Actinide wrote:Wait, you're trying to get a playset of Stomping Grounds AND Sacred Foundries for the Badlands? That's 200% trading on it at TCGmid prices.
I know, I'm thinking about this trade long term (and I should if I'm trading away a NM legacy staple, plus I'm not going to retrade these, but use them in a deck). Gatecrash shocks will continue to decrease in price much like the RTR ones, until they're around $8, like RTR shocks right now, plus the fact that the market will be flooded with more shocks after the Dragon's Maze prerelease.
So each shock will dip down into the $6-$9 dollar range by the second/third week in May, only about a month in a half away. So with that in mind I really don't think that it's not an unreasonable request. (oh and Wizards might pull something crazy and reprint them in Modern Masters as well, driving prices down even more)