Neat feature and useful too. I am having issues with the Add from Inventory checkbox when adding cards to the deck though. When toggled on the cards that appear are limited to my inventory but not all of the cards I have in my inventory. Since I have cards that span use in multiple decks it seems that once I have used all the cards I have in inventory the drop down doesn't populate with cards I have used in other decks. This might be how the feature works but I for one would appreciate if it would allow me to search my entire inventory, whether they are in built decks or deck ideas or not.
51 2019-04-10 00:30:02
Re: New features: Add to Deck & Inventory; Quickadd to deck from Inventory (8 replies, posted in Announcements)
52 2019-02-13 11:30:29
Re: RNA mana fixes, magic fest promo (11 replies, posted in Announcements)
Thanks for the update. A few of those RNA hybrid mana cost cards that were just updated have the incorrect CMC when in list mode such as Consecrate // Consume, Depose // Deploy, Collision // Colossus and Rubble Slinger.
53 2019-01-18 09:50:49
Re: Ravnica Allegiance (14 replies, posted in Announcements)
Noticed the split cards were in the first name only notation (e.g. Depose instead of Depose // Deploy) and not retrieving price data and making them incongruent with some data programs.
Also hybrid mana shows as two separate mana symbols rather than one hybrid mana symbol (see Depose once again for an example) making the CMC incorrect on a few cards in the set.
55 2018-12-05 16:43:59
Re: Filter by multicolor, Ultimate Masters, Judge (16 replies, posted in Announcements)
Hooray. Thanks for enacting an update so quickly Sebi!
56 2018-12-05 06:02:01
Re: Filter by multicolor, Ultimate Masters, Judge (16 replies, posted in Announcements)
Number of Colors works like a charm but only in the Card Database. I'd really like to see this feature implemented into the inventory section as well as that is the pool from which I build EDH decks from and, in some cases within constructed where multi-color matters like rogue decks in the current standard or even modern. Compliments to you for getting it to include hybrid mana in the filter!
57 2018-11-20 07:58:17
Re: Feature Request - Average CMC (31 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I was going to make a new post a request for Automatic CMC but seems that we've got some interest here. So ditto for me on implementing something like this so I don't have to count symbols manually.
58 2018-10-02 07:48:37
Re: database: Guilds of Ravnica (20 replies, posted in Announcements)
Noticed a pesky little bug that might not be limited to GRN.
I sort inventory or edition by set and then export to text and it doesn't filter for the set I select. All other filters work normally. Check the query, hopefully it's a nice one-liner fix for ya. Thanks again!
59 2018-10-02 07:45:27
Topic: GRN Haves, Wants and For Sale (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Time to get our Guild on!
Everything I pulled is up and listed on the DeckBox. Buy and Trade the new set with yours truly. Let's wheel some cards! Pricing is pretty much the current TCG low -10%. at the time of this post.
Click here for my Tradelist and Cards for Sale Filtered for GRN
Click Here for Cards I would like to Trade for out of the new set. Hit the old Clear All button once there to see the whole non-exlusive swath of my wishlist.
60 2018-10-01 04:47:23
Re: fixes: Remember Me, GRN database errors (4 replies, posted in Announcements)
Much Much Appreciated. Thanks for the h/t.
61 2018-09-27 02:25:18
Re: database: Guilds of Ravnica (20 replies, posted in Announcements)
Many thank yous! Good timing once again Sebi.
Bug Report:
Hybrid Mana in Deck listing is showing up as Black Symbol + Blue Symbol rather than Black/Blue Symbol. This applies to all cards in the set. Consequntly it changes the CMC of Hybrid Mana cards.
Discovery // Dispersal in a decklist on hover shows an altogether incorrect image (Ghastly Discovery), lists only as Discovery. On the Discovery page itself the image shows up correctly. I checked all the other split cards and this is the only one that has an incorrect image. The Hovers image for Discovery // Dispersal shows up fine in the Edition List
Concerning the Split Card naming convention: personally I'd MUCH prefer the card to be listed using the full name, e.g. Discovery // Dispersal as opposed to Discovery as it fits with the universal standard on other sites and may resolve pricing import issues before they arise.
I see the template for flip cards is applied to the full page listing for split cards as well.
Also Noticed the Guild Kits were missing the set symbol icon.
In listings it points to for the ones I noticed but the images don't exist -- yet.
Same sort of issue as with the FNM Full Art Cast Down ] pointing to a non-existent image
EDIT: Thanks for making the fixes so quick Sebi. Much appreciated!
62 2018-09-17 11:36:19
Topic: Pre-Post Rotation Sale (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Selling off what remains of my extra cards from the Kaladesh/Aether Revolt and Amonkhet/Hour of Devastation sets at deep discounts. Everything marked below a dollar. Full Art Lands 25 cents. Foil Basics 50 cents. 30% to 70% off Deckbox Average on everything as of post time.
63 2018-08-27 18:27:20
Re: Order history export (8 replies, posted in Announcements)
Ditto on the coolness comment.
Would be superb if there were an option / extra button to separate buys and sells.
64 2018-08-22 19:46:42
Re: More deck filtering options (12 replies, posted in Announcements)
Great. This is useful in deck building, encouraging comments / +1's instead of using bookmarks or straight copies of decks that peak my interest. Searching a card or group of cards in my ridiculously long list of decks is good to rekindle a spark based on past brews.
Search across the board (All Decks, My Decks, Card Database, Trading Opportunities, Rules Text et al) would benefit greatly from Boolean searches or least the addition of multiple fields (like rules text or subtype) that could incorporate AND and OR.
Thanks Sebi. Looking forward to the improvements and new features to come!
65 2018-07-25 18:12:41
Re: Details in decks (printing, foil, etc) (43 replies, posted in Announcements)
Excellent premium feature. Runs nice and speedy on the main server.
Minor bugs [updated]:
- When moving a card using "Sideboard One" or "Move to Scratchpad".. the card reverts to the default edition.
- When viewing the list while logged out the price display is correct but the editions are inaccurate in the deck listing [ ]
66 2018-07-18 16:38:11
Re: Alpha testing: Details in decks (30 replies, posted in Announcements)
Is the testing environment currently down? I cannot seem to access it.
Might be under construction. I can login fine but the deck > edition > edit button in a doesn't work right now (FireFox).
67 2018-07-08 03:46:36
Re: database: Core Set 2019 (14 replies, posted in Announcements)
Just in time. Thanks mate!
68 2018-07-04 03:15:53
Re: Selling but not trading (3 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
I'd like a for sale only toggle for individual cards.
For now I just go with renoan's suggestion and specify the cards I don't want to trade in writing in my profile.
If you're selling everything in your collection make sure your wishlist is cleared and you won't show up in the trading opportunities or at the very least float to the bottom of the results.
69 2018-06-12 16:21:45
Re: Alpha testing: Details in decks (30 replies, posted in Announcements)
I dig it! Tried it out here.
The first thing I did notice missing is that foils selected from the edit list are not showing the flashy circle icon, but the pricing is correct. It would be much preferable to look at a deck and see what is foiled out at a glance.
Hard to tell without images loading but I think the spoiler view display only the last printing
..when viewing card images of Llanowar Elves in spoiler mode I get the same image src.
Nonetheless a BIG upgrade from using the inline notes for a card.
70 2018-06-09 16:02:17
Re: Battlebond, Elves vs. Inventors Tokens (10 replies, posted in Announcements)
The Foil Date Stamped Partner Promos for Battlebond are absent from the database. Please add.
71 2018-04-24 10:05:28
Topic: Dominaria Haves and Wants (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Cardboard swap and shop for Dominaria is now open!
Current Haves
direct link filtered for DOM + Prerelease Promos
Current Wants
direct link filtered for DOM + Prerelease Promos
72 2018-04-20 15:10:07
Re: Language & Condition Filters, Dominaria Imported (22 replies, posted in Announcements)
Nice addition. Very useful in browsing tradelists and finding those unmarked stragglers in the inventory.
73 2018-04-11 03:45:52
Re: Support for EDH/Commander/Brawl formats? (6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
There is no variant tag, nor format validation for Brawl, Frontier, Arena Standard or League (40 cards, although I use draft and that's fine for now) decks nor a distinction for Duel Commander, Multiplayer EDH and MTGO Commander even with Premium. These would all be welcome additions.
We do have the following:
Constructed (Auto validates to set to Standard, Modern, Legacy or Vintage but not Frontier)
Commander (Commander Slot but can't add a partner commander)
Tiny Leaders (Commander Slot)
Singleton (Which could work for Brawl but w/o a commander slot)
Fat Stack
The ability to add partner to Commander would be super awesome as well.
74 2018-01-16 01:38:40
Re: database: Rivals of Ixalan (12 replies, posted in Announcements)
sebi wrote:You mean the 13 duplicate cards? Still can't add them, I need to finish a release first sadly.
For example:
Amateur Auteur (version A)
Amateur Auteur (version B)
Amateur Auteur (version C)
Amateur Auteur (version D)
Note for when you do get around to it.. to correlate with the pricing, which appears to give very inflated pricing at the moment, seems that Ebay, Goldfish and TCG have adopted the short hand (A).
Very Cryptic Command (A)
Very Cryptic Command (B)
Very Cryptic Command (C)
Shameless plug: Have my RIX prerelease traders listed for sale too, thanks to the update.
Thanks Sebi!
75 2018-01-03 16:26:43
Re: How to select version of card? (6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
As far as I know there is no way to set the card edition and finish (foil/nonfoil) when creating a deck. Those options are available in your inventory and wishlist though. On the list Inventory > Edit, Inventory > Add presents all the options.
To set a card as Foil there is a dropdown to the far right in which you can select the foil option will impact the value of the card(s) then click apply.
To set a card as a Promo don't use this option as it is deprecated. Instead use the edition drop-down and select the promo version you have on your card(s) then click apply.