When I try to go to page two of the Purchase Opportunities page, it never finishes loading (or at least it hasn't finished after at least two or three minutes). The first page loads quickly for me.
126 2014-09-30 00:56:33
Topic: Purchase opportunites won't finish loading (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
127 2014-09-29 11:55:24
Re: Abzan Counters - Help? (7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I'm trying to figure out how to best build a similar deck, and so I'm trying out a variety of creatures rather than running the full complement of four while I figure out what works best in the deck. Here's my decklist:
I think that at a minimum you need more land, and ideally add Sylvan Caryatid as well. The Caryatid will help provide you access to all three colors, and it will help with an early blocker. If you run Sylvan Caryatid you should probably go up to 22 land. If you don't run Sylvan Caryatid then you should probably go to 23 or 24 land.
Another improvement could be made to the mana to try to get about half of your lands to come into play untapped. Running four Windswept Heaths and some basic Plains and Forests would help immensely. This will at least give you the option of choosing between land to use that turn if you really need it or playing a tapped land.
128 2014-09-02 16:47:28
Re: Price issues (389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Ravages of War is listed at over $4k currently, which is clearly in error.
129 2014-07-11 01:41:55
Re: How many people use deckbox prices vs. just looking up on TCG? (5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I'm definitely still using TCG mid, and I don't see that changing soon. The prices for foils (esp. judge foils) can be off a good bit, and some of the higher value cards can be similarly off in value. It would be great not to have to put everything into MTG Trades, but I'll keep doing that as long as it is needed.
130 2014-06-22 20:27:15
Re: EDH Assistance (5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
The artifact acceleration is definitely worth it. It's great if you can get Olivia into play on turn three instead of turn four or five, and artifact mana is the only way that you're going to do that in black/red. I checked through my Commander decks, and I'm usually running 6-8 ramp cards (mana dorks, artifact mana, Cultivate, etc.) in each deck. It's enough that it generally helps hit your 6+ drops more quickly, but not so much that you're always drawing lots of mana acceleration in the late game. Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse have their place, but if you play one as your land on turn four, you're not casting Olivia until turn five.
131 2014-06-22 18:13:03
Re: EDH Assistance (5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
You should probably find room for at least two more land. Given the lack of mana artifacts, you really want to be hitting your land drops. Alternatively, you could look at adding some cheap artifact acceleration, but 36 is as low as you should go for a deck like yours with so many expensive cards. Running 38 or even 40 land should noticeably help.
Other than that, it looks like a fun deck.
132 2014-06-21 03:37:34
Re: {Opinion, Legacy} Green/Black Mana Ramp Attempt (8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
The problem with saying that you're building a Legacy deck is that people expect a competitive, focused deck. If you wanted to build a casual deck, it would be better to label it as casual instead of Legacy.
For reference, the deck that you're closest too with the current build is called Elves and you can find one build here:
You can find some discussion of the deck here:
http://www.starcitygames.com/article/27 rt-1-.html
Even if you don't adopt some of the combos and strategies, you could borrow some ideas, such as using Craterhoof Behemoth and Natural Order.
If you're curious about 12 Post (aka Turbo Eldrazi), here is a deck list:
and here's an article that talks about the deck, though not very thoroughly:
http://www.starcitygames.com/article/28 egacy.html
I don't recommend picking up Turbo Eldrazi as one of your first Legacy decks. It's a complicated deck to play properly.
133 2014-06-20 14:52:28
Re: Green Red Wolf Deck (7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Sword of Body and Mind is fun in a wolf deck, if you're looking for card ideas. In multiplayer you should almost always have someone where the pro green or pro blue is relevant.
Here's a wolf deck that I used to run, in case it gives you any ideas:
134 2014-06-16 13:30:35
Re: Green Red Wolf Deck (7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I would add Mayor of Avabruck, Moonmist, and maybe Huntmaster of the Fells. The Huntmaster doesn't work great with Immerwolf, but otherwise fits the theme well. I'd also add at least one Hunter's Insight to fit the wolf theme.
To make room I think that I would make cuts from Khalni Heart Expedition, Growing Ranks, 1 Howl of the Nightpack, Parallel Evolution, and Druid's Deliverance.
Are you gearing this toward multiplayer? You seem to be aiming much more toward the long game than I would expect from a wolf deck.
135 2014-06-07 13:54:00
Re: New to MTG. (4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
If you've only been playing a few weeks then the most important thing is to get down the timing rules, learn how to plan a strategy with a deck, and to see what other decks are out there. In order to do that you just have to play more. So I would recommend just playing and enjoy yourself, even if you get beat a lot. If you feel that you have the basics down, then I would ask to borrow decks from your friends and play them for a while so that you can get a feel for the different strategies. After that pick a strategy that you like and build a deck around it.
If you're playing casually with your friends then the way to refine your deck is to figure out what cards you aren't using during the game. What cards are stuck in your hand at the end of the game? Why couldn't you use them? If they're expensive cards that you could cast because the game didn't go long enough, then swap them out for cards with a lower mana cost. If they just aren't useful, then figure out what would be useful against your the various decks.
I'm guessing that the deck starts off pretty quickly and gets a number of smaller creatures in play, but has a hard time breaking through your opponent's defenses to finish them off. You probably want to be the faster deck in a matchup, and try to kill them before they can enact their strategy. I would look at cutting:
Mortal's Resolve x3
Predator's Rapport x3
and add:
Ghor-Clan Rampager x4
Lightning Strike x2
This change cuts some reactive cards for ones that will help you get in more damage. Ghor-Clan Rampager can still probably save your creature like Mortal's Resolve did. Predator's Rapport doesn't help you end the game quickly, which should be your goal, so something like Lightning Strike is a much better choice.
136 2014-06-07 03:30:08
Re: New to MTG. (4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
The deck won't win any tournaments, but it'll be fun to play and fine against casual decks. It's perfect for someone new to the game.
137 2014-06-05 03:36:08
Re: standard legal Junk Constellation (5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
It does look like you need something a little better to close out a game. Even if you draw a lot of cards you don't have a great way to finish besides Blood Baron. Adding two more Grim Guardians would help deal some more damage. I would think that you could cut one or two of the Underworld Coinsmiths to make room. Adding Eidolon of Countless Battles or Ethereal Armor would also give you some legitimate threats, or even adding Spear of Heliod would let you attack better with the little guys.
138 2014-05-27 13:54:39
Re: Modern UW Quest (2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I think that in playing this deck you are already 'all in'. If you don't get the Quest or Erayo plus Canonist then you are just left with a pile that can't do much. At least with Signal Pest you can still reliably attack with evasion creatures. I'm also not sure that the payoff of getting the Quest into play and getting an equipment is worth the contortions that you have to put the deck through.
If you want to go the Quest route then consider adding Idyllic Tutor. You'll also need more mana as you'll need three mana on turn three if you want to trigger the quest. Without Mox Opal or Springleaf Drum you're going to have a hard time doing that with only 18 lands. I would at least consider adding the Springleaf Drums back in.
139 2014-05-26 15:05:29
Re: Archenemy Promo Schemes (2 replies, posted in Trading Post)
You should post here:
about the missing schemes. Sebi probably won't see your note here.
140 2014-05-24 21:37:31
Re: [Standard] Green w/ RB splashes for Game Day (2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Just to follow up in case anyone is playing a similar deck, I played this deck today at Game Day. The deck felt great all day, and I ended up undefeated. After sideboarding it was great to have 4 Dreadbores and 4 Abrupt Decays in certain matchups. I was expecting to side in the Gruul Charms against mono-black, but the Dreadbores and Abrupt Decays were good enough on their own. I didn't have any mana problems as I would either have OK mana from my lands or I would have a Caryatid or two on board. The extra temples were great to aid Courser in hitting my land drops.
141 2014-05-14 20:26:30
Topic: [Standard] Green w/ RB splashes for Game Day (2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I play Standard tournaments rather infrequently, maybe once or twice every three months, and I'd like to get a deck in shape for Game Day:
This is mainly a green deck, and it can have some explosive starts:
T1 Experiment One
T2 Burning-Tree Emissary & Scavenging Ooze (or Caryatid)
T3 Dreg Mangler (or Courser or Polukranos)
T4 Polukranos, Arbor Colossus, or Hunter's Prowess
or it can play a slower game while gaining life off of Scavenging Ooze and Courser of Kruphix, put out Polukranos or Arbor Colossus, and then break through with Setessan Tactics. I really like the flexibility so far, and it has played very smoothly against friends. I'm pretty happy with the main deck, though I've only faced off against three or four different decks, so there could easily be some matchups where I'll have trouble.
I'm really not sure what to put in the sideboard. So far I'm pretty set on:
Abrupt Decay x4 (for Gods, enchantments, etc.)
Bow of Nylea (for grindier games)
after that I'm considering some number of:
Mistcutter Hydra
land destruction (for Maze's End or Nykthos)
Pithing Needle (for Planeswalkers)
more enchantment removal
Does anyone have any suggestions for the sideboard (or main deck)? Are there enchantments that I need to worry about there are more than three mana? Any suggestions for burn/Boros?
142 2014-05-08 04:02:38
Re: Upcoming Feature: Inventory Improvements - Tags (or Labels) (58 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Expanding on my post above, now that I have more time, here is an example of how I would like to structure my collection with tags:
Inventory (top level -- set default options to private and not available for building decks)
|-Collection (uses default options set at top level of inventory)
|-Cube (uses default options set at top level of inventory)
|-Decks (uses default options set at top level of inventory)
|-BW Enchantments
|-UGw Control
|-Turbo Eldrazi
|-BW Liliana
|-World Champs
|-Vanguard (override default to set to public)
|-Planechase (override default to set to public)
|-Deckbuilding (override default to make available for building decks)
|-Trade Binders (override default to make public and available for building decks)
|-Misc. (override default to make public and available for building decks)
After writing out all of this, I've realized a few things:
1. I would really like to tag my wishlist so that I know whether I am looking for a particular card for my Cube section, for a particular deck, or for my Deckbuilding section.
2. This setup would let me set the various inventory subsections so that a card in a deck or in my Collection section is not available for building other decks. If I was OK with shifting cards between decks then I could set my Decks section (or even specific decks) so that cards listed there are available for building decks. Then I would know whether I need to trade for more copies of a card.
3. Ideally I would also be able to have a single card present with multiple top level tags within my inventory. Say that The Abyss is tagged with both Collection and Cube, this would let me know that I'm am borrowing a card from my Collection section to temporarily play in my cube. Once I'm done with the card in my cube, I would know which section to return it to.
4. Similarly, by selecting the proper tag (say Decks -> EDH -> Mayael), I would get a listing of all matching cards and be able to remove that particular tag. That would remove the full path of the tag (Decks -> EDH -> Mayael), but would leave any other tags on the cards. I could then refile those cards based on any tags still present (so it would be great to see this list of cards again, grouped by the remaining tags).
5. In addition to being able to search for specific tags, I would like to be able to search for cards with no tag set. I'm sure that some cards would slip through with no tag set, or removing a specific deck tag from a card might leave no tags left. I'd also like to be able to search for multiple tags, such as 'Collection->Sets' combined with 'Decks', to see where I'm borrowing cards.
Based on the information in your initial post here, I think that your proposal would largely let me do what I want to do. If you are able to add the 'available for decks' options to cards, and that you're able to nest tags, then I think your proposal covers 98% of what I would like.
143 2014-05-05 11:47:08
Re: Upcoming Feature: Inventory Improvements - Tags (or Labels) (58 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I was thinking that you would have folders underneath the main inventory category. The folders could automatically apply the tag of the folder name to all cards added within that folder. This would let you easily filter down to specific tags, or you could browse from the top level to view all cards. You could have an option to specify which inventory folders were public vs. private, with folders inheriting properties from those above (with an option to override).
This would let you have portions be public vs. private. If you had an option for each folder as being eligible for deck building, then that would let you exclude certain cards from check to see whether you have enough cards available.
144 2014-04-30 14:00:19
Topic: Searching for users with quantity X or greater [feature request] (0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
On the trading opportunities page, I frequently use the feature to look for users with a certain card. It would be very helpful to be able to specify that I'm only interested in users with X or more copies of a card on their tradelist. If I'm looking to get four copies of a card in a trade, I currently have to click through every user to find the few that have multiples to trade. This would be a huge time saver.
145 2014-04-23 18:36:04
Re: Open trade with matches already input (9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
This needs at least a little bit of manual interaction in populating the lists. Do you put in non-foils when you're looking for a foil, or a Beta version when you're just looking for any version of the card? Do you automatically list 80 cards when you just want a specific card in the trade? There is more work to implement this well than may be apparent.
146 2014-04-21 14:07:56
Re: v3.1: Promo Editions in db, Inventory Privacy, The Meadery Interview (47 replies, posted in Announcements)
Price issues should go in this thread:
147 2014-04-19 18:51:58
Re: Inventory Privacy [Feature Request] (49 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Thank you!
148 2014-04-19 16:02:29
Re: Grixis Devotion (trust me, kids, it works) (2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Did you see the recent article on SCG about BUG Devotion:
http://www.starcitygames.com/article/28 otion.html
It may have some good ideas for you.
149 2014-04-15 17:42:24
Re: Athreos, God of Passage (11 replies, posted in General Discussion)
http://sales.starcitygames.com/carddisp uct=551415
In my opinion It's going to be the chase rare of the set.
150 2014-04-11 17:38:58
Topic: Pending trades vs. Confirmed trades [feature request] (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Is it possible to split up the Pending Trades section and place confirmed trades in their own section? I envision that any trade where you've exchanged addresses should be in its own section that is labelled Confirmed Trades. This would easily differentiate trades into ones that are still under negotiation from the ones where you're just waiting for cards to arrive. Then you could also put in some additional checks or tasks that would make it harder to cancel a trade where addresses have been exchanged.