrader2 fails to grasp the concept that Ebay reflects auction price.
also- failed to take consideration the cost of shipping. which Ebay, is usually high.

personally wouldn't waste my time with this example of trader.


Let me know if you do have them.
I will setup a trade.

These cards were not listed in your inventory, but as you've mentioned you have allot to offer thought I'd ask.
I'm Looking for 3x Elite Inquisitor, 3x Champion of the Parish, and 1x Honor of the Pure.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Either the site gets very little traffic anyways, or nobody wants to trade with me. sad If you have cards that are worth something and want something of mine, go ahead and propose a trade. I'm not always looking to make a profit, sometimes just consolidate value or get rid of excess or whatnot. Let me know you're interested! It is discouraging to spend so much time on my inventory if nobody looks at it.

In reflect to your inquiring statement.
the business you're proceeding to conduct may be a bit intimidating to some traders who simply wish to trade.
The case of trade markups, and profiting will deter most people.

Keep in mind I'm not slandering your motives, just voicing a common though & my opinion.
I do wish you luck.

hahaha my response to Hellnikko was more of a joke.

the whole ordeal of bad/good/trustworthy trading is what set's my paranoia, and why I only dabble in local trades. eventually I may come out of my shell and partake in a long distance trade. I'm slowly working my way to that point.

Hellnikko wrote:

And another thought, and maybe because I'm a family man with a son and experiencing my own mortality...
Who knows, maybe the dude died. And now you just gave him a negative feedback as their going away present.
I know, it's a little funny to think about but a little sad too. I hate being old. sad

the unlikely event of that even happening, I strongly believe negative feedback over a botched card trade is the least of his worries .. being dead an all..

Tawnos wrote:

I think that's a good idea but I also know that this site was built and is maintained by two very awesome people who have day jobs.  If they spend their time moderating feedback they will have less time to make improvements to the site which is what they really want to be doing (and it's what we want too smile).  It would be awesome if some people could serve as arbiters in trades gone bad but I wouldn't want to take the site administrators away from making Deckbox better. 

Does anyone know if Sebi and/or Laura read this board?  This thread is forking in to two concerns, one about a way to deal with bad traders (the original intent) and another about how feedback is left.  I might split it and move them both to the feedback forums if that's OK with the moderators here.  (I don't just want to jack your thread and move it around on you tongue)

Email, and forward this thread with a few detailed suggestions to Sebi.
that's my best advice.

First off, I'd like to say thank you to all for joining our new community on

Our goal here is to bring like minded Magic: gamers within the local Ohio region closer together for Trading, Casual game-play, and Competitive tournaments & events.

As members of (Ohio: the gathering) community, Feel free to use this sub-forum to submit and talk about:
Trade- offers & requests, Deck- questions & support, and Event- idea's & notifications.

hell ya!
Meijer's 3 pack special Promo's, love these little oddball oddities. once their sold out, their gone from obtainable market.

about a week ago, two sold on Ebay (one for $76, the other $90).
I've got my five, sleeved up and stashed away tongue