De ce mah. Ca Tarmo n-o fost niciodata atat de puternic incat sa fie banat.
752 2011-06-22 11:27:12
Re: Teorie Innistrad (20 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Pai inseamna ca asta-i setul lui Tarmogoyf Ca nici el n-a vazut viitorul inca.
753 2011-06-22 07:36:39
Re: Magic 2012 Core Set (408 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Nu-i garantat... poate o sa fie doar frost si inferno, sau poate chiar doar inferno. Also, da, bolt-ul iese... oricum o sa avem o scurta perioada in care o sa fie in acelasi standard bolt, incinerate si grim lavamancer. Ouch.
Primevalul e reprint sigur. Apare in Card Gallery-ul M12 de pe site-ul oficial.
754 2011-06-22 06:33:35
Re: DotP 2012 (8 replies, posted in Taverna)
Si eu l-am luat. Imi place mult mai mult ca antecedentul, care a fost chiar sec.
Cum a remarcat Lehel ii nasola faza cu mana pe care o tapeaza jocul, pentru ca tu nu poti decide care sa o tapezi.
Ca si Silviu, deck-ul meu preferat este cel de GU (ramp) care are niste carti minunate.
Multiplayer-ul e cel care-l face rejucabil.
755 2011-06-22 05:27:16
Re: Precomanda produse M12 (11 replies, posted in Taverna)
Fat-Pack - 150 lei
Display boostere - 540 lei
Intro Pack - 60 lei
756 2011-06-21 19:06:34
Topic: Precomanda produse M12 (11 replies, posted in Taverna)
A sosit si momentul "mult asteptat" al precomenzilor pentru M12.
Avem asa: Fat-Pack, Display Boostere si Intro Pack-uri (asteas mai cu schepsis in sensul ca trebuie sa iau la display, asa ca doar 1-2-3 buc. nu ajung)
Deadline-ul pentru comanda este 27 Iunie!!
Astept comenzile voastre.
2 x Fat - Ionii
1 x Fat - TripleX
1 x Fat - Mihai
1 x Fat - Daniel
1 x Fat - Viki
1 x Fat - Mitza
757 2011-06-21 09:12:21
Re: A future single cards order (43 replies, posted in Taverna)
In zilele urmatoare (poate chiar azi) o sa pun pretul single-urilor pe forum si fac un total estimativ per individ, si va rog sa-mi dati banii in avans ca sa pot platii comanda (in momentul de fata deja e la 290$). Altfel nu voi putea pune comanda.
Mersi de intelegere
758 2011-06-21 06:01:44
Re: A future single cards order (43 replies, posted in Taverna)
La sfarsitul saptamanii as dori sa lansez comanda. Cel tarziu Luni 27 Iunie.
759 2011-06-21 05:52:32
Re: Premium Deck: Graveborn (1 replies, posted in Noutăți)
Depinde de ce carti are, dar asta cred ca mi-l iau si eu
760 2011-06-20 06:29:38
Re: Commander Launch Party (17 replies, posted in Evenimente)
A fost un mare fiasco treaba cu achievments-urile. Lumea s-o imbufnat pentru ca multi au luat prea in serios aceste achievements-uri ghidandu-le jocul. Dupa prima runda multi erau suparati, imbufnati, asa ca am renuntat la ele pentru runda 2, cat si la timp.
De castigat au castigat Gyula si Ovi cate un booster Ravnica in rusa plus simpatia publicului, iar Benczi a iesit la zar si a castigat un DeckBox 100+ pentru EDH.
Mie mi-au placut deck-urile toate. Toate au potential desi de remarcat este Counterpunch-ul care e foaaaarte rezistent pe termen lung (Benczi a rezistat la atacul a 3 oameni timp de mai multe, multe, multe ture), dar a murit intr-un final grandios prin milling
761 2011-06-20 06:24:31
Re: Lista noua de banari!!! (30 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Numa bine. Valakutul may rise again . Vreau deck-ul inapoi Silviu
762 2011-06-20 04:40:39
Topic: Lista noua de banari!!! (30 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Jace the Mind Sculptor si Stoneforge are outtttt of Standard!!!! Shock si groaza!!! S-a intamplat inevitabilul.
763 2011-06-19 14:19:15
Re: FNM Iunie - Pauza, lipsa, gaura (30 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Pentru ca tot timpul banii sunt o problema
764 2011-06-19 12:32:07
Re: FNM Iunie - Pauza, lipsa, gaura (30 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Launch Party-ul e ok. Ala il tinem sigur. De pre-release inca nu stiu 100%.
765 2011-06-18 19:13:03
Re: FNM Iunie - Pauza, lipsa, gaura (30 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Se pare ca pana la urma ne-am reintors oficial pe traiectoria normala a organizarii evenimentelor. Suntem din nou Core Level. Putem sanctiona FNM-uri incepand cu cel din August, GameDay, Pre-Release si alte chestii.
766 2011-06-18 19:00:21
Re: Magic the Gathering: Commander and Warhammer Invasion: Legends (9 replies, posted in Announcements)
Thank you Sebi
767 2011-06-18 06:56:45
Re: Commander Launch Party (17 replies, posted in Evenimente)
Eu la 11 o sa fiu acolo. Deci daca vin toti pana la 11.30 ii dam drumul.
768 2011-06-18 05:59:03
Re: Commander Launch Party (17 replies, posted in Evenimente)
Pentru cei care mai arunca cate un ochi pe forum si inainte de event, iata achievements-urile (intr-o forma bruta, ca n-am timp acum sa le ordonez) cu ajutorul carora vom acumula puncte:
-4 Point
But we just started – Eliminating a player prior to their 5th turn.
-2 Points
Only there for its color – Finish the game without playing your General. If a player did not have the ability to cast their general during the game, they do not receive this award.
-1 Point
Greedy McGreederson – Take 3 or more Turns in a row. This can be awarded more than once.
Stupidity Minor – Arguing with another player over a card and being wrong about the card.
Variable Points
Flush – +1 point for each color in the creatures – Control five non-token creatures of EXACTLY the same color (five green creatures, or green and red creatures, but not three green and 2 green and red). This will be awarded only when the stack is empty. This may only be awarded to an individual player once per pod, although it may be awarded to multiple players.
+1 Point
123’s – Play the third spell that’s converted mana cost is the third number in a row. Player A plays Mogg Fanatic (CMC 1) then Vexing Shusher (CMC 2) then Player B resolves Volcanic Fallout (CMC 3) Player B would be awarded this. If Player C then casts Chameleon Colossus Player C would get an extra point for follow this pattern and each successive spell resolving in an increasing fashion would awarded 1 point. [This award can be achieves over multiple player turns.]
Attention – Deal 6 or more damage to yourself in 1 turn. (A player cannot get both Attention and Intention in the same turn.)
BAFFROOM! – Activate Level Up on a creature enough times to make it its strongest version (aka its 3rd line of levels.)
Blackjack – Control two creatures whose total power is exactly 21.
Block! – Give another player a creature you own.
Block Party – Have a permanent in play or spell present on the stack from each set of any block. The blocks are Ice Age, Invasion, Kamigawa, Lorwyn-Shadowmoor, Masques, Mirage, Mirrodin, Odyssey, Onslaught, Ravnica, Shards of Alara, Tempest, Time Spiral, Urza, Zendikar. (Basic Lands from those sets do not count.)
Chumpzilla – Control 10 or more token creatures.
Clash of the Titans – Control 5+ Legendary Creatures
Collusion FTW – Give another player an extra turn.
Copycat – First player to copy a spell or permanent of an opponent.
Danger Zone – Eliminate an opponent while your life is less than 5.
Die Already – Survive after being attacked for lethal damage 3 different times.
Double Take – First player to control two functionally identical non-token creatures with different names. Creatures must have the same power, toughness, converted mana cost and all abilities (such as Grizzly Bears and Balduvian Bears), but not necessarily color (such as Prodigal Sorcerer and Prodigal Pyromancer). This will be awarded only when the stack is empty. (Copies and Clones don’t count).
Edge of Disaster - First player to have fewer than ten cards in his or her library.
First Blood – First player to destroy another player’s creature. This can be done through lethal damage, destroy effects, or exile effects.
Flow of Ideas – Control 3 or more permanents with chainable names. Example: Sword of Fire and Ice -> Ice Cage -> Cage of Hands. An additional point is awarded for each additional card that makes the chain.
Forth Times the Charm – Resolve your General 4 times in a single game from the Command Zone.
Full Grip – Draw 20 or more cards in one turn. (A player may not get Kung Fu Grip and Full Grip in the same turn.)
Generalissimo – Eliminate a player with General damage. Can be awarded more than once.
Good Samaritan – Intentionally cause an opponent to gain 10+ life in one shot (getting your Beacon of Immortality redirected doesn’t count for you, but for the person who redirected it).
Generosity – Make another player draw 3 or more cards in one turn. (Having Howling Mine and Font of Mythos in play does not give this award.)
Hey, That’s Mine! – Gain control of a permanent you own from another player.
Hot Potato - Redirect any portion of non combat damage directed at you to another opponent.
I Got This – Eliminate an opponent during another opponents turn.
I Suck – Be eliminated from the game or have it end when you have 0 points. This checks after “It was a valiant effort” but after “I’m Out”.
I Think You Dropped This – Gain control of a permanent an opponent controls without a switch.
I’m Out – Be the first player eliminated from the table.
I’m Probably Next – Have the lowest life total, which must be lower than 10, when the first player is killed.
Indiana Jones – Control 5 or more non-land, non-creature artifacts.
Iron Man – Equip a creature with 4 or more equipments.
It was a Valiant Attempt – If the game finishes with the same number of players that it started with, each player is awarded 1 point.
It’s Waffer Thin – Eliminate an opponent with a 1/1 creature.
Just Enough – Deal exactly lethal non-General damage to a player who is at 7 or more life.
Let’s Do That Again – Save an opponent from taking lethal damage. (This can be through prevention or redirection of damage, whether it be direct or from creatures, or through the use of life gaining spells or abilities. This award can only be earned once per opponent saved, multiple saves of the same opponent by the same person do not count.)
Look at Me – Be the last player remaining in a pod.
Lucky 13 – Have a single creature deal exactly 13 points of combat damage to a player in one hit.
Mine. Mine! MINE! – Control 1+ permanent owned by each other player that started the game.
Send it back – Eliminate a player with a spell or permanent they own.
SOLVED! – Distroy or Exile a Maze of Ith, Mystifying Maze, or Pravh, Spires of Order.
Start with the Top – Destroy or Exile a Sensei’s Divining Top you don’t control.
Straight – Control at least one creature of five consecutive powers (for example, Mogg Fanatic, Jackal Pup, Mogg Flunkies, Ravenous Baloth, Shivan Dragon). This will be awarded only when the stack is empty. This may only be awarded to an individual player once per pod, although it may be awarded to multiple players.
Suicide Bomber – Eliminate all remaining players at the same time (yes this includes you).
They are GIANT! – Control creatures with 10+ +1/+1 counters on them.
Tribal Dance – Control 7 or more non-token creatures of the same creature type.
What Goes Around – Take control of a permanent that an opponent took control of from another opponent.
Where’s Timmy – Put an opponent at 1 life.
+2 Points
Cramped Quarters – Control at least 40 different non-token permanents at the same time.
Here we come again! – Have 2+ extra combat steps in a single turn.
I Brought Friends – Control 3+ Planeswalkers at the same time.
Intention – Deal 12 or more damage to yourself in 1 turn. (A player cannot get both Attention and Intention in the same turn.)
Salsa Dancer – Cast the fifth spell on a single stack, cannot be awarded in the same stack as Flamenco Dancer. Copies of spells do not count.
Three’s Not a Crowd – Resolve three different non-land permanents of three different types on the same turn. This may only be awarded to an individual player once per pod, although it may be awarded to multiple players. (Non-land permanent types are Artifact, Creature, Enchantment, and Planeswalker. Resolving a spell that is any combination of permanent types will count as one or the other, not both. Example – Enigma Sphinx is an Artifact Creature; you must choose whether it will count for your Artifact or your Creature for this award.)
You’re Outta Here – Kill a player or being directly responsible for a player’s elimination. There is the obvious – controlling the source of the damage (whether it’s direct or creatures). This also includes, although is not limited to alternate methods, such as controlling the Howling Mine that makes the player deck himself, or redirecting lethal damage to someone. (Player A plays Fireball, Player B Swerves the Fireball to Player C.) This can be awarded more than once to the same player.
+3 Points
ABC’s – Resolve the third spell that starts with a third consecutive letter, one additional point to a player who continues the chain. For example Player A plays Storm Herd, Player B casts Terminate then Unsummon. Player B gets 3 points. Player C then plays Venser and gets 1 Point. Player B then plays Withered Wretch and gets 1 point. Player D casts Wrath of God, therefore breaking the chain.
Get There – Cast your general when total cost is 20 or more.
+4 Points
The Cheese Stands Alone – Win the game with 2 or more opponents still in the game.
End of Game Points
+2 Points - By Each Their Own –- If every player eliminated from the game is eliminated by a different State Based Action, each player on the table receives this accomplishment. The ways to lose are: Drawing from an empty library, General Damage, Life at 0 or less, 10 poison counters.
+1 Point - The Bigger They Are, the Harder They Fall -- The person with the highest life total when he/she died (for combat death, look at the life total before combat damage was applied) wins a point.
+1 Point - He Who Dies With the Most Toys, Loses -- The person who had the least artifacts in play when he/she died wins a point.
+1 Point – What Friends? -- The person who had the least creatures in play when he/she died wins a point.
+1 Point - Huge Tracts of Land -- The person who had the least lands in play when he/she died wins a point.
769 2011-06-17 13:29:44
Re: A future single cards order (43 replies, posted in Taverna)
singerete wrote:De asemenea o sa am nevoie de o adresa fixa din Cluj pe care sa vina comanda.
Poti sa o folosesti pe a mea ca si data trecuta. Daca o fost ok ....
Ok, mersi.
770 2011-06-17 09:18:27
Re: Commander Launch Party (17 replies, posted in Evenimente)
Cateva informatii aditionale:
- se vor juca 2 runde a cate 3 ore fiecare (adica 3 ore e limita de timp pentru o runda)
- castigatorii se vor determina in urma unor puncte de achievement acumulate pe parcursul celor 2 runde.
- dupa prima runda top playerii de la fiecare masa (cei cu cele mai multe puncte acumulate) vor fi asezati in runda 2 la aceeasi masa
- premiile pentru primii clasati vor fi surpriza!
Achievements points-urile sunt o noutate pentru comunitatea noastra asa ca vom fi in beta testing cu ele (sa vedem cum vom tine socoteala achievements-urilor pe parcursul jocului). Oricum formatul este casual si trebuie sa ne axam pe distractie.
Vor exista si achievementsurile speciale pentru Launch Party dar care sunt doar pentru distractia fiecaruia.
771 2011-06-17 09:09:33
Re: FNM 23 si 30 Iunie. Ce sa fie? (15 replies, posted in Evenimente)
Avand in vedere ce FNM avem luna asta se poate. Daca primeam foil-urile de FNM atunci intradevar nu se putea.
772 2011-06-17 07:41:01
Topic: FNM 23 si 30 Iunie. Ce sa fie? (15 replies, posted in Evenimente)
As dori sa stiu dorintele voastre legate de formatele care sa le jucam la FNM-urile din 23 si 30. Teoretic pe 23 ar trebui sa fie Extended iar pe 30 la alegere, dar cum extended-ul nu prea se bucura de prea multa popularitate....
Deci aruncati cu propuneri sa vedem ce iese.
773 2011-06-17 06:55:16
Topic: A future single cards order (43 replies, posted in Taverna)
Pentru ca mai multi oameni doresc sa comande single-uri, voi face acest thread ca sa vedem ce anume doresc. De asemenea o sa am nevoie de o adresa fixa din Cluj pe care sa vina comanda.
Asadar spor la postat dorinte
1 x Voltaic Key - 0.25
1 x Open The Vaults - 0.49
1 x Eternity Vessel - 0.49
1 x Keening Stone - 0.79
1 x Mind's Eye - 5.76
1 x Phyrexian Arena - 2.74
1 x Howling Mine - 2.69
1 x Death Pits of Rath - 0.49
1 x Herald of Leshrac - 0.81
2 x Seachrome Coast - 7.98
1 x Mystifying Maze - 0.59
1 x That Which Was Taken - 3.23
3 x Moltensteel Dragon - 2.67
1x Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur - 2.99
TOTAL: 34.32$ = 105 lei - achitat (100 lei) +5 lei
1x Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur - 2.99
1x Long-Term Plans - 0.24
1x Jugan, the Rising Star - 1.79
1x Decimate - 2.99
1x Voidslime - 2.99
TOTAL: 13.35$ = 41 lei - achitat (45 lei) -4 lei
2 x Grand Architect - 2.98
1 x Glitterfang - 0.1
1 x Man-o'-War - 0.19
1 x Pandemonium - 1.49
1 x Fires of yavimaya - 0.81
1 x Grinning ignus - 0.1
1 x Paleoloth - 0.25
1 x Where Ancients Tread - 0.25
1 x Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs - 0.25
1 x Hinder - 0.35
1 x Palinchron - 2.24
TOTAL: 11.36$ = 35 lei +35 lei
Me, myself and I
1 x Blade Sliver - 0.49
1 x Deep Analysis - 0.24
1 x Hunter Sliver - 0.15
1 x Magma Sliver - 4.29
1 x Malevolent Awakening - 0.14
1 x Mnemonic Sliver - 0.22
1 x Mystic Snake - 1.34
1 x Psychotic Fury - 0.1
1 x Shifting Sliver - 1.34
1 x Synapse Sliver - 2.18
1 x Attrition - 0.99
1 x Bane of the Living - 0.49
1 x Blatant Thievery - 2.99
1 x Forbid - 0.89
1 x Restock - 0.89
1 x Kagemaro, First to Suffer - 0.98
1 x Rhystic Study - 1.49
1 x Bloodshot Cyclops - 0.39
1 x Dimir Doppelganger - 1.49
1 x Hell's Caretaker - 1.34
1 x Plague Wind - 0.89
1 x Goblin Bombardment - 0.89
1 x Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep - 0.37
1 x Shizo, Death's Storehouse - 1.08
1 x Stalking Vengeance - 0.59
1 x Promise of Power - 0.49
1 x Dream Cache - 0.1
1 x Haunted Crossroads - 0.49
1 x Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni - 8.09
1 x Journey of Discovery - 0.1
1 x Slaughter Pact - 1.79
1 x Spawning Pit - 0.24
1 x Altar of Dementia - 4.94
TOTAL: 42.49$
1 x Austere Command - 4.38
1 x Geth, Lord of the Vault - 0.79
TOTAL: 7.52$ = 23 lei +23 lei
4 x Seachrome Coast - 15.96
2 x Dismember - 3.98
1 x Copperline Gorge - 1.99
TOTAL: 24.28$ = 74 lei - achitat (75 lei) -1 leu
1 x Mystifying Maze - 0.59
1 x Purity - 0.49
1 x Karma - 0.2
1 x Justice - 0.1
TOTAL: 1.38$ - achitat de Ioana
1 x Ambition's Cost - 0.29
1 x Ashen Powder - 0.44
1 x Balthor the Defiled - 2.69
1 x Bitter Ordeal - 0.99
1 x Bone Harvest - 0.1
1 x Cairn Wanderer - 1.08
1 x Dark Suspicions - 0.25
1 x Death Pits of Rath - 0.49
1 x Debtors' Knell - 5.79
1 x Decree of Pain - 4.49
1 x False Cure - 1.74
1 x Attrition - 0.99
1 x Gate to Phyrexia - 4.49
1 x Geth, Lord of the Vault - 0.79
1 x Grim Harvest - 0.1
1 x Herald of Leshrac - 0.81
1 x Kaervek's Spite - 0.44
1 x Kiku, Night's Flower - 0.58
1 x Lim-Dul the Necromancer - 0.59
1 x Final Judgment - 2.18
1 x Return to Dust - 0.1
TOTAL: 31.77$= 97 lei - achitat (50 lei) +47 lei
1 x Ambition's Cost - 0.29
2 x Boseiju, Who Shelters All - 4.48
1 x Cataclysm - 4.38
1 x Contamination - 3.99
1 x Forbid - 0.89
1 x Restock - 0.89
1 x Rout - 3.59
1 x Helm of Kaldra (preferabil promo) - 3.99
1 x Shield of Kaldra (preferabil promo) - 5.99
1 x Sword of Kaldra (preferabil promo) - 5.99
1 x Strip Mine - 3.59
1 x Rune-Tail, Kitsune ascendant - 2.49
1 x Kagemaro, First to Suffer - 0.98
1 x Godo, Bandit Warlord - 0.49
1 x Seedborn Muse - 3.49
1 x Dosan the Falling Leaf - 0.44
1 x Saffi Eriksdotter - 0.44
1 x Rhystic Study - 1.49
2 x Ashes to Ashes - 0.2
2 x Helm of Possession - 1.78
1 x Winding Canyons - nu am gasit
TOTAL: 52.22$ = 160 lei +160 lei
4 x Seachrome Coast - 15.96
TOTAL: 18.31$ = 56 lei - achitat (56 lei)
4 X Slagstorm - 6.36
2 X Darkslick shores - 10.78
1 X Venser, the Sojourner - 9.99
4 X Blackcleave Cliffs - 11.96
TOTAL: 41.44$ = 127 lei - achitat (127 lei)
1 x Bad River - 0.49
1 x Forbidding Watchtower - 0.24
1 x Gargoyle Castle - 0.24
1 x Ghitu Encampment - 0.44
1 x Gruul Turf - 0.19
1 x Ice Floe - 0.14
1 x Mountain Valley - 0.44
1 x Mystifying Maze - 0.59
1 x Reliquary Tower - 0.99
1 x Springjack Pasture - 0.71
1 x Stalking Stones - 0.19
1 x Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion - 0.1
1 x Urza's Factory - 0.14
1 x Artifact Blast - 0.19
1 x Brightstone Ritual - 0.15
1 x Goblin Vandal - 0.1
1 x Mass Hysteria - 0.49
1 x Onslaught - 0.1
1 x Pyroblast - 0.53
1 x Red Elemental Blast - 0.19
4 x Tattermunge Maniac - 1
1 x Burnout - 0.14
1 x Haze of Rage - 0.15
1 x Hull Breach - 0.24
1 x Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer - 0.25
1 x Smash to Smithereens - 0.17
1 x Tin Street Hooligan - 0.11
1 x Warren Instigator - 2.49
1 x Withering Boon - 0.14
1 x Backlash - 0.25
1 x Crystal Chimes - 0.19
1 x Goblin Sharpshooter - 8.49
1 x Shunt - 0.39
1 x Skull of Orm - 0.29
1 x Spikeshot Goblin - 0.1
1 x Swat - 0.1
1 x Ambition's Cost - 0.29
1 x Caterwauling Boggart - 0.05
1 x Mana Echoes - 1.34
1 x Minions' Murmurs - 0.1
1 x Morsel Theft - 0.05
1 x Uncle Istvan - 0.14
1 x Wild Ricochet - 0.81
1 x Anarchist - 0.1
1 x Chandler - 0.1
1 x Dregs of Sorrow - 0.49
1 x Eldrazi Monument - 4.99
1 x Ingot Chewer - 0.1
1 x Mana Geyser - 0.1
1 x Promise of Power - 0.49
1 x Shivan Meteor - 0.25
1 x Wort, the Raidmother - 0.49
1 x Decree of Pain - 3.99 (moderatly played)
1 x Obliterate - 1.09
1 x Searing Wind - 0.49
TOTAL: 38.96$ - achitat (40$ inclusiv a lui vlad)
1x Eight-and-a-Half-Tails - 2.69
1x Isamaru, Hound of Konda - 2.69
1x Leonin Shikari - 3.28
1x Steelshaper Apprentice - 0.39
1x Stonehewer Giant - 4.38
1x Steelshaper's Gift - 0.89
1x Armageddon - 3.59
1x Brightflame - 0.39
1x Choice of Damnations - 1.36
1x Final Judgment - 2.18
1x Curse of the Cabal - 0.39
1x Manriki-Gusari - 1.49
1x No-Dachi - 0.19
1x Deathrender - 2.99
1x Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang - 1.49
1x Day of Destiny - 0.49
1x Calciform Pools - 0.29
1x Fungal Reaches - 0.29
1x Saltcrusted Steppe - 0.14
TOTAL: 31.95$ = 98 lei - achitat (100 lei) -2 lei
774 2011-06-16 12:51:06
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Pai da dar cartile bune au venit majoritatea in NPH iar noi am deschis prea putine sa ne facem playseturi.
775 2011-06-16 12:48:04
Re: Carti imprumut :) (1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)
Pai credeam ca War and Peace iti trebuie. Body and Mind doar una pot sa-ti aduc daca vrei.