sebi wrote:
Mistbeaver wrote:

I want it to be the default, not me having to switch it every time.

I'm thinking pherhaps it would be a good idea to just merge all 3 streams in one, and provide a multi-select preference dropdown where everyone can set which of the events he would like to see. What do you think?

I personally don't mind it being three separate pages, but it also was fine on one page before.  If you keep it as three maybe make it sticky so the one you had selected is the one that loads next time, or set a default preference?  If you go back to one, it would be nice to be able to re-order which one shows at the top.  To me though this is a minor thing.

Also thanks for working on strict matching so quickly.  It appears to still be broken though for the cards that that person needs from me.  (So the top half is fixed, but the bottom half still shows non-strict matches).

Also that sort by edition issue is bothersome.

First off, this update is awesome.  I love having the various arts available!

Strict matching however seems to be broken, or rather even with it selected it's showing me matches that are not exact when looking at someone's profile.  Not a big deal, just thought I'd mention it.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Chipperbane wrote:

I  was in a random drawing way, way back when in 2003 at my local hobby shop, and won both of these(maybe the other three, but they're lost to my collection as surely as a rowdy college student is lost to Mardi Gras).

My problem is I have no idea how to enter them into my Inventory.

The only Arena Land is available for selection on Deckbox is... hmm... let me cross-check Starcity.

They both default to the 1996 Arena Series.

Is there any way to accurately indicate which Promo Land I have on Deckbox?

I have requested the other Arena lands and Sebi has acknowledged it, but no idea when they will be added. 

This thread post 25:

I really want to add some Arena Island  #39 to my wish list.

Thanks for the great updates.  I noticed a minor issue with a card, and don't think it deserves it's own thread, but can't find one for database problems.  The card Platinum Emperion is listed as Artifact Creature - Colossus, when it should be Artifact Creature - Golem.  (This shows up when it's in a deck list).

sebi wrote:

True @ multiple printings in the same edition. We're working on that too, should be in towards the end of the month.

Looking forward to this update.  I assume this includes Stripmine from Antiquities?

Also in reference to promos that are missing.  The arena printings for the lands only show one version, but there are multiples (for each land).  Here's Island for example.  I'm not sure if this falls under multiple prints for the same edition or not.

Arena league #2 is on deckbox

Arena league #s 9, 24, 33, 39, 46, 54, 68, 76  are all missing.

This sounds normal to me.  Can you take screenshots of what you are seeing?  Relaxed matching is weird in that it will match both wants showing you multiple lines even if the person only has one version of the card.  Since this person has 2 versions of the card you want and you have 2 different wants you may see it listed as many as 4 times on your 'relaxed matching' page.  (One will match and be a perfect match, one will match wrong, then the same for the other version).  The strict matching though only shows the lines that specifically match the details you requested.


(2 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

I can weigh some top loaders and cards when I'm home, but my scale is terrible and rounds to the nearest 2 grams, so if anyone has one that's more accurate, feel free to post your results. 

I did some searching online though and found this:
a single card weighs 0.064 ounces (1.814 grams).[67]

Then I also found this information: … surements/

I'm thinking that a 000 mailer, top loader and 4 cards comes out to just over an ounce, but that's off the top of my head.  Keep in mind you'll be adding tape and a label to the outside most likely as well.

edit: So I weighed some things.  I got 3/8 oz for just a #000 envelope with a label.  So I started piling on cards and top loaders and stopped when I hit 2 3/4 Oz.  This was at 19 cards 12 sleeves (various brand) and 3 toploaders.  So you can fit quite a bit in a bubble mailer for under 3 oz.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Does anyone know of a reliable source of card images or scans for all the World Championship gold bordered printings? (I'm referring to these: … hip_Decks)

Check here, these are the guys that do a lot of the actual work to get HQ images uploaded and have easy methods of downloading them.

They definitely have tokens and most sets at a very nice resolution.


(46 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Kammikaze wrote:
gumgodMTG wrote:

because it doesn't seem to matter when I write non-machinable.

Snippet of a conversation I had with one of the managers of my local PO:

Manager: "There is not a single operation in the Post Office any more that is dealt with mail by hand."
Me: "Does that mean that when I put at 21c stamp on an envelope and write non-machinable in bold red pen that my envelope gets machined anyway?"
Manager: "Yes, but it goes to a separate machines similar to package belt so the things would not get squished inside"

Non-machinable is a big misnomer. In fact, it's completely false lol. Should be "slightly-non-squishy-machinable."

I had this same conversation with someone at my post office.  His exact words were "It's going to go through rollers even if you write that on there."  But this is also why I focus on having the envelope no more than two top loaders thick.  The only envelope I've had ripped open (that I sent) was one that was using one of those wider mouth top loaders.  It was less than 1/4" thick but still more than the "rollers" could handle.  I've also had one ripped open that was sent to me, but thankfully the cards were still taped to the envelope (which was placed in those sorry we screwed up your package envelopes).

"Non-machinable" probably means that it goes through one of these new fangled sorting machines that has super technology to "reduce double picks" and handle thicker envelopes.  Look how easy it is to remove jams on this one...


(46 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

brightmatrix wrote:

Timber, Kammikaze, gumgodMTG: These are all excellent suggestions for my guide, and I really appreciate both your interest and your methods. I've made a few updates to the article, specifically to include the insurance and issue with envelopes arriving empty. I intend this to be a "living document," and will be glad to include other great suggestions like these.

gumgodMTG: Would you be OK with me citing your packaging concept and linking to and/or posting the image?

Yes, that would be fine.  smile


(46 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

One note about sending more than one top loader in an envelope.  I can get 12 cards in a PWE without it feeling thick.  Three cards are placed in a penny sleeve which is inverted in a top loader, three more secured to the outside of that top loader in a penny sleeve (either put them in a team bag or use strips of paper to avoid taping sleeves to toploaders, because that's obnoxious).  This gives you a pile of six cards that is thinner than two top loaders laid on top of one another.  Then put a second set beside the first.  I will secure these in a piece of printer paper that has been tri-folded and creased well (so the envelope is not puffy) then I write the person's name and address on this piece of paper to make sure it actually gets to them.  They are taped in place so they can't overlap while in transit, so the envelope should stay flat, because it doesn't seem to matter when I write non-machinable.

See the photo and it will make sense.

100002135085765 wrote:

The new search doesn't fit on my screen it moves around and i don't see anywhere to add cards to my collection in it

I see, yeah it pops the cards up in a lightbox.  (This is a javascritpt and CSS thing that looks really cool on desktops, but it's a bitch on phones).  What happens is that the new pop up page is centered over top of the existing page and if you try to scroll around it won't let you.  I can still use it on my phone but it is obnoxious.  Sebi you should read this.  I would love to see a separate mobile and desktop version of this site.

When not to use a lightbox:

When low screen resolutions are common in your user base
Normally, the height of a web page isn’t all that important, because everybody knows how to use a scroll bar. But low-resolution devices like netbooks and smartphones may only present a few hundred pixels of vertical space within the viewable area of their browsers, and if your lightbox is taller than the browser, it’s broken.

When a large amount of content is being presented
The beauty of a lightbox is that it allows users to focus on a limited task. If you find yourself cramming more than a few paragraphs of text or a few form fields, consider whether sending the user to a new page would be less disruptive.

When the same result could be accomplished some other way

100002135085765 wrote:

Well i can't use this site with my mobile phone anymore thanks for the update

I was using the site from my phone this morning.  Please elaborate on what is broken.

I'm double posting because I can only post one image per post.  Here is a screenshot from the mac (using Chrome for the browser on both).  I realize that everyone is going to have different screen resolutions and things are going to look different on various monitors and operating systems, but I'm still seeing this as just a lack of information and an increase in wasted space as opposed to some streamlined design.  More "clicks" = more "work" to get the same information that used to be there by default.  It does look good in the lightbox that comes up when you do a quick search for a card, but generally I don't want to look at it in a lightbox format.

I feel the same way about the card search.  When I click on "card database" and then click advanced search, the first field I usually want to search is name.  And to get to name I now have to add that field.  This is not always the case, but I search card name here more often than not, but you did add a "quick search" so I guess I need to get used to using that.

sebi wrote:
gumgodMTG wrote:

I understand that you're trying to simplify the look of the individual card pages, but adding more clicks to see the same information seems like poor design to me.

What are you referring to with more clicks?

I mean all of the information was simply presented on the page before.  Now to see the same information I have to click on something (usually multiple things).

For example if I go to the page for Swords to Plowshares (which the FTV 20 version deckbox market price is wrong on by the way).  I'm first shown the information for who has this for sale.  To get the information of how many I have from this page and what decks they are in I have to click on something else (My collection).  To see other decks that are running this card (which is something I do sometimes do) then I have to click on "Decks".  If I want to see which of my decks this card is in I have been clicking decks first, then realizing that's not what I need and clicking "my collection".  This is one of those little things where it seems like you are sacrificing the information at a glance in order to adhere to some new cleaner looking design, but for me I'd rather have all the information on one page.    Also the list of sellers is now longer because it's spaced differently than it used to be.

I'm also not a big fan of the drop down menu to select a set.  Again this is a great design for a mobile phone where space is limited and small things are harder to click on, but for the desktop version I'd like to just see the icons spread out.

I've attached a screenshot because I want you to see the way I see it.  To me it looks like a lot of wasted space.

I understand that you're trying to simplify the look of the individual card pages, but adding more clicks to see the same information seems like poor design to me.  I mean this would be great on mobile, but on the desktop interface I just don't understand the need for it.  Not trying to be that guy who doesn't like change, I just think this one is a step back. 

Also I still want to be able to sort a deck list by inventory count.  This should bring all the things I still need for a list that I'm brewing to the top instead of taking me to my inventory.  You can sort a deck by casting cost, color or price, so why not by inventory count?  This is counter intuitive.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:
brewfox wrote:

The pricing on zendikar full art lands is incorrect. Deckbox has them at < 50 cents each. I don't see them anywhere for less than $1.50, $2 in most cases.

Also you can buy them right here on deckbox for 0.80$ if you wish, there are a few offers big_smile

More seriously, the prices were about 50c yesterday, and that was a mistake on our end. The current ones are closer to 1$.

I bought three full art mountains at the beginning of the month (April 4th) from a user on deckbox for $0.54 each.  Was a little more than that once you factor in shipping, but if you can still find these under $1 if you're looking around.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Check boxes on the user's profile would work.  When viewing a person's profile before initiating a trade allow a user to check some cards (or enter a quantity) then hit a button that says suggest/open a trade.  This would allow you to select a few cards from the list quickly and easily and the system could enter those into the newly opened trade.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

My PayPal still says:

Account Type: Premier Status: Verified

So they didn't change the existing accounts as far as I can tell.

Legion does it, but you have to order a pretty decent quantity (1100 packs of 50 sleeves is the absolute minimum number) and I don't know if they ship to your country but if that's what you need you could ask.

Kammikaze wrote:
migrena wrote:

You are incorrect in both cases. Firstly Suture Priest is added as Game Day promo, not Media Insert. Secondly both of those cards have special versions: … ml#card004 … ml#card002
To give you some credit I'm pretty sure Suture Priest was just a foiled version that was given at Game Day events, but I don't have one to compare so, eh, lets trust other resources if all of them agree on something.

Sorry for repeating but my browser decided that there was no second page of that thread. hmm

Edit: Removed my sarcasm

I realize I missed the Cardz promo of Phyrexian Rager and have since found one and purchased it. As for the Suture Priest, does that even really count? It's literally the exact same as the ones from the set.

I would say that it counts, though it is the same as the one from the set, they were sent to the stores in sealed packs (of two I believe) which means you could in theory acquire a pack of promo Suture Priests if that is something that interests you.

Kammikaze wrote:

Suture Priest is shown as having a Media Insert printing, but I'm very sure it does not.

As does Phyrexian Rager.

Suture Priest was a game day card. … t-pristine

Phyrexian Rager came with a magazine … ctID=49645

leitmotiv wrote:

How can I search all my promos to upgrade them?

I'm not sure if there's a way, I went through each page and looked for the little icon.  But I only had 59 pages...

There are multiple versions of the Arena island.  Arena island 2002 is missing. … and-(2002)

edit, actually more are probably missing.  Here's a nice search: … arch=false


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Some of the new promos which are only foil have prices in normal but not foil.  The prices are right, but if you mark them as foil in your inventory they go to $0.00.

Path to Exile (WPN/Gateway)
Hypnotic Specter (magic player rewards)

This means that if anyone wants to use the is foil filter, they will not come up (or they will still not show a value).

This update is awesome, but would like to point out some items now have multiple entries such as Mana Crypt. "Media Inserts" and "Promo Set for Gatherer" are the same release.  It was a promo you could get by mailing a coupon from the back of one of the Harper Prism books, so Media Inserts is a more accurate set name.  Probably everything in the set "Promo set for Gatherer" is redundant.