What condition is the Karakas and Tropical Island in?

Can you list prices you are asking?

Great! I'll be taking a look at your wishlist and maybe sending a trade soon!

Is the birds still for trade or was it traded already?

As did I!

Sent you the beginnings of a trade I think ha

Alright after the draft tonight I've added a Boros Reckoner and a Clifftop Retreat as well as another CotP! I know someone wants a good deal!

Title says it all good sirs and madams!

Jump on it Loco! Come to find out I dont have the extra cash ha. Story of my life!

You still have it for sale? Also, how would you take payment?

Did you get your creatures? I have the Temple Gardens and the Thalia's if you still need them.

Are your lists up to date? I have some stuff on your list if you still need it all.

I have some of the stuff you need. I'll send you a trade here in a bit!

Awesome! You got some stuff I need! I'll send you an offer tonight or tomorrow probably.


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I have the entire deck and I'm looking to trade for some other Modern or Legacy cards. Goyfs and other Legacy staples like Wastelands and Volcanic Island or Tropical Island. I'd like to build RUG Delver someday. I am also open to all offers! Thanks so much for looking!

If you had a list of certain cards you are looking for I may be able to help you out.

Ok. Let me figure out how to propose a trade and I'll send one in haha. Sorry, still new to this.

Have you gotten your 4 Karn's Emrakul and Wurmcoils yet? If not I think I can let mine go.

Oops. Thanks for the heads up!

Alright well I have added more of my inventory in. Hopefully I'll have it 100% in a few days if there is any interest.

I would gladly take less than what they are listed for on tcg's mid prices. I think they are 30 now. I would consider 20-25. Was going to try to trade since I thought it would be easier than trying to ebay. Plus I was wanting more than buylist for them but I guess I will take what I can get.

Wow so I'm as blind as I am dumb haha sorry about that.

I noticed you had a Wasteland and a Volcanic Island. Any interest in those with perhaps a throw in or two from my side?

Ok so I think I have attempted to join the group I don't know how long it takes to be approved. I have Huntmasters for trade that I'm looking to come off of before rotation for Legacy stapes while they are hot. I would also be interested in Modern staples as well. I'm trying to update my Inventory too so any questions just let me know! Thanks!

Are you looking for Huntmasters? I just joined the site and thought I saw one on your Wishlist?