still looking!

2 stormbreath dragon
3 polukranos
3 temple of abandon
2 temple of mystery

Feel free to hit up my tradelist.

My friend ha a Nissa he's looking to get rid of, he's intersted in the Liliana. If you find some other stuff on his list to make up value shoot him a trade.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trying to finish up a cheap little burn list for modern, need the following. Please browse my trades!

1 combust
1 eidolon of the great revel
4 flames of the blood hand
3 hellspark elemental
3 lava spike MMA
1 molten rain
4 smash to smithereens
2 volcanic fallout

Thought I'd ask the question, I haven't traded much since the pricing shake up. I have some friends I do, and it looks like most people just still use TCG prices. Curious who is using deckbox prices and who is just still using TCG's?

Block constructed is generally a boring format. The card pool is to small for diversity, so usually it is 1-3 best decks that are almost identical.


(49 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

HikingStick wrote:

Yes, my insurance agent is now concerned because he could visit the site and see my inventory. This needs to change (to at least give members the option of hiding their inventory) ASAP.

With the new marketplace feature, we may need a way to flag cards that will be available in the marketplace, rather than just those in a tradelist (what I trade and what I'd sell are two different things).

Your insurance agent knows about deckbox?


(28 replies, posted in Announcements)

9700377 wrote:
jassi007 wrote:

Good news! A suggestion for you to help sellers. Some peoples prices are quite a bit out of line. Fore example, there is an Elesh Norn for sale, at $42, non-foil. While I respect peoples right to price cards as they see fit, nobody is going to buy Elesh Norn for $42 when it can be had elsewhere for $20-25. Perhaps some sort of alert can be made when a card price is a significant percentage over or under the deckbox price? Like "warning: this card is 105% above deckbox avg. price, do you want to continue?" It helps nobody when people price their cards much to high or much to low. To high and it doesn't sell, seller gets nothing, deckbox gets nothing, buyers go to other sources to find cards priced more in line with the general market. To low and seller gets taken, deckbox gets less than it probably should, encourages arbitage.

I think that tools to help buyers/sellers find/generate good prices are nice, but things like "warnings" reflect an unnecessary level of hand-holding. Plus, what if the Deckbox price is bad for whatever reasons?

Then you can ignore them. The idea is to give someone a heads up. If you want to price outside of the general market price, go for it, but your either going to sell quickly because your underpriced and someone is just going to flip your cards for a profit, or your not going to sell squat because you are to high. This is a situation that benefits no one.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

PerfectSpecimen wrote:

Im thinking this deckbox market is the worst thing they could have done. Now all the pricing is so messed im probably going to just switch sites. It just turned an excellent trade site into a tier 2 selling site. I have completed 60 trades to no end. Spent time building my rep for nothing. If people wanted to sell they should have stuck to ebay. This is very dissapointing sad

The price fix they put in today seems to be good. Checking some values vs. other sites they seem to be very inline now.


(28 replies, posted in Announcements)

Good news! A suggestion for you to help sellers. Some peoples prices are quite a bit out of line. Fore example, there is an Elesh Norn for sale, at $42, non-foil. While I respect peoples right to price cards as they see fit, nobody is going to buy Elesh Norn for $42 when it can be had elsewhere for $20-25. Perhaps some sort of alert can be made when a card price is a significant percentage over or under the deckbox price? Like "warning: this card is 105% above deckbox avg. price, do you want to continue?" It helps nobody when people price their cards much to high or much to low. To high and it doesn't sell, seller gets nothing, deckbox gets nothing, buyers go to other sources to find cards priced more in line with the general market. To low and seller gets taken, deckbox gets less than it probably should, encourages arbitage.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I tend to keep standard cards in a box per block with dividers per set, then color/alpha. For cards not in standard I have a box per color, then sets, core sets then expansions. So I have an RTR block, Theros Block, and M14/15 box. On rotation the RTR and m14 cards will go into boxes per color at the end. Once you organize everything, you mostly update the standard boxes, then when they rotate you just pick each color out and put them in their appropriate boxes. Rares I have a bulk rare box, which is a disaster, and playable cards get bindered. I'm probably going to have to seperate binders into standard/not standard but I'm not quite their yet.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

I had to share this it made me laugh.

Now is the time to buy modern staples, Affinity is down to $13!


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

ballth wrote:
buughost wrote:

Is this because you guys explicitly added a market/sales functionality? If so... Get rid of it. I feel like your primary user base is traders not sellers (though I could be wrong). Maybe you should do some research or poll your active user base. I've sold stuff here occasionally, but I'd rather have TCG pricing integrated rather than a specific sales function.

I totally agree with buughost. If the problem stems from you adding a market/sales functionality, get rid of it! I, for one, only use Deckbox to catalog and trade cards. I would much rather have a reliable pricing structure than a silly sales function. I can sell my cards anywhere (LGS, eBay, Amazon, online card stores, etc). Deckbox is too valuable a website to me (and others) to see it become a casualty over an unnecessary function.

You missed the part where they said if they didn't add the market to monetize the site then they'd shut it down.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

biffz0r wrote:
mcnealysbaby wrote:

Why not take out your frustration on TCG's legal department instead of the guy who spends many hours of his free time creating a free website for your enjoyment and benefit?

This.  The sense of entitlement is strong in this thread.

Thank you sebi and others involved in this site for your hard work and being so frank and open with us.  Given the belligerence in the marketplace for pricing (SCG, TCG, etc.) I would sort out your options and solidify your planning before annoucing your next steps; while you're likely doing this to get some awareness and feedback, this isn't a democracy here.

I think that pricing data is something of value to those sites. I personally wouldn't give it away either to competitors.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

Helios52 wrote:

No, a valid reaction is " Im going to hold off trading/selling for the moment until this gets fixed to an acceptable level". Saying the site is "nearly unusable" is overreactive to the everything else deckbox does that those MANY other forums do not.

sorry I tend to gloss over hyperbolic statements on the internet, I'd like to think most people that use the internet for some time learn to ignore them. Yes of course statements like that are unreasonable, but they arent' really the point either. I understand this isn't a choice per say, the whole pricing thing, but it is unexpected, which tends to draw reactions out of people, and amazon is not a good pricing data source for magic cards. I think that is the main point people want to express, that a sudden switch of pricing data to a less than reliable source is making people more reserved about transaction on deckbox, given that it was stated up front today that this is a transition and not the new final form of pricing data. It is better, for me at least,  to regroup and see what comes next than to boldly plow ahead with inferior data. Yes I could do my own pricing with a trade partner, but I don't have anything I need to acquire pressingly to bother at this point in time. I'm not going to ignore deckbox, I'm just not going to open or accept new trades for a little bit.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

Helios52 wrote:

Website is nearly unusable as is...

This is the most overreactive statement Ive seen. The fact that all your cards and decks are still listed and stored in once place means nothing? Trading didnt stop. Is it really that much extra work to have an extra browser window open next to deckbox to TCG or SCG or ebay or mtgprice or wherever to do a quick search of the current price of a card? Sure this is an extra step in the process but honestly, if you are that concerned about having the most current price of a card when completing a trade/sale, this should be something done regardless if a price generated automatically or an idea in your head on how much its worth.

Im honestly shocked by the amount of negativity and the lack of patience some people have.

I think one of the main points is this is up front a temporary transition state from what it was to what it will be. People aren't out of line for waiting to see what is coming next. Also I think you can appreciate Amazon's pricing information is bad. It would be better to leave pricing data out completely than have very unreliable data.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

dorvaan wrote:
sebi wrote:
rixan wrote:

It was completely avoidable...just dont do the market.  They performed the same business practice you the same as you would bully them if they stood up a direct competitor to you while using all of your data to make your site remotely functional.

I have answered this above. We cannot remain in our current form.

What research or user surveying was done before deciding on the market?  I've looked back through announcements and forums, and I see nothing about it before it was announced.

I don't think anyone said they ever did surveys or research? I think the point she's making is they were going to monetize the site or shut it down because it was to much work to do for free anymore, and hooking up people that have cards and people looking for cards to buy/sell as an alternative to trade seems more natural than just charging for a membership or something.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

gumgodMTG wrote:

There is a lot of negativity here, I just wanted to say I have faith that this site will return to full awesomeness, hopefully sooner rather than later.  Thanks Sebi for all of your hard work. 

I've seen other sites have similar problems.  PucaTrade for example ended up writing their own pricing code.

I'm hoping that this change actually allows Deckbox to move away from the restrictions of TCG player and accommodate more of the promos & cards that were not previously listed.

I am not negative, I think there are ways to work out of this, but for right now until things get sorted out, I am going to hang back a bit. I think amazon pricing was a desperation move of being caught between loosing tcgp and not having their own setup ready to go, and I get that, but it still isn't usable data really so I'm not going to use it.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

bighappyblocker wrote:


I'm here for the long haul. Users can still work trades, I understand trading low value cards may suck and take some work on trades, but I feel it has always been the users final responsibility to check values if they think something is off. Anyone who want's to trade with me let me know if you want I will do the math on both sides because fair is fair.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out.

I don't disagree that it is each persons responsibility to know the prices, but having a platform that made trade valuations simple was a HUGE part of the advantage deckbox brought to the table. I'm not abandoning the site for all time, but until I wrap my head around whats going on and figure out how I'm going to approach trades through the site, and/or see what changes next with pricing since Sebi said this amazon thing is only temporary.

Lets be honest, while you may double check you know the prices of your promo's, what cards might have spiked, lets say your trading for or trading a m12 birds of paradise. this is such a know value I'm sure you haven't second guessed DB's price. You go yeah 2-3ish its somewhere in there. Now?  Apparently its $4, $6 in foil. That price is 25% to high. Before I could genrally trust DB pricing to be accurate, now I'm going to have to research every trade. I put my account on vacation, but even if/when I resume trading until we have a trustworthy pricing database, the time to check each trade is just going to add time to every trade I do, make me less likely to do larger (volume not price) trades and so forth.

Reputation of the price data means everything. Nobody trusts Amazon for pricing. People in general trusted TCGP because it is an aggregate of many stores prices so the TCGmid is a good average value for a card. MTG Price would provide a similar thing, but deckbox prices or amazon prices are just based on whatever. Here is what is going to happen. People who are willing to sell on deckbox will most likely reference prices on TCGP. The issue is people will be less likely to sell due to the amount of work to price cards. I might list a card or a couple of cards but pricing out 100 or more cards when I have to price each individually is going to be a real issue.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

jambarama wrote:

Amazon prices are a disaster, I'm going to suspend all non-accepted trades and go inactive until something more reliable can be arranged. also offers an API which may be somewhat better just amazon prices.  Any chance you could try something like that out?

I kind of have to agree, for the time being until things get sorted out, I'm putting my account on vacation. Not that I can price reference trades myself but Amazon is not reliable for pricing imo. I would also suggest looking into the new MTGprice API.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

rubishod wrote:

It is almost like you are encouraging cash sales of cards instead of everything you have listed in the 'About' section of the homepage.

Trades are above sales?


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

ReliquaryTower wrote:

If possible, could we implement a multi-step sale process, similar to trading? Buyer sends an order, we review the order and then accept it. Right now the order just goes straight to fulfillment. I would like an extra step where I receive the order, and then confirm/accept the order along with the chat functionality from the trade interface (sometimes buyers are looking for things that can't be listed on inventory, as well). That way, the seller has the ability to confirm card condition, etc.

edit: and a way to clear all prices that we've set, returning the tradelist contents to N/A?

It wouldn't be terrible as long as it wasn't used as a way for people to back out of sales due to price changes.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

9700377 wrote:
jassi007 wrote:
9700377 wrote:

I noticed that the price on the foil Jace AoT and Vraska promos from the new duel decks is zero. The TCGPlayer pages for these cards works fine (eg. … -thought), so what gives?

You have your JvV Jace marked as promo not foil. Fix that and his price will display correctly.

Okay, you're right, thanks.

Although I did have it as promo only because the non-foil/non-promo price also shows up at 0. I had not tried choosing the foil toggle.

Which honestly I don't think should be necessary anyways, given that there's no non-foil version of the card. But I won't complain since I can get it to work.

You have to do it however tcgplayer does it basically. It is their data, so if they put the price for JvV Jace as foil, you have to mark it as foil. Deckbox shows 0 for the low/mid/high for non-foil because there is no value returned for a non-foil JvV Jace.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

9700377 wrote:

I noticed that the price on the foil Jace AoT and Vraska promos from the new duel decks is zero. The TCGPlayer pages for these cards works fine (eg. … -thought), so what gives?

You have your JvV Jace marked as promo not foil. Fix that and his price will display correctly.


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

outofstep wrote:

Next we want to finally deliver on our promises for a public API.

What I see happening, very soon is, someone (or lots of people) are going to create websites or apps that scrape data from and, compare the two and show them sellers that have a card (or multiple cards) for sale less than X% of current market value. Your website rules are going to hold them to that outdated price.

I realize that you guys want the revenue from card sales on this site, but remember that the vast majority of people who are going to sell cards through here aren't professional level stores with a large revenue stream. Losing $10 to a price spike on a card while you're at work or asleep is going to suck, for almost everyone.

This rabbit hole has no logical end. How does anyone anywhere ever deal with having a card for sale somewhere at price X and then the prices rises to Y. Cards get sold at price X after the price rises to Y on ebay, channel fireball, starcity, tcgplayer, etc etc. Demand usually clears out stock and then restock comes in at a higher price. It isn't that everyone has 100 of every card, and someone says "I'm selling at Y now!" and everyone else gets bought out immediately at the old price.

Yes you can arbitrage prices a bit. This already happens. Quiet Speculation has had an arbitrage tool for a while. … set_id=319  It hasn't caused all sellers to just fold up because they missed out on some percentage of profit.

I'm sorry but if someone sells and can't accept that card prices go up never sell your cards. Underground Sea was worth $20 at one point and now its $300 on Star City.