Adding foil etched strixhaven mystical archives is not currently available
This issue is currently being discussed in the main announcement thread. Feel free to weigh in with your thoughts!
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by meldon44
Adding foil etched strixhaven mystical archives is not currently available
This issue is currently being discussed in the main announcement thread. Feel free to weigh in with your thoughts!
We really need another tag for Etched. For now I am marking them Foil+Promo just to distinguish them.
Main discussion here. Feel free to weigh in with your thoughts and feedback!
I don't know if maybe mtgJSON fixes some of these issues???
Unless I'm mistaken, Scryfall is based on mtgjson, so you wouldn't get much advantage using one over the other, data-wise.
And yes, I wouldn't bother with Multiverse IDs. Scryfall has a unique ID for every variant they list; much more robust to use that.
Notably, Scryfall has not as of yet introduced any form of differentiation scheme for etched foils. It'll be interesting to see if they do, and if so, what they come up with.
Side question: Can your pricing system easily support not loading prices for erroneous cards, leaving it N/A? If so, that would be a way to help users identify cards that don't exist as well as discourage incorrectly using flags (since I think most users really enjoy seeing the value displayed). Obviously it's not a perfect solution (the perfect solution would be to hard-set flag values when there's only one option available). For instance, there'd be "N/A" overlap with brand new cards that simply don't have prices yet. But it would be more accurate (cards that don't exist can't have prices) while potentially decreasing user error. Just throwing the idea out there, in case it's viable!
I really don't understand why they would print these with the same collector number... very annoying of them
Jokes aside, I actually agree! As much as I'm personally turned off by the endless variants they're producing, it at least makes it manageable when they all have unique collector numbers. Ah well, c'est la vie!
Your solution sounds good in principle but adding it as a flag has the confusing problem that people could just mark any printing as "etched", regardless if it exists or not.
Valid point I hadn't thought of! But my question then is: Does that even matter? This is already possible with the regular foil flag -- people can mark BETA cards as foil (LoL!), while simultaneously adding foil-only cards like FTV and various promos without setting the foil flag. We're now crossing into the realm of user error, and there's only so much that a software can be expected to compensate for that. And in this case, compensating for it entails compromising data integrity, imho.
I would also wonder about representation. How would you make it clear, at a glance, that a given card is from the Etched Mystical Archive edition instead of the regular Mystical Archive? Can't use the "red promo" icon, as that's already overused. If you use the same set icon as regular MA, there's no visual differentiation. So now you've set yourself the onerous task of having to devise a unique but recognizable edition icon every time WotC decides to do this to us! Heh
So yeah, I still think a flag is the cleanest and most accurate solution, and I personally wouldn't worry about people accidentally (or intentionally) misrepresenting their cards, anymore than we can control them marking all of their cards as Mint.
Hi! No, I haven't submitted a support ticket. How do I do that? I would have expected to find a "report wrong info" button on the card page or something.
Navigate to Help from the top nav, then choose "Contact, Support, & Feedback" from the left nav.
There IS a "Report Pricing Error" link on the card detail page which allows you to type a message, so I guess you could report other card detail errors there? Not sure if Sebi would be fine with that or not, but something you could try at least.
There are no Japanese Variant etched foils.
Actually there are! It's just extremely subtle, even more so than the regular MA cards. It was specifically pointed out by Gavin Verhey (a WotC employee, in case you haven't heard of him) in his collector box unboxing video. And you can buy them.
I'm not sure how to catalogue the etched foils in the current system, so I'm open to suggestions.
For now, it's mostly important for you to be able to track it in some meaningful way, so the easiest would be using one of the deprecated flags (like "promo") in addition to the "foil" flag. This will both make them stand out in your inventory and also make them easier to filter for and edit if/when there's a more official system added to Deckbox.
If you plan to list them for trade, though, then you would want to mention this homebrewed system in your profile.
A separate group (e.g. Strixhaven Mystical Archive Etched Foils) may be necessary, unless there's a viable workaround.
A separate edition would be a relatively easy solution for Sebi to implement quickly, and works just fine as a short-term solution.
My main concern is that, long-term, if WotC keeps pumping out these types of variants, Deckbox's edition list will get clogged up with a bunch of "editions" that don't actually exist. It's best to stick with the official designations (i.e. edition code and collector number) whenever possible.
I personally think just implementing another flag would not only be the most accurate, but also the most clear. When scanning through a list of cards, it would be a lot easier to tell a card is etched by seeing a special icon than by having to hover over the edition icon to see that the edition's name includes "etched". Someone good with graphic design could take the current foil symbol and make it look more etched via embossing or a stained-glass styling or something. And it could be differentiated in CSV files as well, by simply typing "etched" in the Foil column.
The only part I don't know about is pricing, as I have no idea how Sebi has that setup in the database. But he's able to link and fetch separate prices for foils vs non-foils, so presumably he could do the same with etched foils.
There's no way to see the price on your Inventory page before adding the card, no. You have to go to the card's info page as you've been doing. But my guess is you're simply curious about cards' prices when you add them, so seeing the price after adding would be acceptable?
If so, then you can do that easily enough. In your Inventory, open the Columns dropdown and add the Last Updated column. Sort by that column, and now every time you add a new card, it'll show up at the top of the list, so you can quickly check its price!
@Sebi — How do you feel about adding a new "foil etched" flag? Or do you have another idea about how to handle the foiling variants?
This wasn't an issue in the first iteration with Commander Legends, since WotC gave all the foil-etched variants their own collector numbers (e.g. regular/foil Sakashima was #89 whilst foil-etched Sakashima was #561). Unfortunately, this is no longer true with the advent of Mystical Archive. Whether a card is regular, foil, or foil etched, it will have the same collector number regardless.
Stores such as TCGPlayer resolve this with parenthetical descriptors at the end of card names, a practice Deckbox has thus far been able to avoid (for which I'm glad). In the past, Deckbox has resolved this by using its own made-up collector numbers,* a practice I also don't believe is good. And when Deckbox hasn't implemented some form of differentiation scheme, it creates what I'll call the Tahngarth, Talruum Hero issue, in which the version of that card that gets imported by default from a CSV is the special alt-art foil of that card instead of the regular one. Because the card name, edition, and collector number all match, Deckbox has a hard time differentiating. This also notably occurs with the basic lands from BFZ — during CSV import, some default to fullart, some default to non-fullart.
Since the prices on foil-etched vs regular foil may be wildly different, it'll be important that these variants can be differentiated and properly linked to accurate pricing sources. And I predict these examples will only become more and more prevalent as WotC continues to push flashy variants. May as well get ahead of the game now!
* At least in original Zendikar, in which the non-fullart basics were given collector numbers 250-269, even though the printed card simply appended "a" to the fullart variant's collector number, e.g. Plains #230 and Plains #230a.
Strixhaven tokens missing:
- #7 Treasure
- #8 Lukka, Wayward Bonder
- #9 Rowan, Scholar of Sparks
None of the tokens have been added to Deckbox yet, as the tokens were just revealed Thursday. I'm sure the whole set of them will be added soon!
CSV files have been added for Commander 2021 and Challenger Decks 2021. Enjoy!
WotC announced the tokens for Strixhaven and Commander 2021. Aside from the nine single-sided tokens in Strixhaven, there are six double-sided tokens from the "college boosters" in the following combinations:
Elemental (#2) // Fractal (#3)
Elemental (#2) // Spirit (#6)
Elemental (#2) // Treasure (#7)
Fractal (#3) // Pest (#5)
Inkling (#4) // Pest (#5)
Inkling (#4) // Spirit (#6)
The Commander 2021 token faces weren't explicitly listed out in the article, so I'm posting the details here (these are confirmed to be in the correct collector number order):
Token: Champion of Wits
Beast (3/3)
Beast (4/4)
Frog Lizard
Fungus Beast
Construct (*/*)
Construct (0/0)
Golem (flying)
Golem (trample)
Golem (vigilance)
And here's all the C21 double-sided token combinations. Note that some token faces use Strixhaven tokens.
Eldrazi (C21 #1) // Token: Champion of Wits (C21 #6)
Drake (C21 #2) // Elemental (STX #2)
Fish (C21 #3) // Beast (C21 #10)
Kraken (C21 #4) // Wurm (C21 #19)
Whale (C21 #5) // Beast (C21 #10)
Demon (C21 #7) // Fungus Beast (C21 #15)
Horror (C21 #8) // Zombie (C21 #9)
Zombie (C21 #9) // Spirit (C21 #21)
Beast (C21 #11) // Insect (C21 #17)
Boar (C21 #12) // Hydra (C21 #16)
Elephant (C21 #13) // Frog Lizard (C21 #14)
Saproling (C21 #18) // Food (C21 #24)
Elemental (C21 #20) // Copy (C21 #30)
Fractal (STX #3) // Copy (C21 #30)
*** Inkling (STX #4) // Treasure (STX #7)
Pest (STX #5) // Food (C21 #24)
Construct (C21 #22) // Treasure (STX #7)
Construct (C21 #23) // Copy (C21 #30)
Golem (C21 #25) // Thopter (C21 #29)
Golem (C21 #26) // Thopter (C21 #29)
Golem (C21 #27) // Thopter (C21 #29)
Myr (C21 #28) // Treasure (STX #7)
*** Both of the faces of the Inkling // Treasure token are from Strixhaven, so it will probably overlap with a foil double-sided token from the main set's collector boosters.
Are these specifically being ignored?
I doubt they're being ignored intentionally; I'm sure most people just aren't aware of them. I happened to have run across them, but only because I was trying to find the original Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas duel deck for sale for less than 3x the original price.
I'm not sure they would be added, since they're not actually WotC-made cards. I agree with Suprcel that they're more like fun accessories rather than being part of the collectible card game proper (the oversized cards, in contrast, are at least WotC-made, and they also serve a theoretical game function of representing your commander; these mini-cards can't serve any meaningful game function). It's kind of like having 3rd-party tokens -- they're a fun addition to your tabletop, but they're not actual WotC-made tokens and thus not collectible under the umbrella of "Wizards of the Coast's Magic: The Gathering".
Good catch!
Did you submit a support ticket as well? Sebi reads the forums, but I'm guessing it's probably more guaranteed to be seen by him as a ticket.
Hey Pipztarr, welcome to Deckbox! I used to just use a spreadsheet, too, but once you get the hang of this site, it is a far better way to track a collection!
So I have bought a few Precon decks and was hoping that there is a way just to add the deck rather than adding the cards separately. I have had a look around the add cards page and can't figure out if there is a way.
As scramasax said, there's no native Deckbox feature for doing this. It's been requested for a long time. Instead, please reference the precon quick-add thread in the Site Discussion subforum. I've developed a resource to assist with this very thing that's as close to a one-click solution as we can have at the moment -- download the desired CSV file from the resource, then use the Add Cards > From a CSV File option in your Inventory. Pretty simple!
If you've never used CSV files before and need any help, please reach out and someone will be glad to assist you.
@Zimm42 and @Hamish — You guys are very welcome! I'm glad it is helping so many people.
@cepragassen and @beliard — I'm thinking of doing a poll, though I'm not sure where it would get the most exposure, to see what the community would overall prefer for default condition. Already just between you two, there's already disagreement between Mint vs NM. That's the whole reason I didn't include a condition in the first place — some people will be using it to add still-sealed products (mint) while others will be adding precons they've played with with their kids a ton (LP-MP). However, since two people have expressed desire for a default condition, it's possible more people than just you guys would prefer some condition to none.
Hopefully my question isn't entirely stupid. Is there any way to easily change condition of those .CSV made by you to Mint? I am adding this way only still sealed products and doing it card by card doesn't seem right.
As NamespaceV has already said, most find it easiest to use a spreadsheet program like Excel. His warnings are valid, although I personally haven't had any issues with Excel-modified CSVs not working with Deckbox in a long time. My personal approach was to export a CSV from Deckbox, and then just copy/modify that CSV since I know it works. Haven't had an issue since! I wouldn't recommend using Excel to create a CSV from scratch, but opening and modifying the CSVs you've downloaded from this resource should be safe.
In case you need further clarification, in the spreadsheet, simply type the label "Condition" in row 1 of a new column (doesn't actually matter where; to the right of "Language" will work fine). And then fully type out the condition name, in this case simply "Mint". Note that if you ever need to add other conditions, you have to use Deckbox's specific syntax (notably "Good (Lightly Played)"; you can't just use "Lightly Played"). An incorrect condition label will throw an error.
FYI — CSVs for the 2021 Challenger Decks are incoming! With the sheer volume of products WotC has been throwing at us, I honestly forgot about those decks until my preordered set of them arrived in the mail today. LoL. Sorry for the delay! Always feel free to leave a comment to check in with me.
Edit to add: Since WOTC decided to start printing hundreds of alt-art cards and collector boosters, etc. I decided it was time to stop trying to collect one of every card in each set that gets released. I still buy all the commander precons and I still like to crack packs on supplementary sets, but I've given up trying to keep up with collecting everything because it was just getting out of hand in both money and storage space! It's both a bit sad and a bit of a relief not to have to try and keep up any more....
Get out of my head!! LoL. But seriously, you've put to words what's been in my head for a while now. Sorry OP, a little bit of a tangent here.... I think I fall more on the sad side of it. Or perhaps frustrated. Because other than the extended art cards (not the borderless alt art ones; just the stretched normal art) which I find utterly stupid, I actually do still want to get all the cards! Especially some of those showcase frames -- I looooved the Eldraine and Kaldheim styles. But like you said, it just feels unfeasible.
WotC started this new era of Booster "Fun", with a lot of it aimed directly at collectors. Well, I can tell you, as a collector, it has made collecting completely UN-fun for me personally. I had a lot more fun and fulfillment in the "old" days. Now I'm just.... weary.
meldon44, I agree with the prices, but the card searching is actually pretty good. While it isn't going to give you the extremely advanced results as Scryfall, it has taken huge strides in the last year. I use this site for deck-building all the time since it has all my cards inventoried. Sebi does a great job and works hard to make this site great and is always willing to implement new feature suggestions if it is possible. Remember that Scryfall has one function, whereas Deckbox does all sorts of things.
Absolutely! I 100% agree with you, and wasn't trying to imply Sebi does a subpar job. I've been quick to sing his praises many times. I also believe that given a long enough timeframe, most features will be added / improved as we would desire. But for those who don't want to wait and need more than what Deckbox offers, I was presenting a realistic option as things currently stand. I think your last sentence is the key -- Deckbox is a jack-of-all-trades so won't be as phenomenal in areas that other tools, like Scryfall, single-mindedly focus on. And that's not at all a knock on Deckbox. It's amazing for what it is. If people want a full-featured search engine, they should look to Scryfall. But Deckbox's search will fulfill a majority of user's most common needs.
if I have more than a playset in something with value, I am more than willing to trade those as well.
I will also consider this, though in most cases if I have more than 4x of an expensive card, it's because I'm using them in a deck. So less likely to want to, but definitely won't mind anyone asking.
I am actually not either. I am more than willing to talk about doing one for one trades though - especially if someone wants to complete something specific.
Just out of curiosity, do you happen to have any foreign cards you're trying to find a way to deal with? I've bought large collections in that past that came with handfuls of foreign cards which I don't want to keep. I'm considering posting in here seeing if anyone who wants a specific language is willing to do one-for-one trades. I think they'll be otherwise difficult to move.
As to condition, I don't collect anything worse than LP, nor will I send anyone MP or worse cards, unless they specifically don't care. And I'm pretty picky about the lines between those three. Cards quickly become LP with anything more than a couple small nicks, and they quickly become MP with any amount of substantial wear. (Once you get to MP, there's a lot of room for damage before it becomes HP, and similarly, most really yucky cards can be considered HP, not damaged.) I am willing to send scans of cards that I feel are on the line between those conditions if you'd like to see.
That all said, if we do a trade of a couple hundred cards, and a half dozen 10 cent cards arrive in what I'd call MP, I'm not going to make a big deal out of it!
What's your stance on condition for your own collection? Are you fine with MP cards, especially if they're older? Or do you also want only very clean cards?
I'm in the same boat and have actually been considering posting this sort of memo. Life's just been too busy for me to get my act together!! But I'm definitely interested.
I don't have as big of a collection, probably around 45k, but about 10k of that is duplicates past a playset. I'm mostly interested in trading bulk (though not all my extras are strictly bulk, with a good handful in the $2-$5 range). It may seem counter-intuitive, but I actually feel way better outright buying (rather than trading for) a single $100 card than I do 200 cards averaging 50 cents. It's surprisingly expensive to fill out playsets of bulk cards, and they feel way worse to buy!
Question for you: Are you trying to collect reprint sets like Masters sets or precons like Duel Decks? I'm actually not, unless the card has artwork that can't be found in a regular expansion. If you are, would you be willing to do one-for-one trades of the same card, just from different editions? This question also applies to things like Core Sets that often have the same card with the same art.
I would LOVE it if Deckbox could be an all-in-one solution for me, because it's so amazing in the card inventorying department! Unfortunately, it's not. It's just not very good in the deck-building department, so I use other sites for that. It's not very good in the card price department, so I use other sites for that. And it's not very good in the card search / filtering department, so I use Scryfall exclusively for that. Once you have mastered the advanced syntax like AND/OR logic, negation, and regex patterns (not to mention special flags like "is:reserved" or "new:art") which you can take advantage of on Scryfall, you'll never again use anything else for searching.
Again, I wish Deckbox had this search capability, but I don't think that's something Sebi could easily implement (probably would entail a complete database overhaul), so I've just resigned myself to not waiting for it and just using multiple tools side-by-side.
If you classify your cards by set, color, name you will move them less often. You have to enter the revision of cards in your decks so when you search a card in your inventory you know in which set you still have copies of the cards or you might have to look at some boxes. This is the preferred way of many players
If you classify you cards by color, cost, name you row will be filled more often and you have to move cards from one row to another but when you search a cards there is only one place it can be.
I second this advice. Basically, it comes down to two things: 1) how you prefer to browse your collection and/or build decks, and 2) how much you plan to expand your collection.
To the first: If you prefer doing it by flipping through physical cards, then using an organization that lends itself to your needs is best. Opinions vary, but some people like sorting by color first, either just by the card's cost, or by its color identity. They then might have secondary and tertiary sorting within each color (I've heard of people using card type, CMC, even rarity). Some like sorting by card type first, keeping creatures and instants separate, for instance. Basically, it should mirror your deck building process. Do you like to start with a mana curve in mind, and need your cards sorted by CMC? Do you like to build commander and need to focus on specific color identities? Etc.
If you prefer doing it on a computer, then it's best to sort your cards by set first, secondarily by collector number. This is me. I don't have good eyesight, so I like the ability to zoom in on cards and lists. I'd rather do all the work virtually, and only when I'm ready to actually put the deck into sleeves do I print the list (sorted by edition) and go find the cards. By having my physical collection sorted by edition, it's super fast and easy for me to grab the right box, flip to where the card's sorted within that edition, and take it out. Similarly easy to put them back. Yes, it can be a little annoying if I need e.g. 4x Llanowar Elves, but only have 1-2 from each edition I own, as then I have to grab from multiple editions. But I find this an acceptable tradeoff for all the benefits this system gives me.
To the second: If you plan to keep a small collection that's focused mostly on cards you'd actually use in decks, then a deck-building-first approach is probably perfectly scalable and sustainable, and will be most user-friendly. The main drawback of sorting cards by color / card type / etc first is what scramasax said -- you end up having to reorganize the contents of your boxes and binders much more frequently. But if it's a small collection (and yes, 3k cards is pretty small in the grand scheme of things), that's not really that painful.
If you want to expand your collection to owning copies of cards from a set just to have them, whether for full blown "set collecting" or something more vague like "all the art I like", and you think you'll cross over into the 10k and up range, then sorting by edition first starts becoming MUCH more sustainable. Again, this is me. I have 30k something cards, and I can't imagine trying to keep up with non-edition groupings. The only cards I don't have in my edition boxes are the "money cards", which I've pulled out and keep in a safer place. But these are still sorted by set / collector number within that storage system, so when I go from Deckbox to boxes, I'll know where to find it regardless.
Hope this breakdown helps give you a direction to try!
One important thing to understand about Deckbox's organization scheme is how decks interact with your inventory.
Think of your inventory as "every card I own, no matter where it's located". Deckbox unfortunately has no way to split up the inventory between binders, decks, boxes, etc.
Think of decks as a list of cards, not necessarily tied to your inventory. They start out as "deck ideas", meaning it's just a list of card names you might use in a deck. Then, if you're a premium user, you can switch it to a "built deck" and specify the exact card in your inventory for each card in the deck, or not. This allows you to have it be a mix of cards you actually own and ones you don't (in your case, proxies).
So now that we have that foundational understanding, how you handle your proxies depends on whether you want to a) have them listed in your inventory (list of owned cards), or b) not list them at all in your inventory since they're not actual cards. If the former, then psrex's idea of setting the "textless" flag is probably the best one. If the latter, then only add your actual cards to your inventory, add your full decklist to a new deck, and then for the cards that are proxies, it'll show up as "you don't own enough of these" in the deck view, and that's good. Easy to spot which are proxies when viewing a decklist. All the ones you do own, you can manually specify the exact printing you own, or just leave it on the default edition.
psrex is correct -- this is the expected behavior. To fully see it in action, temporarily add a Snow-Covered Swamp from Ice Age, Coldsnap, and Modern Horizons, in any combination of artworks, foil/non-foil, etc. You'll see ALL of them, not only in your inventory, but also on the card details page, no matter which edition of the card you're currently viewing the details for (even an edition you don't own, as psrex pointed out).
Deckbox Forum » Posts by meldon44