Nolberg wrote:
Peripheryy wrote:
Nolberg wrote:

2 Bonfires for a Foil Cavern of Souls?

I'll pass, but I would trade for some of the stuff in your inventory though big_smile

What are you interested in?

Snapcasters, sorin, vexing devils.

Nolberg wrote:

2 Bonfires for a Foil Cavern of Souls?

I'll pass, but I would trade for some of the stuff in your inventory though big_smile

I have 2 : D Lets trade!


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in your cavern of souls and slayers' stronghold (also maybe vexing devil). I have a huntmaster and gavony township. I might potentially trade a bonfire of the damned also.


(17 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Netherziel wrote:

As a Canadian, I can attest to the fact that postage is weird. Some trades take as low as 4 days to reach the destination, whereas others can take upwards of three weeks. Although this is not common, it is most certainly possible. As far as I know, only packages in padded mailers would take that long, although I may be wrong.

That is understandable, but I was talking to another person trading with him, and apparently he kept saying "I'll send it tomorrow" every time he asked. He also didn't confirm that he had even sent the trade for a few weeks.

Put a trade together with him on april 23rd and we agreed to send the cards out the next day, his didn't end up showing up until about 2 days ago, with minimal contact before deckbox went down.  Another person had the same problem with him. Just letting you all know.

I'll do it. Check out my tradelist.

Markklol wrote:

Your not getting the rotating out stuff your friend is.

Your point? He has the inkmoths and I'd rather just trade his stuff than get my trade stuff involved. Gtfo : P

I'd like 3 chandra's phoenix's and 4 shrine of burning rage. Let me know what you're wanting from my list..I might wait a bit and see if someone wants to trade for the inkmoths though to keep things simple. I'm not a big fan of trading standard for rotating stuff xD

Would like to trade inkmoth nexuses..I'm doing the trade for a friend that's just starting. Let me know if you're interested.

What are you valuing it at? If around 20, I'd definitely be interested.

Let me know big_smile Thanks!

I also got 3 of the promo restoration angels, valuing them at $10ish. And other good stuff on my tradelist.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Check out my tradelist! Will go over the value by a couple bucks since it's new.

Bump! Still looking for everything.. Mainly huntmasters.

Farodsbro wrote:

I'm not sure I have anything you're interested in, but check out my stuff anyway.

Is the huntmaster still up for trade? What of mine are you interested in?

I have a tibalt. I will trade you straight up for cavern of souls. I would also trade for the silverblade paladin if you see anything of equal value in my tradelist.

Main stuff for trade:

3x Foil promo knight exemplar
2x Sword of war and peace
1x Sword of feast and famine
3x Geist of st traft
2x Snapcaster
1x Elspeth Tirel
3x Angelic Destiny
5x Isolated Chapel
2x Surgical Extraction
4x Geralf's Messenger

Other good stuff.

3x Copperline Gorge
(maybe) 1x Elesh Norn
2x Huntmaster of the fells
4x Birthing Pod
1x Vorapede
2x Zealous Conscripts

Thanks big_smile

Main stuff for trade:

3x Foil promo knight exemplar
2x Sword of war and peace
1x Sword of feast and famine
3x Geist of st traft
2x Snapcaster
1x Elspeth Tirel
3x Angelic Destiny
5x Isolated Chapel
2x Surgical Extraction
4x Geralf's Messenger

Other good stuff.

3x Copperline Gorge
(maybe) 1x Elesh Norn
2x Huntmaster of the fells
4x Birthing Pod
1x Vorapede
2x Zealous Conscripts

Thanks big_smile

jaydanger37 wrote:

I have at least three Blade Splicers.  I may have another, but I'll have to check tomorrow.  However, I'm not willing to part with my Townships. 

I'm interested in a couple of Stromkirk Nobles, a playset of Grim Lavamancers and Snaps.  Let me know if we can work something out.

I proposed a trade. Let me know what you think.

Still looking for:

2x Thrun
1x Blade Splicer
2x Phyrexian Metamorph

Would prefer to trade stuff that's rotating out for the same! I have 2x angelic destiny that I'll trade straight up for 2x thruns. big_smile

Thinking of changing my deck up with the new set, either g/w or b/w tokens..looking to trade off some of the bigger cards from my deck, including:

2x angelic destiny
4x grand abolisher
3x moorland haunt

Notably looking for:
2x Thrun
2x Garruk Relentless
2x Blade Splicer

Will trade for lots of things, not necessarily just g/w or b/w stuff. Would prefer bigger trades if possible. Let me know if you're interested and maybe we can put something together!

I'll also sell the cards for a bit cheaper than the mid price on deckbox. Will cut you a deal if you're buying lots of them! :-)

Netherziel wrote:

I have a playset of blade splicers and am interested in the snappy, but I dont have anything else you mentioned and dont know if I have anything you'd want to make up the difference. If I do, let me know big_smile

I didn't see much to make up the difference, is there anything else you're interested in?

Notably have Snapcasters, playset of Geralf's Messengers, black sun's zenith, and other stuff. Check out my list and let's make a trade!

Are you selling? I'd like to buy a few cards, can pay through paypal.