I could use another Fountain and have an extra Tomb if anyone is interested.

Interested in fetches. Starting up a trade.

Starting up a trade talk.

Started up a chat

Also started a chat.

Have some of that stuff, starting out a convo.

Have the stuff in the title as well as Trostani, Rakdos, and some other stuff. Hit me up if you are interested in anything. I can possibly find some stuff outside my wishlist to trade for as well.

I have a Trostani, started up a discussion.

Pulled stuff in the title as well as a Mizzium Mortars from the prerelease. Check out my wishlist to start something up.

Top Wants:

Hallowed Fountain
Zendikar Fetches
Gifts Ungiven
Geist of Saint Traft


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Also started one up.

I have the Sword in probably SP condition, but not at home to check. Start up a trade if still interested and I can send pics and discuss a trade.


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Started up a trade/convo.

Pretty interested in a Savannah. You have any interest in a Badlands or FoW?

I may be interested in one, I'll start up a convo.

Have some of the stuff and started up a convo with you.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Still looking for one Gifts Ungiven, one Remand, one Hallowed Fountain, and possibly three Leyline of Sanctity to finish off my modern deck. Check my tradelist and let me know if you can help out, thanks!


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Still looking for a one Gifts Ungiven, one Remand, one Hallowed Fountain, and possibly three Leyline of Sanctity for the sideboard to finish off my modern deck. Check my tradelist and let me know if you can help out!


(32 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I use Paypal multi-order shipping option and send as media mail. Comes to 2.66 with a bubble mailer and confirmation is included.

Not at home to confirm right now, but I think I have something like this:

3 Blood Artist
1 Cemetary Reaper
1 Olivia Voldaren
2 Geth's Verdict
2 Mortarpod
1 Dragonskull Summit

2 Nihil Spellbomb
1 Sylvok Lifestaff
1 Ratchet Bomb
2 Manic Vandal
2 Sever the Bloodline
2 Act of Aggression
1 Zealous Conscripts

Only thing I would really be interested in is the Lili so let me know if you don't mind trading it for a bunch of smaller stuff. If not, no worries.


(41 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have the two Seachromes. Opening up a trade.


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Looking for 2 Gifts Ungiven and 1 Remand to finish off my Modern deck. Check my tradelist and hit me up if interested, thanks!


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm still looking for two Gifts Ungiven and one Remand to finish off my modern deck. Start up a trade if you see something, thanks!

Pretty certain I have them all besides the Wheel.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Yeah online prices are generally quite a bit lower. If you look at MTGOTraders website you can kind of base your prices off that, but they even tend to be more towards the top of the price range on a lot of the bigger cards. As you can see they are  selling Mother of Runes for $2.53 - http://www.mtgotraders.com/cgi-bin/shop … 994c7c9f8b