hanker307 wrote:

Evolving Wilds (Lorwyn, Chineese) ($3.00)

Evolving Wilds from Lorwyn??

Bump, please trade me things! I am open to trading from inventory, but not my modern staples since they're almost certainly in a deck already!

Almundjoy wrote:

Bump also willing to sell cards (paypal)

How much for
4 Arid Mesas
2 Marsh Flats
4 Remands

Basically interested in the trade listed above, I'll trade other stuff for them as well, but I don't want to trade anything outside of standard for them.


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Id say youu should pick a commander first, I might recommend Grand Arbiter simply because he's gonna slow your opponent down, there's also alot of artifact love in blue and a little in white so he seems pretty reasonible, next you have to decide of you want it to be a good deck or just something to annoy everyone as much as possible, if you just wanna annoy people then you dont really need a win condition, just throw together as many annoying cards to hose as many strageties as possible and make sure you have a way to bring your locks back if they die.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

NullParameter wrote:
foxylicious wrote:

loyal  retainers for 75 bucks seems like a deal

If you're just looking for the card and plan to make use of it, then yes, it is probably a deal.  But you can guarantee that it won't have anywhere near the value of the Portal Three Kingdoms one, so, in that way, $75 for it is probably a terrible deal.

I think that 75$ for what youre getting isnt unreasonible, the total value is above 75$, but if you play casual EDH youre not going to spend 75$ on 20 cards in the first place


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Looking at the results it's good to see everyone agrees eh?? tongue

I'd also say that you should use what ever's most fun and if that doesn't work out then FNM might not be a worthwhile use of your time, if it's too competitive then I wouldn't even bother going but that's just me

My fountain for your cavern?

I need a variety of <5$ staple-type cards for my modern deck.

x2 Gaddock Teeg this is the highest priority
x1 Samurai of the Pale Curtain
x1 True Believer
x4 Tectonic Edge
x1 Mistveil Plains
x2 Steelshaper's Gift
x2 Aven Mindcensor
x3 Eternal Witness

I also need some slightly more expensive cards that I'm open to buying as well
x4 Kitchen Finks
x1 Verdant Catacombs
x1 Overgrown Tomb

Thanks Guys!!

I'd take that Elspeth off you, assuming no damage


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Win, Lose... or Draw? (Simic - yes they're not until Gatecrash - Shimian Specter exile all the things)

I think you might mean Dimir tongue

Also I would have to vote Golgari, I havn't seen much that has been impressive in another color, unless you want to go into a color combo you aren't currently running, I do however think any of these has potential if you break down the other ones to pick up the missing pieces for the decks you don't have, IE if you have a Jace AoT that could get you most of the rest of any deck, you have to think about if one card is really worth 40$ to you.

If you're not in a major rush I'd take each of them to a FNM and see if any of them do well and if so how do they do well, can a t2 Lotleth troll win games on its own, or can a Nighthawk threat lock them down, or can you set up the infinite combo without getting killed first, then just smash face.

You could also go for a hybrid deck, Jund has been very very successful near me and I've been looking at Grixis Control as a possibility, which could be a way to expand your Specter deck, hitting them with a Slaughter Games can strip their biggest threat without letting it into their hand.

Good luck!

I see what you're saying, I'm just making suggestions about sweeping changes given that you said you're getting blown out, I'm not sure how much minor tweaking is going to save you.

Sideboard looks ok, I'd like to see a more diverse one tho, I don't see artifact hate, I  don't like curse of death's hold, when would you side it in? Tokens will be pumped by something or other by the time you get to 5 mana, and you'll probably either  need a game winner by then or lose in the next couple turns

Ah the issue of shocklands, if you can get them, great, if not, oh well it could be alot worse.

One thing, I know the gates seem like they're really quite good, the 2 colors in one land, however I like Evolving Wilds much better, why? They thin out the land drops in your deck, you can effectively have a deck with 20-22 lands early game and end up running a deck with more like 16-18 when you really need to avoid topdecking a land

As far as the deck, I didn't see much from Rakdos, the only player I faced at this week's FNM I swept, I was running a mid-range human deck and I found that even a simple fiend hunter t2 absolutely wrecked them, it took out their biggest threat and acted as a wall for their unleashed cackler rendering it useless, and it's inability to block absolutely killed them.

I like the added killing spells, I would say that if you can pick up a dreadbore or two it would be an amazing investment, a Tamiyo or Jace at the wrong time can be absolutely devastating.

I would say shift your curve way way lower, tormented soul is ok but not really worthwhile unless you're running something to pump it up, Diregraf Ghoul seems like the best 1 drop for rakdos, I know that it's garbage as a late-game topdeck since it can't give you the chump block you need but aside from that limited downside it's the unleashed cackler without the downside...

If you're willing to put some value in Vexing Devils would be good in a suicide aggro style, however the way you've got the deck set up it's actually more of a Rakdos Mid-range, you're sacrificing pure aggro cards for cards that will get you into the late game like lifelinkers and cards that slow down your opponent like desecration demon. I think that if you pick one route and stick to it that will help enormously, I'd also say that in aggro more than just about any other strategy consistency is the most important, you've only got a few turns to get it done so you need to make sure that you're getting the cards that get it done in 5-6 turns every game, I ran G/W Human aggro at FNM and I found that you really need to be getting the same couple cards in your opening hand, if I didn't have 2 or 3 of the same 4 cards I wouldn't win the game or even come close, just a thought for you.

I would assume you need foil only?


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

My reasoning for green consists of 2 parts, first I have A LOT of 3 drops and getting them t2 would really help me against all the aggro in the format, second instant speed populate is amazing in the deck, as it allows you to copy GoST's angel. Another thing is that while I get my token base set up I dont have very good blockers so mid to late game life gain has been amazing for me in testing.

I 100% agree about intangable virtue, it would be amazing but Im not sure what to take out since slowing down my opponent can be absolutely critical for survival. Im thinking move feeling of dread to sideboard for virtues.

I cut the snapcasters cause I cant afford them tongue and my trade binder has been a bit light of late. I main decked x2 O ring, why o-ring over detention sphere? I have the rings tongue also I want a way to deal with my opponent's spheres and mine wont do very well with that...

Theres very little in common between what youve got and bant control, keep it g/w unless you want to completely reshape and double the cost, double the shocklands, GoST, angel of serenity, tamiyo, both jaces, all stuff for bant control, not a route your wallet will like much

I have an extra steam vents interested in working something out for your huntmaster? Ill happily offer over value

I've got some stuff on your wishlist, want to pick up 30$ worth of smaller stuff for one? (I'm also interested in your pithing needle)


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

iamsolipsism wrote:

Foil; interested?

Yeah, I'd trade for a foil, shoot me an offer if you'd like


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I need x2 Trostani

I have notably:

x1 Steam Vents (RTR)
x1 Rakdos
x1-2 Abrupt Decay
x2 Talrand
x1 Bloodline Keeper
x1 Akroma's Memorial

I need these guys by next week's FNM so I'm willing to lose value, however I probably won't trade from inventory, you can make offers tho, the worst I can say is no


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

It should be noted that much of this deck is theoretical I only have x2 temple garden and a few of the core set duel colors tongue


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So It has occurred to me that detention sphere is one of the biggest weaknesses of tokens atm, another major issue is bonfire. So, the question is how do we combat such tomfoolery, it struck me that Drogskol Captain could be especially effective in an esper colored token deck, so I designed something based around captains, midnight haunting and lingering souls, I came up with this http://deckbox.org/sets/247525

Then after some testing I decided that the deck was only winning when I made copies of Drogskol Captain with cackling counterpart, so I thought some more and Ive come up with this build I would love any thoughts, Im probably going to main deck x4 oblivion ring or detention sphere if I can find some, here's the deck: http://deckbox.org/sets/252974

For the record Im asking for thoughts on the second one not the first, thats one's not fun to play

First I've got to disagree about think twice over thought scour, two cards in the graveyard are usually better than one in hand later for a total of 4 extra mana.

I'd advise going with UW Delver, it's a bit more pricey but there's a lot more support for it in standard currently, WUR wouldn't be a bad thing either, it's just that burn spells are very limited unless you want to drop some hard core cash on some bonfires, creatures with flash are another strength of Delver, restoration angels are currently one of the best cards in standard for example. Just a thought that if I was going for a delver deck in the current meta I'd go Blue White

I need a sigarda, I don't know if I've got anything you're interested in, but check my list if you'd like

Interested in your Elspeth from shards I've got a cavern available if you're interested