Interested in 1 Thragtusk. Take a look.

Are you looking for foils or regular versions?

I'll trade a Champion + Captain of the Watch for the moderately played one. Let me know if you're interested.

Added 4x sulfur falls to the list.

Interested in a memory adept. Have a bunch of stuff you want. Take a look and let me know. Thanks.

The Huntmasters are incoming in a trade right now. I would trade anything in my tradelist for the Geists, but be more hesitant to trade the snaps or Tutors for Thragtusks unless someone is offering the playset. Either way though Geists are my first priority. There are a bunch more decently valued cards on the tradelist though, so please feel free to browse:D

The tutors are from Visions and slightly played. I currently only have 1 available, but can get a hold of another one fairly easily if the trade is right (roommate no longer plays and is a sucker for beer).

Edit: Also looking for 2x Sigardas, but that's much lower on the priority list.

Nildayan wrote:

I would like as many as possible, but not sure if my tradelist would interest you.

Sorry I've already traded them. Good luck in your search.

Thought I was going to play zombies, but after playtesting it a bit, found it boring. That's what I get for going with impulse I guess. Either way, looking to unload them for format staples if possible. Primarily looking for Geist of Saint Traft, but snapcaster or Huntmasters are always good to have. I'm also interested in fetchlands or pretty much anything that can be considered a staple in standard (other than INN duals, got those early big_smile)

Willing to trade most things for them. Snapcasters and the big legacy stuff are the only ones off limits. Thanks for looking.

Edit: Got the cards.

Wow I just looked it up and Serra Avenger full art foil is a $70 card. Can you guys tell me why a lightly played card's promo version is worth so much?

I accidentally left the group yesterday. Sorry for the trouble. Feel free to delete this post afterwards. Thanks.

On the list that matches you up with traders, I have had it set to only traders within the Reddit MTG group for a long time. Today I tried to set it back to within my country, but seems like that option no longer exists. Was it removed or is it a bug?

I traded for a snapcaster recently and I offered $25 of cards in return. I think that was fair considering 1) The cards I offered were from SOM, and would've rotated, and 2) they're all in the $2-4 range. The cards were 4x Inkmoth and 4x Crusader, so while it was a trade down, it probably let the other person pretty much finish up his infect deck. I think when trading down, a lot of other factors are in play. For example if I was to trade a Show and Tell (around $45) for snapcasters, I'd ask for at least $55-60 in value, so likely 3 snapcasters. That might sound too much considering Snaps are played in legacy as well, but I think it's fair because there are a ton more snapcasters in circulation than Show and Tells and it's much easier to trade for a snap than show and tell. Hell my small LGS has 40 copies for sale. People who have Show and Tells probably use them and I don't think many people have spares for trades. My point is trading for a old legacy staple is much harder than a current standard card that's also played in legacy, so value must be added for that. There are a lot of factors that come into play like rotation, how much you want it, how soon etc. Each trade will be situational.

PS: I do not have a Show and Tell for Was just using it as an example.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Show and Tell is the name of a magic card.

I'm interested in your non-foil Elesh Norn. I have a bunch of stuff from your wishlist, including a promo dismember and a promo magmaquake. Let me know if we can work something out.

I don't have those, but I do have 2 phantasmal images from your wishlist. Are you interested in trading your Elesh Norn?


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

The Griselbrand is for a friend. It's not really a high priority for me. I wouldn't dip into my inventory for anything but snapcasters right now.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

As topic says. Got the Griselbrand, and looking for the best praetor now.


(41 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have 2 blade splicers. Interested in 1 Rootbound Crag and 1 Dungeon Geist from your inventory. If you're willing to trade those, let me know and I'll get a trade set up.

I'm interested in 2 Mwonvuli and 2 of your terminus. Let me know if you see anything for them.

cbwebber wrote:

How many Zendikar lands and which ones, I'll trade those for it...

Sorry already traded. Thanks for the interest though.

Both channelfireball and starcitygames has it at $10, so probably that.  Would you do a Tibalt + Stromkirk Noble for it?

Looking for Tibalt, Glacial Fortress, Rootbound Crag or Zendikar plains, forests or Islands. Looking at any offers though. No particular need right now, so any relevant standard card that won't rotate is fair game.



(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Are you interested in a gameday promo killing wave?